Makeup for Older Women. How to Apply Fabulous Eye Shade

  • last year
00:00 We're not showing this but Linda has already used Charcoal eye shade along
00:05 the base of her eyelashes just to make them look thicker and what she's doing
00:10 now is she's using brush number seven and Cocoa eye shade to start to give
00:17 definition and shadow onto her eyes. So you can see that what she's doing here
00:25 she's just building up the colour on the outer edge of her eyelids and also into
00:31 the eye socket and that's going to shape her eyes really prettily and also make
00:41 her eyes look bigger. Using a pad to protect the top of the cheekbones you
00:47 don't want particles falling down on there and then also adding some colour
00:50 underneath but subtle colour, smudgy colour, not a hard line. So onto the other
00:59 eye and again protecting the cheekbone from any flakes of product that might
01:04 fall down and what you're doing with the second eye is of course you're matching
01:08 what you did on the first eye otherwise it'll look a bit odd. Loading more colour
01:13 onto the brush so that you can increase the intensity of the colour and just
01:18 ensuring that you've got it on that outer edge of the eye and also into the
01:23 eye socket. Just perfecting that on both eyes now.
