WOC 2014 2015 Eye Makeup Tutorial

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Okay, so the first thing we're gonna do is prime her eyes.
00:16 I always like to do the eye makeup first
00:20 before I put on the foundation
00:21 because a lot of the times you end up with fallout
00:24 from the eye shadow down here on the bottom
00:27 and you're trying to wipe off
00:28 what's ever fallen down below their face
00:31 and you end up wiping the foundation off anyway
00:33 and having to reapply.
00:34 So we're gonna do eyes first.
00:36 This is the eye primer that comes in your kit.
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00:46 (upbeat music)
01:14 Okay, once you get that blended in well,
01:18 you're gonna start with your eye shadow.
01:21 Four.
01:23 Kind of don't necessarily pay attention
01:27 to what is pressed into each color.
01:31 We're gonna use it a little bit different
01:33 than what it's suggesting, but kind of along the same lines.
01:36 So the first thing we're gonna do is use the lightest color
01:39 and we're gonna apply it pretty heavily to her,
01:42 close your eyes, to her eyelid
01:44 and then blend it up towards her eyebrows.
01:47 I just use a soft, fluffy angle brush.
01:55 Something that's going to hold a lot of the shadow.
02:00 (upbeat music)
02:02 (upbeat music)
02:05 And it'll probably take a couple of coats
02:24 to get it to the right consistency.
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02:33 (upbeat music)
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02:38 (upbeat music)
03:07 The next thing we're gonna do is we're going to use
03:09 this bronzy color right here
03:11 and we're gonna do basically a rainbow effect
03:16 right where her crease is, so from her crease up.
03:20 You don't need a whole lot to start
03:26 'cause it's very concentrated.
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03:31 (upbeat music)
03:34 So just kind of windshield wiper.
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03:42 And you can get a little bit more as needed.
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03:51 (upbeat music)
03:53 And just keep going back and forth
04:16 until you get the consistency and it evens out.
04:22 (upbeat music)
04:24 And I always have just a clean, fluffy brush on hand
04:28 to get rid of all the extra that's fallen down below.
04:33 It's better to use that than your hand
04:35 because then you'll be wiping it into her skin.
04:40 (upbeat music)
04:43 - Hold your head up just a little bit, yeah.
04:50 (upbeat music)
04:52 Now we're going to basically build
04:56 a little bit of the smoky brown part.
04:58 And you're gonna use first
05:01 a little bit of this matte light brown.
05:04 And I like to use more of a dense shadow brush
05:12 about this size.
05:14 You get better precision with it.
05:15 (upbeat music)
05:18 (upbeat music)
05:20 And you're gonna put that right in the crease of their eye.
05:27 (upbeat music)
05:30 (upbeat music)
05:32 And basically you wanna come all the way
05:59 from their tear duct all the way out to the corner.
06:02 (upbeat music)
06:04 And again, just use your fluffy brush
06:15 to wipe any excess off.
06:19 (upbeat music)
06:22 And then now you're gonna use the darkest that says line
06:27 and we're gonna form a little triangle in the corner here.
06:32 (upbeat music)
06:35 And that just helps make it a little more dramatic.
06:39 (upbeat music)
06:41 And once you get a good triangle,
06:52 you can take the extra and just slowly bring it over.
06:56 (upbeat music)
06:58 And trying your best to keep this area of the eye lighter,
07:12 not get any of the darker color down here
07:18 'cause we're gonna go back with our lighter shade
07:20 onto that area to really make it pop.
07:24 (upbeat music)
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07:29 (upbeat music)
07:58 Taking your eyeshadows again,
07:59 take another swipe of the lightest shade.
08:03 I'm gonna go back onto the brow bone here
08:09 for a little more highlighting.
08:11 Right underneath your eyebrows.
08:18 (upbeat music)
08:20 (upbeat music)
08:23 And I have a little brush like this
08:34 and you can take a little more of that lightest color
08:39 and put it right in there to your duct.
08:42 (upbeat music)
08:45 (upbeat music)
08:48 Not everybody is going to have this in their makeup kit.
08:57 Only the makeup moms are gonna have this,
08:59 but basically it is a little bit of extra shimmer dust.
09:04 And that is going to go right on the lid
09:08 where we tried to leave it as light as possible.
09:15 (upbeat music)
09:17 And all you do is pat it onto the actual eyelid.
09:25 Kind of bring it out a little bit onto the brown
09:32 so you get that really soft, smoky, golden eye.
09:40 (upbeat music)
09:43 (upbeat music)
09:45 And we can always add more later if we need to.
09:51 (upbeat music)
09:53 And then use your fluffy brush
10:03 to get rid of anything that's falling down.
10:05 All right, the next part of the eyes
10:12 is gonna be doing the liquid liner.
10:15 This is also gonna come in your kit.
10:17 It's called the ELF Waterproof Eyeliner Pen.
10:19 It's gonna be sort of a little bit of a cat eye,
10:23 not quite as crazy as last season,
10:26 but still very effective.
10:30 It has a really good tip on it
10:32 so you get really good application.
10:35 And the easiest way to do a cat eye
10:38 is start with your flicks first.
10:40 Flick meaning where the outside edge
10:45 of the cat eye is gonna be.
10:48 So looking at Grace, you kind of wanna go along
10:51 with their eyelash line.
10:54 So your flick would be right about here.
10:59 And we want it to be pretty far out
11:05 so it's a little bit dramatic.
11:07 Then we're gonna do this side.
11:08 (upbeat music)
11:11 I wanna try to get 'em as even as possible.
11:16 So once you have your lines where you think you want them,
11:30 all you do is hold up their eyebrow
11:32 and bring this line straight down.
11:36 (upbeat music)
11:38 And little strokes make it a lot easier for application
12:02 instead of trying to draw one perfect line across.
12:06 And you can just play with it a little
12:18 to get it exactly the way you want it.
12:22 (upbeat music)
12:25 (upbeat music)
12:28 (upbeat music)
12:31 (upbeat music)
12:33 (upbeat music)
12:36 (upbeat music)
12:38 (upbeat music)
13:08 At this point, you can kind of decide if there's anything
13:10 you need to add a little more.
13:12 (upbeat music)
13:15 You can always take the darker shade
13:19 and put a little more in their crease
13:24 just to perfect and make it a little more dramatic.
13:34 (upbeat music)
13:37 These are awesome.
13:44 You can brush their eyebrows up.
13:46 We'll make sure all the makeup moms have 'em.
13:52 And that's the eyes.
13:54 (upbeat music)
