Makeup Tips Tricks & Dos Don'ts All In ONE Video!

  • last year
00:00 Hi everyone, it's me, GlamiGirl.
00:07 I am talking a little bit quietly because it's kind of late right now, but I know I
00:11 need to film this video for my YouTube channel.
00:15 So first of all, there is going to be 5 makeup tips and 5 makeup tricks and then 5 makeup
00:23 do's and don'ts.
00:24 So 5 pieces of information for each topic.
00:30 Also I did do a video, it was my second video on my YouTube channel.
00:35 I did how to make blue eyes pop and my friend pointed out that I didn't actually show that,
00:39 I just sort of talked about it.
00:42 So I thought, you know what, you're right, I should have showed some example of that.
00:46 So I'm just going to do that quickly and then get into the rest of the video.
00:50 So I'm just going to use purple in my All May eyeshadow palette.
00:56 I really like this, it's really simple and you know you can blend these all together.
01:00 And I'm just using a Colormates simple small eyeshadow brush.
01:07 And here's a early little makeup tip.
01:11 When I'm doing my makeup, I just like to have a paper towel on the desk so then my eyeshadow
01:18 doesn't get everywhere and then when it gets on the paper towel I can just fold the paper
01:22 towel up and then throw it away.
01:24 So yeah.
01:25 Also with the paper towel, when you are using your eyeshadow brush and you want to switch
01:30 colors you can just quickly, you know, wipe off the extra eyeshadow powder on the paper
01:37 towel and it's super quick and you can change eyeshadow colors to do your eye makeup.
01:42 So I'm just going to do purple on one eye and then use the two browns on my other eye
01:48 and then blend them together.
01:50 So I'm using the purple one right now, the purple color.
01:53 It's like a, it's a normal purple color.
01:56 It looks like that.
01:58 And yeah.
01:59 So it is a very light purple color and I'm going to look straight into the camera.
02:03 I don't know if you can tell but this eye should be a little bit bigger than this eye
02:08 and I've noticed that when I'm taking my makeup off in the day, when I take off makeup on
02:13 one eye and then I still have makeup on the other eye, the eye with the makeup still on,
02:20 the not the pupil, not the black part of the eye, not the middle part, but the color of
02:26 your actual eye is much bigger.
02:30 It's wider.
02:31 Now I'm just going to blend these two together.
02:32 I like to use the dark part on the outer side of my eye, so the outer corner.
02:39 And then I like to use the lighter color on the inner corner and then on the top here
02:47 and then blend it together.
02:49 Now I noticed my eyes are probably not exactly the same size.
02:54 I think maybe that's because purple has more of an effect because it is a brighter color
02:58 and browns are more of a nude and a natural neutral color.
03:03 But yeah, I just wanted to show you an example.
03:05 For every person with blue eyes, like these colors, maybe not every purple will work for
03:11 them and maybe what works for me might not work for you if you get what I'm saying.
03:16 So yeah, but I do hope this helps you and if you did see that video, I just thought
03:20 I should do this to complete that video.
03:24 Now I'm just going to wipe that off.
03:27 Okay now let's get into the actual video.
03:32 Makeup tip number one.
03:33 Never put concealer or foundation on your eyelids as a primer or a base for your eyeshadow
03:40 because your eye makeup and your eyeliner will crease.
03:46 And I'm sure we don't want that to happen.
03:48 Number two.
03:49 Before putting on lipstick, you've probably heard this one before, but in case you haven't,
03:52 put on lip balm before putting on your lipstick and your lipstick just goes on more smoothly.
03:57 Number three.
03:59 When you are applying blush, I am just going to use a brush.
04:02 I am not actually going to use any blush because I have a very light pink blush and it's the
04:08 kind that shows up a little later after you apply it and it won't even show up in this
04:13 lighting probably.
04:14 It's kind of bad lighting.
04:15 I'm sorry about that.
04:16 But yeah, anyway, so just take your brush, smile, as you have probably heard many times,
04:22 and start at the apple.
04:23 So when you have the actual blush on your brush, you blend up towards your ear and then
04:29 blend towards down your jawline and then just kind of do back and forth.
04:33 And I know that sounds really strange and I thought it sounded really strange when I
04:38 first heard it, but I tried this and it actually works a lot better than just doing this.
04:45 Makeup tip number four.
04:47 You do not want to do the soft quick strokes.
04:50 You want to do zig zag like that.
04:55 You don't have to do it quick.
04:56 You can do it slowly.
04:59 I don't think there is really an effect to it.
05:02 As long as the mascara gets on and you are completing what you are meaning to do.
05:09 This prevents the eyelashes clumping together.
05:15 I find it more easily to put on my mascara than just going straight like that.
05:19 I like to do the zig zag motion now.
05:22 Now you might have not heard of this one before, but for a highlighter, what I like to do is
05:27 put it on the corner right there.
05:29 If I don't have a wing, I'll put it out a little more or about right here.
05:35 And then blend it, obviously.
05:38 And I think it just makes your eyes pop more.
05:42 So instead of just putting it, of course you can put it down here, but also put it at the
05:46 corners.
05:47 I really like to do that.
05:48 Now on to the tricks.
05:51 If you don't have lip liner, for a substitute, you can definitely use concealer.
05:59 And I just kind of do that.
06:01 Or you can dot it and then you blend it.
06:05 It's ok if a little bit gets on your lips.
06:08 And then put on your lipstick and it won't crease.
06:10 If this doesn't work for you, sorry, but it has worked for me and I just find it as a
06:16 helpful substitute.
06:18 And yeah, your concealer might not last as long depending on how much you have, but I
06:24 just find that as a really helpful trick.
06:27 Makeup trick number two.
06:30 For a substitute for primer, I don't like the sheer primer.
06:35 I just feel it to be extra heavy and like a second foundation.
06:39 I don't like that.
06:40 So I use a aloe vera, I don't know if I'm saying that right, gel.
06:46 It's very light, it's actually not sticky if you think it would be.
06:49 I thought it would be.
06:50 And I like the coolness of it and it also at the same time gets rid of any small bacteria
06:57 that didn't come off while washing your face.
07:00 And it can also get rid of minor scars or cuts that you can't see on your face because
07:05 they're that small.
07:06 But yeah, it's just nice to know that it can do that and so you can use this.
07:11 Makeup trick number three.
07:14 To have your eyelashes curled longer, so your eyelash curler, what you can do is, you can
07:20 blow dry it for about 15 to 20 seconds on warm or hot.
07:28 Doesn't really matter.
07:29 And then after that, just curl your lashes and your lashes will stay curled longer.
07:35 I never actually knew this, I just found this out and I was like, that is super cool.
07:40 Makeup trick number four.
07:43 To plump your lashes, this won't plump them, but just to make them seem fuller.
07:49 Between coats of applying your mascara, apply a lightly amount of powder on your lashes.
07:59 Makeup trick number five.
08:01 Your own mascara wand.
08:03 You can use it for many different reasons.
08:04 I used to use it to take out clumps of my mascara, but now I have an actual tool for
08:09 that and now I use it as a spoolie to brush out my eyebrows.
08:15 Of course clean it before you do that.
08:18 I just like this one because it's mini and it's like perfect.
08:21 So I like to use it for that.
08:23 Do's and don'ts.
08:27 Don't dot your concealer.
08:30 Swipe it.
08:31 It blends a lot better.
08:33 Don't over moisturize, oh I have concealer on your eyes, because then when you put on
08:37 your foundation or your concealer, it will cake up.
08:41 Don't choose a bronzer darker than your skin.
08:44 Don't lengthen your eyebrows.
08:45 Don't like force your eyebrows to be longer than they already are.
08:48 For example, don't color them or you know, draw them all the way out to here.
08:56 Of course you can shape them, but whatever length they are, I just suggest keeping them
09:00 about that length.
09:02 If you want to make them a little longer, yeah go ahead.
09:04 I mean don't like give it like 3 extra inches.
09:08 Last, makeup don't.
09:10 Don't wear a full amount of makeup every day.
09:12 For example, don't wear foundation every day.
09:14 Maybe some days just wear a little concealer, which I do.
09:19 So that was the video.
09:20 Sorry again that I'm talking so quietly.
09:22 I did not plan to talk this quietly.
09:25 Thank you so much for watching.
09:27 If you like this video, if it helped you, give it a big thumbs up.
09:31 Subscribe to see more of my videos.
09:33 I post every Wednesday and Saturday.
09:36 If you want to follow me on anything, all the information is down below.
09:39 And if you have any questions about the products I used, ask those questions down below in
09:44 the comments and in the description box I will list the products that I used.
09:50 Also if you want to check out my last video, it was things I dislike about girls.
09:54 I'll put that link below.
09:56 And since I mentioned my video, my second video on YouTube, how to make blue eyes pop.
10:02 So if you're looking for a video like that, if you're looking for what eye shadow colors
10:08 to use to make your eyes pop, maybe my video will help you.
10:11 I'll put that link down below since I mentioned it.
10:16 And yeah, that's about it.
10:17 Again, thank you so much for watching and if you couldn't hear me, definitely turn up
10:21 the volume.
10:22 Maybe you'll have to re-watch this video.
10:24 I'm sorry.
10:25 Okay, I'm gonna go to bed now.
