• 2 years ago
A VINTAGE-LOVER has spent $50,000 transforming her 'fixer-upper' home into a 1950s timewarp. From an early age, Rochelle, 26, from Phoenix, Arizona, has been interested in all things retro. Some of her happiest childhood memories are of trawling the aisles of antique stores with her mother. And as an adult, her love of the past continued to grow. In 2018, she and her husband Matt bought their first home together. The property had been built in 1957, but remodelled in the 1970s. Rochelle then spent the next 18 months - and $50,000 - restoring it to its original glory. Now, every appliance and piece of furniture in her home is vintage - as is her entire wardrobe. She concluded: "I would say I'm obsessed with vintage. It might be a little crazy, but it's fun."
