• il y a 2 ans


00:00 The Jetsons 1963, issue 4.
00:04 George's entire family hounds him at once.
00:08 Jane tells him that something's wrong with the food-arachnid cycle,
00:12 because the flying sausage pizza button has it fly into someone's face.
00:16 She would have told him that before he'd even get to this room,
00:20 and avoided this.
00:24 Because it's not like she's laughing, so she didn't want this to happen.
00:28 George fixes a futuristic convention effortlessly.
00:32 I can see where Elroy got his inventor genius trait from.
00:36 I guess he got into the button-pushing business instead,
00:40 because it was easier than stuff like this.
00:44 Jane compliments him and thanks him.
00:48 George makes a joke when Judy wants him to give her boyfriend a push.
00:52 I thought she meant to give him a metaphorical push to get him to a good college or job.
00:56 But if all she meant was that she needs him to push his car,
01:00 she wouldn't have said "give him a push".
01:04 While I appreciate that this makes it official that even in the Jetsons canon,
01:08 people do call space mobiles cars. That's less syllables.
01:12 But if it flies and isn't shaped like a car,
01:16 it doesn't register as a car, when it doesn't even have wheels
01:20 to go along the ground.
01:24 George gets a car and takes a fall that gets broken by a bush.
01:28 He has to mediate for Elroy because a boy wants to squirt him with a water gun
01:32 because he did the same thing to him.
01:36 He's right, he does deserve a chance to get even with the exact same thing.
01:40 So for the sake of teaching Elroy that actions have consequences,
01:44 it'd be better parenting to let him squirt Elroy instead of tell him to squirt him instead.
01:48 Even if he thought he wouldn't have the guts.
01:52 Then George floats because the boy filled his water gun with
01:56 anti-gravity fluid, which he fortunately explains as being
02:00 from his dad's car. So it's actually better that he took this
02:04 because he wouldn't have gotten exact karma on Elroy anyways.
02:08 This boy comes off like a jerk, so now I'm assuming
02:12 he did something beforehand to deserve Elroy squirting with the water gun.
02:16 Jane wouldn't tell George to stop acting the part of a fool
02:20 because from what she could see, it wasn't his fault he was
02:24 floating uncontrollably. He admits he was a fool
02:28 and hides under the bed to watch TV. Even though if someone walked into
02:32 the room and saw the TV on, they might turn it off if they didn't know he was
02:36 there to save on electricity. He asks who's pulling his leg
02:40 when obviously it'd only be Astro. He correctly guesses
02:44 that Astro can't remember where he buried his bone. So I guess
02:48 his automatic bone finder got broken by his recklessness.
02:52 And says modern dogs forgot all of the old dog instincts,
02:56 which would be impossible. Especially since this is only
03:00 the 2060s. He digs up the bone as they think that
03:04 Astro burying it in the first place would have only happened because of
03:08 dog instincts. George says what his family needs
03:12 is a robot daddy. Even though it's obvious he'd feel left out
03:16 from when it inevitably completely takes over the family.
03:20 Obviously he'd have to have it arranged so that it would only do half the work
03:24 to avoid the very predictable twist a little. He says that
03:28 man on TV had making robots as his business and decides to go
03:32 ask him. He says a daddy robot would have to do so many things
03:36 while he only made robots that did one thing. Did he
03:40 make Rosie? Because that's bullshit then.
03:44 Because he made a robot that was very capable of doing more than
03:48 just clean because she also looks after Elroy. He can't
03:52 be Rosie's inventor because if he was, if he was smart enough to make her that
03:56 smart by accident, then he shouldn't doubt that he could make a daddy
04:00 robot too. He still agrees and George is asked
04:04 by his family to fix the vacuum with a weird name, paint a bedroom,
04:08 and give Judy an allowance. Why does Elroy insist
04:12 on calling his dad "father" and not "dad" like a normal kid?
04:16 The only way he's not normal is being an inventor and I don't think we even
04:20 saw that in the comic yet. And he doesn't even talk with a lot of big words
04:24 to be annoying like Dilton, so I don't think he's overly formal.
04:28 Jane tells George to answer the door after all of that, so I
04:32 sympathize with him for snarking "your wish is my command."
04:36 After all, earlier stories have proven that Jane is
04:40 lazy. And there's no indication that she's busy, so she is
04:44 just taking advantage of him to do something she could do herself.
04:48 George gets a robot dad, and conveniently, his entire family appreciates
04:52 this instead of being creeped out by him taking it upon himself
04:56 to bring a bad-looking robot to the family to do his job.
05:00 Jane thanks him for the gift to them, and he appreciates the idea of
05:04 never having to scratch or feed Astro. He's nervous that the
05:08 robot is giving Jane and Alroy money from his wallet, but
05:12 is relieved that he told them not to pester him for a cent extra.
05:16 George likes that the robot is taking out the laundry as they wonder where
05:20 Rosie is because she'd be a bit jealous, or maybe infatuated
05:24 by a new robot. Maybe this is taking place before
05:28 Rosie was built, hence why her inventor was so unsure
05:32 of himself. He sleeps for hours, and I'm supposed to buy
05:36 that every single person in his family forgot about him. Judy
05:40 and Alroy hug the robot, and he already calls it a monster that stole his family's
05:44 affections from him when there's no proof that he can't ask them for a hug anymore
05:48 at least. After one hug, he tackles it
05:52 calling it a homewrecker when it was just doing its job following its programming
05:56 and hits it, somehow damaging its head while not seeming to
06:00 hurt his own fist, unless he's just pretending he's not hurting it.
06:04 I wonder if this is a dream. He asks to be let out
06:08 of the robot because the dents are getting too close for comfort, and somehow
06:12 it turns out the robot inventor himself was too stupid to invent a
06:16 robot daddy in the ridiculously advanced future, so
06:20 he went here in a robot suit to avoid losing face. He would've
06:24 lost face anyways from not showing up to work anymore.
06:28 I'm glad the surprise happened, though, because if it didn't, the family would've turned
06:32 on him. George says he was taught a lesson that the father earns
06:36 his family's love by taking an active interest in their welfare,
06:40 not by goofing off. He's not allowed to so much as take one nap
06:44 for a few hours? This didn't go on long
06:48 enough for him to say this. The inventor compliments his family,
06:52 and Jane must still be attached to him because she invites him to stay with them for a
06:56 little while. The story ends with them wishing that he was allowed to help
07:00 because George is happily insisting on doing all of the work for his family,
07:04 although they probably should've learned a lesson too and not used him as a slave
07:08 24/7. He tosses a ball to Elroy while
07:12 bringing Jane some tea she could've gotten for herself.
07:16 I can understand him doing stuff only he could do, but otherwise they're
07:20 just taking advantage of him, at which point he'd have a right to say no
07:24 in favor of relaxing every once in a while. They're not entitled
07:28 to him doing things they could do. Anyone could bring Jane her
07:32 tea or dig up a bone. Astor should be digging up his
07:36 own bones, and unless he forbids Jane from holding his wallet
07:40 (and I see her steal the whole thing in the show's intro every time, so
07:44 he can't) Jane could dole out the allowance to Judy
07:48 for him. So some of his duties aren't necessarily
07:52 "daddying" in that they're mandatory father things. Maybe you could tell
07:56 better if it was Jane in this position. It never is. This
08:00 is the kind of thing you'd expect to see the wife do, and you'd never expect
08:04 to see her happy with this at the end of the story. If it was Jane
08:08 or Marge, the family would've been taught a lesson to not
08:12 overwork the wife and she'd end the story relaxing, being catered
08:16 to herself. I'm not outright against the family in this plot.
08:20 It just seems ridiculous that he's got this much to do and he never tells
08:24 them to ease up at the end. And if he could've successfully done that, he could've
08:28 avoided the entire plot. In the next story,
08:32 George's family is feeding one of the zoo birds, despite the sign saying
08:36 not to feed creatures from other worlds. Maybe thanks to science
08:40 immoral or was told it was from Earth. Somehow a Martian
08:44 Z escaped from a futuristic zoo. This would only
08:48 happen if some disgruntled employee released it on purpose. The thing
08:52 beeps like it's actually a robot. So it would have to be a cyborg
08:56 instead to be considered a zoo animal and wasted like this.
09:00 If he had cyborg, it's the only way it'd make sense that it'd be able to survive
09:04 on Mars. If Mars isn't breathable. I guess
09:08 the reason it makes sense that it's got a name based on Mars, when in the future there'd
09:12 probably be tons of Martian species, is that it's one of the first species
09:16 to be created, and people quickly ran out of good names with the words "Mars"
09:20 and "Martian" in them later. I say created because species would have
09:24 to be artificially created to be able to live on Mars. As we'd be
09:28 lucky if Mars even had microorganisms native to it.
09:32 Their ancestors were probably genetically engineered from Earth species to
09:36 begin with, because that'd be easier than making new ones from scratch. But they'd have
09:40 to be cyborgs to be able to live on Earth just fine as well as Mars, when the two are very
09:44 different. I know the meta reason for this Martian is that sci-fi from the olden
09:48 days where people were genuinely that ignorant about Mars, so the idea of
09:52 native Martians wasn't discredited yet. I guess the only
09:56 reason there's native Martian people in Futurama is that Futurama doesn't take itself
10:00 seriously, so it's just a joke. My point is, while it seems to make
10:04 no sense that supposedly from Mars, when all of the aliens and the Jetsons could have easily
10:08 been established as being from different galaxies, it could be explained
10:12 in a way that's even more interesting. Maybe it is inevitable that after we get to colonizing
10:16 Mars, people start making members of Earth species that can live on
10:20 Mars to give it an ecosystem to be better than just a desert planet
10:24 and for the novelty value of having it have its own species.
10:28 Still, it's ultimately too distracting that a story would say any alien is from the same
10:32 solar system as Earth if it makes me go on this long. Why would they
10:36 even make a Martian Z in the first place when they could just have a gorilla?
10:40 They just wanted to populate the new Martian jungle
10:44 that badly when if they terraformed Mars,
10:48 they could have just imported regular chimpanzees.
10:52 I guess some scientists were really bored and they really wanted to earn their
10:56 paycheck. George confidently agrees to subdue the Martian
11:00 and Alroy cheers for him, but then his mouth gets punched by its
11:04 overly long arm. Why does it have such long arms?
11:08 It wouldn't need them, or the antenna that proves it's a cyborg,
11:12 unless the antenna is only for being a tracking device. Or if it was
11:16 used to keep it from trying to kill the scientists
11:20 that made them. Alroy gets mad at the alien and looks cool
11:24 by effortlessly subduing it. He's congratulated
11:28 by the zookeeper, who is conveniently right behind it already with
11:32 a net. George's family carries him as he complains they
11:36 used to catch those things and sell them to the museum when working its way through
11:40 college. Why would they be sent to a museum,
11:44 not a zoo or scientists? George wonders how he
11:48 became a sorry specimen. What he went through doesn't prove
11:52 that. He got surprised by a punch he didn't expect
11:56 that could have happened to anyone who was right in front of it. It's
12:00 not like he was shown chasing and getting exhausted. Alroy says
12:04 while playing laser tag with a robot that his father doesn't get any exercise.
12:08 What does not having enough exercise have to do with being surprised
12:12 punched after he still dodged its first attack? He
12:16 complains that his muscles have turned to jelly from not being used.
12:20 And he tries to do a pushup and fails because with Rosie around,
12:24 her brain's set to pick up any foreign objects on the floor.
12:28 Why is Rosie not colored in properly? Why does Jane say "Rosie,
12:32 our maid"? That's stilted. The family's already used to her.
12:36 This comic must have been released in the early days of the show. Rosie
12:40 wasn't always in the show. George plans to mow the lawn before the
12:44 robot gardener, but the robot's got stubbornness built in. So
12:48 he never would have made it without shorting him out with the screwdriver.
12:52 Jane really doesn't do anything. She's not even gardening. Anyone
12:56 kill the series to show her hobbies. It's refreshing to see the weird
13:00 side of someone enjoying lawn mowing because it's exercise.
13:04 It's barely that, though. He's just walking. Sadly, the writer
13:08 insists on instantly having his neighbor insult this as primitive
13:12 and jumped to the conclusion that his gardener's laid up. Even
13:16 though we'd clearly see that George was smiling at doing this. So even if he
13:20 was, he shouldn't comment on it. He says he doesn't mind
13:24 loaning his gardener robot to him and insists on pressing the button, assuming
13:28 he's too embarrassed to ask for his help. George screams at the
13:32 robot and takes the car to a gym he saw ads for. Out of
13:36 complete nowhere, he says that nobody in the gym is actually doing the
13:40 exercise themselves. I wonder if the guy having the barbell
13:44 lifted for him by floating objects or the guy having robot
13:48 hands make him do pushups are actually building up muscle this way
13:52 because their body's still being forced to move, even if it's not doing
13:56 it by itself. But it's not expanding the energy if it's not
14:00 doing it itself. There's no excuse for a guy sitting there and pushing
14:04 a button to make a robot hand punch a punching bag. This won't
14:08 happen because they'd just defeat the purpose. George says walking
14:12 is good exercise, and he read about taking walks in ancient history books.
14:16 He takes a walk on the side of a road. A guy stops
14:20 his car, telling him to hop in because he assumes his car broke down.
14:24 And when George tells him he's out for a walk, while somehow not explaining
14:28 why, the guy somehow feels like he's jumping out of the car
14:32 saying that he must be sick and he knows what's best for him. The two wrestle
14:36 and George says they're both as strong as flies. And thankfully
14:40 George wins and feels confident that the walking's already been making him
14:44 stronger, even though obviously it wouldn't be that fast.
14:48 A woman's car lands on the road because the anti-gravitator needs
14:52 flipping. George lifts it and says he never used to be able to do this.
14:56 It wouldn't be that fast. Someone tells him it's illegal to do anything
15:00 physically that can be done automatically. That seems impossible.
15:04 This series is supposed to be a utopia, not yet another dystopia
15:08 from someone who's easily scared to the point of having no hope for the future.
15:12 It would've been believable if instead this was her jealous husband.
15:16 Making up an excuse that's obviously not true because we've seen George
15:20 fix his own car. George decides to
15:24 go undercover in a robot suit to mow his lawn. The story
15:28 actually ends there, with him and his family happy. It's weird to
15:32 think that he'd have to resort to that though. In the next story
15:36 where Jane and George are drawn unacceptably in the first panel.
15:40 Oh, that's not even Jane. It's his secretary at George's workplace.
15:44 So why is she drawn so similarly to Jane if she was drawn off model?
15:48 Someone wants to see Mr. Spacely right away, which makes George
15:52 jealous as he's been waiting an hour. The guy tells Spacely that
15:56 a mountain of platosium was discovered on Planet X.
16:00 A planet that would only have that name if it was just discovered and not
16:04 named yet. Spacely's excited that they could produce the
16:08 strongest rockets ever this way. But clam jumpers could get there
16:12 first, so he decides to form a mining expedition right away.
16:16 It'll be very dangerous, so somehow he says he'll need a volunteer
16:20 instead of getting a robot to do it, when even Gardner is left to robots.
16:24 So he'd have to be shockingly sadistic to send George instead,
16:28 just because he's too cheap or lazy to consider a robot.
16:32 George makes this plot forced, saying that all he wanted was
16:36 next Tuesday off. Why would he expect that from him?
16:40 What caused him to choose next Tuesday? He's told he has to
16:44 volunteer or he's fired. I hope I only address this
16:48 once, because it's the most common problem with the series. How could he suck
16:52 this much as a boss? Maybe suing for wrongful termination
16:56 is possible for everyone, but he just doesn't want to go through the hassle.
17:00 Especially not if he thinks he's guaranteed to lose a lawsuit
17:04 against any rich guy. Maybe he thinks it'd be way too expensive
17:08 to sue someone rich, even though the money he'd get from winning would be worth it.
17:12 After all, people in real life have won a shocking amount of money from
17:16 wrongful termination suits before. You'd think in an ideal future like
17:20 this, it wouldn't have Mr. Spacely acting like this without explaining in the first
17:24 episode that the only reason this has any tension for George
17:28 is that he doesn't want to go through the effort of suing him. Instead, the fact that
17:32 he could do that is never just. He might be able to get a job at his rival's company
17:36 effortlessly, so he'd doubt he'd be jobless for more than an hour.
17:40 So that's not what he should be scared of. My point is I can easily figure
17:44 out why George lets himself be pushed around this way. He doesn't even want to face
17:48 the problem of suing him. Plus, like most people, he's comfortable with the status quo,
17:52 so he'd rather keep it. Even if it means having to put up with Planet X.
17:56 Well, that's very temporary anyways.
18:00 I find it a bit odd that Spacely himself is going on the space trip if it's
18:04 very dangerous. He's just that tired of his ugly, snobby
18:08 wife and kid. George wonders how he knows that Planet X is
18:12 straight ahead, and after bragging about his skills,
18:16 skills that I hope will come back, there's a big X painted on the
18:20 side of it. Then George wouldn't have asked this. I guess
18:24 nanotechnology producing paint in bulk really fast is why this planet
18:28 got an X this big on it. But the planet seems smaller than the space mobile
18:32 itself here, but it isn't when they land on it, so it just wasn't
18:36 drawn to scale. The planet must be provided with a constant supply
18:40 of breathable atmosphere by technology, because clamjumpers who saw
18:44 their rocket land don't need any spacesuits. A
18:48 clamjumper wants to rob their rocket on sight because he's so excited for it, and
18:52 it's probably a force of habit. One of them wisely decides to wait until
18:56 they find the Plutosium first. George and Spacely
19:00 instantly find the mountain because it looks different from the rest.
19:04 It's good pacing, instead of being boring. George wonders how Spacely expects to get
19:08 the mountain in the rocket ship. He shouldn't need to be told that the planet is
19:12 to mine the mountain. George thinks he could flatten the entire mountain
19:16 in ten seconds, and rides on the hydropik as
19:20 it automatically starts drilling while floating. I guess he's riding it for fun.
19:24 It bounces off the mountain because it was sent out of full force for
19:28 nothing. So the thief gets smacked, and George says the mountain wasn't
19:32 even dented, but planets make it crumble with a bigger drilling machine,
19:36 which has a dome in it like it's made for other atmospheres in space too for no
19:40 reason. George gets jammed in the mountain, and
19:44 he's taken out of it effortlessly. Spacely says this was the last
19:48 piece of mining equipment. George decides to use the disintegrator,
19:52 and he hopefully presses the button before he could be told not to,
19:56 or this wouldn't happen. He turns it to ashes, gets yelled at,
20:00 and says he only has to dehydrate its mountain, and all he has to do is process
20:04 it back at the factory to magically return it to normal. What amazing
20:08 technology. He's complimented as he puts it in his sack.
20:12 I'm sure the disintegrator was from his workplace, so how did Spacely think
20:16 he ruined the mountain when he should've remembered George could return the
20:20 disintegrator to normal? They only see the thieves on the planet for a few
20:24 panels before being chased by them in space. The thieves
20:28 shoot at their rocket ship with their own space mobile, and George says a few
20:32 drops of instant water into the sack should do the trick.
20:36 Instant water? It'd just be water. He throws
20:40 the whole sack out of the ejection place to make a mountain to make them
20:44 crash into it. You'd think that'd be lethal.
20:48 The story ends on a downer because the mountain's in orbit, and he thinks they
20:52 could never catch it, despite being on a spaceship that can escape the
20:56 Earth's orbit easily. The story could've easily ended with them returning to
21:00 work with the mountain, but I did like how the defeat of the thieves was
21:04 creative, and had a checkup scum. In the next story, the
21:08 family enjoys watching the parade on a projection screen way bigger than
21:12 their usual TV. Why do people like parades that are done automatically
21:16 by bad-looking robots? It turns out they go through the
21:20 effort of calling their mayor "His Honor." You'd think instead he'd
21:24 say the name of the mayor. The mayor says the city has a great new employee
21:28 that'll show up at the end of the parade. He says "it,"
21:32 so it must be a robot. Their picture tube blows out,
21:36 and James stays optimistic because they can hear it on the news when the set is
21:40 fixed. Alroy, rather than using his techno-genius skills
21:44 to fix it, isn't old enough to, so he decides to see the parade
21:48 personally. I guess he can only make things, not fix things right now.
21:52 He says only people with busted TVs go see the parades in person,
21:56 which is impossible to believe as is not the case now.
22:00 He isn't prevented from going out without parental supervision, maybe because
22:04 Astro's with him. And they know how smart Astro is. He says
22:08 that the city's new employee is an automatic street vacuum.
22:12 Then he wouldn't have said "employee" unless he's paying it. Alroy uses
22:16 an ice cream cone machine, since he thinks the parade wasn't much of
22:20 a treat. Alroy expects me to believe there's a moon-flavored
22:24 cosmic ice flavor of ice cream. He somehow ends up having the ice cream
22:28 fall out of the cone. That's just spiteful to write. He hates
22:32 the street sweeper, because Astro usually gets to eat whatever
22:36 food falls. He's too young to consider that dogs shouldn't eat ice cream.
22:40 He says he'll play with his toys, and has the little rocket blast
22:44 off, but the street sweeper sucks it up. Later, his mom
22:48 presses a button to see him playing with his automatic playmate, and she
22:52 explains that it's better than the neighbor's children because they always get Alroy mad.
22:56 She sees him get mad at the robot, because when it hit the ball out in the
23:00 street, the sweeper gobbled it up. He should have known to be mad at
23:04 the sweeper from force of habit, and you'd think a genius would know
23:08 that hitting a robot hurts. Somehow, we don't see a reaction
23:12 from Jane scolding him, being worried about him. The sweeper
23:16 even eats his hat when it falls, and somehow Jane doesn't understand.
23:20 Alroy decides to report the machine to the mayor. He's
23:24 apologized to by the secretary, because the mayor's in a council
23:28 meeting, and there's an unnecessary robot hand from the wall telling him
23:32 to stop. But that didn't stop him, as he miraculously
23:36 saw the mayor. Somehow, Alroy's idea of convincing him is
23:40 to say that he's got to fire one of his employees for being too
23:44 efficient, rather than him just telling him what he's gone through. So the
23:48 mayor gets mad, moving his arms up, and lifts the cufflink heirloom.
23:52 That convenience that could have easily not happened
23:56 caused him to witness the street sweeper eating his cufflink.
24:00 It would take forever to program it to know trash from treasure,
24:04 because there's so many different objects to tell it about. The mayor decides
24:08 to dismantle the sweeper, and even retrieve all of its contents for the rightful
24:12 owners. He already junked the other semi-automatic street
24:16 cleaner, and he says he'd hate to spend any more of the taxpayers' money.
24:20 It's refreshing to see a fictional mayor that's not corrupt.
24:24 So it's a shame this line isn't believable at all. I just haven't seen enough of them
24:28 yet. The story ends with the mayor sweeping the street himself, and
24:32 enjoying it, speaking of not believable at all. Alroy says
24:36 it's a good deed for the day. Somehow, nobody realizes
24:40 the mayor would usually be too busy to do this job, so he'd have to
24:44 pay for a new street sweeper anyways. The first story was about
24:48 George being overworked as his family's slave, and getting a robot
24:52 dead so he could take a nap. But somehow, they all forgot
24:56 to call him to the dinner table. And just like that, he flips out
25:00 on it for getting a hug, when it did nothing but the good job it was told to do
25:04 before. It's a good thing it somehow turned out it wasn't a robot,
25:08 and instead the guy turned to for help. Because his family
25:12 would have been mad at him if he didn't calm down from this revelation.
25:16 Some of the things George does aren't necessarily mandatory for him
25:20 to do. Jane just jack shit the whole story for no reason
25:24 when she could have done some of it. Like the Alroy thing.
25:28 So it's odd that the story doesn't end with George teaching
25:32 his family to give some of the work to Jane and stop taking him for granted.
25:36 Because they drove him to this. Instead, George
25:40 says he was in the wrong for essentially getting a nanny because a father
25:44 earns his love. But that doesn't mean he should have to do that much
25:48 to earn it. At least we didn't see his family start resenting him
25:52 and say it's because he wasn't doing all that.
25:56 So it's not proven that they'd hate him if he did only half of the work.
26:00 Which would have made this a bad story. Instead, George is just a mistaken
26:04 overachiever and his family still loves him, but they're just spoiled.
26:08 He didn't really get to take advantage of his break because all he did was nap once.
26:12 Something nearly every father gets to do. He didn't spend
26:16 days away partying, which would have driven the point home.
26:20 And I'm sure that would have happened if this was The Simpsons.
26:24 The second story was about George getting surprise punched by an arbitrarily escaped
26:28 zoo alien. And because of that, which had nothing to do with
26:32 how physically fit he was, he decides to get some exercise.
26:36 But he can't because suddenly this world's a dystopia. He can't mow his own
26:40 lawn because when he shuts off the gardener robot to do it, despite
26:44 the fact that his neighbor would see him smiling, he sends
26:48 his to help him from assuming that he was too proud to ask him for help.
26:52 Somehow the gyms are automating exercise, which would only be done if that still
26:56 built up muscles. And he can't even take a walk on the road
27:00 because someone stomps on him trying to drive him home out of pity.
27:04 And it seems he went crazy because he didn't simply explain that he wants exercise
27:08 somehow. Surely a lot of other people would be trying to get exercise.
27:12 He at least gets to do another cool thing here.
27:16 When I expect him to be forced into the car. But the worst thing is that he's
27:20 somehow not allowed to lift a car because he can't do anything manually that can
27:24 be done automatically. Because this has to be a different universe.
27:28 Even though this is helping if that woman's appreciation is anything to go by.
27:32 How is this in general forbidden when I'm sure his job could be
27:36 done automatically? When robot hands were perfected.
27:40 They could have a robot hand stick out of the wall and press buttons. Using
27:44 a camera to see when to do it. The third story was about
27:48 George's boss forcing him to try to get a mountain farm on a newly discovered
27:52 planet. But the mining equipment to all fails. So George
27:56 disintegrates it and plans to return it to normal at the workplace.
28:00 Only for thieves to chase them shooting at their spaceship. This justifies
28:04 George feeling like he has to return the mountain to normal to make the thieves crash
28:08 into it. It's too bad the story ends with the mountain not simply getting disintegrated
28:12 again and brought back to the workplace. They could catch it just fine.
28:16 This interesting story was about an automatic street sweeper making an enemy
28:20 out of Elroy by sucking up anything that falls from the floor.
28:24 It's only through sheer luck that he manages to show the mayor that it does that.
28:28 Because it happens to be near him. There's no indication that
28:32 he has a camcorder. And he somehow did a terrible job
28:36 telling him his problem getting him to raise his arms and lose his cufflink.
28:40 He could have made a video of it or lured it to him and dropped something on the floor
28:44 for it to suck up. Once again the story shows that realistically
28:48 there are roads in the Jetsons' world. Maybe the roads are bridges
28:52 connecting towers.
