Covid, Gigliuto (Istituto Piepoli): “1 italiano su 3 ritiene che i vaccini siano sperimentali”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “A quasi tre anni dall’inizio della pandemia, anche in questo momento, c’è un 6% di italiani che sostiene che il Covid non esiste, c’è addirittura un 11% che ritiene che i vaccini non servano e che non siano stati poi così utili. Addirittura un nostro concittadino su 3 ritiene che i vaccini siano delle cose sperimentali, qualcosa che abbiamo fatto come se fossimo delle cavie”.

Lo ha dichiarato Livio Gigliuto, Presidente Istituto Piepoli, a margine dell’evento “Dalla pandemia al New Normal, tra Covid e Long Covid, organizzato da HC Training a Roma presso il Palazzo dell’Informazione di Adnkronos. 


00:00 Almost three years ago, since the beginning of the pandemic, there is still a 6% of Italians who say that Covid does not exist.
00:07 There is even an 11% who believe that vaccines are not needed, in short, they have not been so useful.
00:12 And even one of our citizens out of three, who believes that vaccines are experimental things, in short, something that we may have done a bit as if we were cables.
00:23 We can say that this side, which gives us the idea of ​​the negativity of our relationship with vaccines, with the whole path that we have been on in this pandemic, has not pushed us not to get vaccinated.
00:35 So the good news is that fake news certainly have an impact on people, but on the other hand, when we have to make important decisions, those for our health, we are guided by good, serious information, which actually saves our lives.
