Makeup Tips and Tricks YOU MUST KNOW!

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, so today is
00:02 Going to be a makeup tips and tricks that I do
00:07 not necessarily on a regular basis, but that I do in order to make sure that my makeup is looking good and
00:15 It's just stuff that you may not know um
00:19 Now there's tons of things obviously
00:23 but I
00:26 Wrote them on my phone because I can't remember one of the first things is
00:30 Going to be to moisturize
00:34 Moisturize your skin and your lips
00:37 Now with your skin if your skin isn't moisturized
00:42 Your foundation is going to flake off. You're gonna have such a hard time with powders
00:47 you just
00:50 All the foundation clings to dry patches some are worse than others, but let's face it foundation clings to dry patches
00:57 Your under eyes are gonna look all you know like scaly like it's just you have to moisturize and I actually
01:05 Learned that from a woman at the Estee Lauder counter when I like a long long time ago because I didn't use primer
01:11 I never moisturize and she's like honestly you don't even need a primer
01:16 You just need to moisturize, and that's how
01:19 Everything is going to cling like everything's going to stay on your skin. It's just so so important and same with your lips
01:25 You especially with liquid lipsticks nowadays in Europe. You can't get away with a little look a little oh
01:31 My God that was bad
01:34 Cannot get away with a liquid lipstick
01:37 unless you moisturize and in addition to that you want to exfoliate your lips and get all that dead skin off because
01:46 Even if you moisturize your lips a lot they do tend to crack they do tend to get like
01:51 Mine are really bad right now. Don't judge, but what I use is I use this elf lip exfoliator
01:59 It's three dollars and okay mine's like a freaking mess
02:04 But it comes in a little like lipstick form and you literally just glide on your lips. It's just sugar scrub
02:10 it tastes good, you know and
02:13 It just takes all the dead skin off your lips you put a lip balm on
02:17 perfect and
02:19 This that's going to help your lipstick stay on longer your lips obviously not be all dry and cracked and gross
02:25 And it's just it's something that will really really benefit you
02:31 um
02:34 Okay, so another thing that I feel like a lot of people don't know a lot of people like why do you so many lip liners?
02:41 in different colors and
02:43 They don't understand
02:45 the purpose of lip liners like lip liners
02:48 Can transform a lipstick just by using a different lip liner?
02:54 It will just
02:58 Transform the lipstick you can use a nude lip liner a dark lip liner. It just all depends
03:05 Okay, guys, so I have swatched this lipstick. This is Maybelline
03:11 25
03:12 Lilac flush it's a late late purple and what I did was I paired it
03:18 with four different color lip liners or
03:22 orange or red um a purpley it's heroin by Mac and
03:28 Pinky color now I swatched them all on the back of my hands and when you look at it
03:35 You're going to be like that's the same lipstick
03:37 so
03:39 this is
03:41 This is a lipstick without any
03:44 Lip liner at all that's a true color. This is it with a
03:51 Purple underneath this is it with a deep red underneath
03:57 This is it with the pink underneath, and this is it with the orange underneath now
04:03 Just that looks like five totally different lipsticks
04:06 And it's just achieved using different lip liners, and that's the great thing
04:11 I feel like lip liners you can wear any lip liner under any lipstick
04:15 So I feel like it's an investment because I could use at the same lip liner and get a totally different color
04:20 It's so
04:24 Crazy like this is a pink and then this looks like a dark purple. It's just crazy how different
04:30 lip liner
04:32 can make an a lipstick look and I feel like this tip will help you save money and
04:39 I just I feel like a lot of people don't realize that a lot of people
04:43 So don't really see the importance and lip liners and
04:47 lip liners can do so so much, so
04:53 Hope you guys put that one into use because I feel like a lot of people don't um another tip
05:03 is
05:05 to just
05:07 Try different applications for products. I know
05:10 I've applied products, and I'm like
05:14 Wow that really really sucked
05:17 Like foundations. I'm so so picky with my foundation, so I'm like wow I hate that foundation hate that foundation
05:25 You have to make sure you're trying every way to apply it
05:29 so
05:31 for example
05:33 this foundation this is the
05:35 Smashbox sorry this is like gross looking. I actually used a lot of it. This is a smashbox studio skin hydrating foundation
05:44 Hated it when I first tried it I hated it and also because it was because it was in the winter and my skin was
05:52 not as dry
05:53 but uh
05:55 Oh my God
05:57 Hated it because I would use it with my beauty blender
06:01 Didn't work with my beauty blender. It's a very
06:04 Liquidy foundation so that I find that when I apply with my beauty blender like wears away to nothing so I was like wow
06:11 I hate it like put it aside
06:13 And I was like you know what I'm going to try some of my other brushes
06:16 Or some of my other applicators, so I said to try it with
06:22 flat-top Kabuki
06:25 didn't work I
06:26 Tried it again
06:28 with
06:30 a
06:32 the brush of this one
06:35 with this kind of brush and now I like it it gives me enough coverage and
06:42 it it just
06:45 Works the best for that foundation. I find and I feel like that's the same with a lot of other things
06:51 Like you have to make sure
06:54 You're applying it the best way it could be applied color pop these eyeshadows
07:00 If I were to use the wrong kind of brush with them
07:04 They wouldn't they wouldn't even show up to be honest and people are saying that the matte ones are hard to blend out
07:12 But they're not it's because you have to use the right kind of brush and like these are supposed to be applied with your finger I
07:20 Mean obviously if you're blending something out here. It's kind of hard to like blend it out with your finger
07:26 but when you're packing them on you should be packing them on with your finger, and I feel like
07:31 What even with a lot of other products people don't realize that and they just throw it aside, and they're like I don't like it
07:38 Give it a chance try it differently you know
07:41 So that is
07:47 another important thing and I feel like
07:51 You'll a lot of people will like their products a lot more when they kind of venture off and try different ways
07:57 so one of the makeup tricks that I feel like it's looked over by a lot of everyday people is
08:04 Keeping up with your eyebrows
08:06 Eyebrows frame the eyes they frame the face they are so so important
08:13 Like having a different kind of brow can change your whole
08:17 Look like and you just want that it to look clean and nice and I actually
08:23 have it on right now and
08:26 So as you can see this side just like looks so much more
08:32 Put together because
08:36 This brow is done, and it's framing my eye
08:40 Framing the look that I have and then this one I
08:46 Didn't really I don't know me shut them in so I don't know if you could see
08:53 But I did not pluck
08:58 my eyebrow
09:01 And it's just a little it's just such a mess and that's
09:07 That just like it. I mean. I don't I get kind of sparse hairs in the front and
09:14 It doesn't necessarily look bad
09:16 But you kind need to fill them in a little bit and like and mine gets kind of sparse back here
09:22 And it just like it doesn't look very good
09:25 Whereas you look at this one, and it still looks natural like I don't like to draw on my eyebrows like I think that looks
09:32 So ridiculous, but I do it does look like nice. It has like a nice arch
09:37 and it is um
09:41 Like filled in a little more over here. It kind of looks orangey and slightly. It's really not
09:46 my eyebrows like are awkwardly like
09:50 Ashy toned when like my hair is like
09:54 reddish
09:56 But yeah, so as you could see your eyebrows play such an important role and when you're filling in your eyebrows
10:03 Just to make sure that you're not
10:09 That you aren't drawing on your eyebrows, and it doesn't look so
10:13 Fake you're going to want to use a spoolie that I mean you can get a spoolie anywhere. I got this one at
10:19 Essentials in my mall and this one you just go through your eyebrows this can double as a
10:27 Mascara separator
10:30 and then I
10:33 You don't have to pay like $18 for the Anastasia
10:38 brow pencil I
10:40 Got it as a present. Thank God because it's amazing
10:43 But there's a spoolie on this end and after you fill it in you just go through it
10:50 and it just tames your eyebrows and it just like
10:53 Distributes the product evenly I mean this is
10:58 Really really what you need to achieve
11:01 Natural eyebrows and honestly those drawn-on eyebrows aren't in anymore. It's more natural
11:08 I mean you still want an arch you still want
11:11 typically
11:13 What the draw eyebrows are trying to do but not as intense as that um?
11:18 So another thing that is important also have it going on right now is
11:27 To clean up your lipstick now. I'm going to zoom you in on my lips
11:32 It may not look that
11:34 Noticeable from far away while I'm talking to you
11:36 But like if you're standing in front of somebody like you can tell if they haven't fixed up their lipstick
11:42 So as you can see
11:46 This side is the side I fixed up with my foundation and this side. I messed up on
11:53 It's a little bit of a mess and like if I went out looking like this you'll be like
11:57 Oh, look at our lipstick like oh, but when you clean it up
12:01 As long I feel like as long as your lips look nice and crisp and clean
12:08 You could wear any lipstick, and it would still look super good, but not when your
12:14 Lipstick looks like that
12:17 so it's really important to line it with either
12:22 concealer or
12:24 foundation
12:25 All right, so my last tip is for those people who like to wear fake lashes
12:31 me I
12:34 Love fake lashes. I don't wear them on all bases, but like when I do wear them like
12:39 Anyways, so all my friends like I did their
12:46 Makeup for prom and all that and none of them know how to put fake eyelashes on
12:51 They're like Alyssa you have to do it for me you have to do it for me
12:54 I'm like okay like it's not that big of a deal guys like all you do is you take the lash off
13:00 You take it off this thing you hold it. I just put the glue on evenly
13:07 The problem that a lot of people have especially with thick bands
13:13 Such as lucky Lola lashes by lash xo these thick bands
13:18 You find if you don't wait for that glue to get tacky
13:23 They're just going to lift up and lift up every time you try and put it down
13:28 And it's going to be a mess and it took me the longest time to figure that out
13:34 You have to wait a good like minute blow on it and wait for it to get tacky so that when you put it on
13:43 and you put this side on and you put this side on and
13:46 The sides aren't going to move and it's just going to make your life. So easy is going to make applying false lashes
13:53 so so easy and
13:56 I wish I had known that there was one video that I watched where somebody told me that and I was like
14:03 Like bulb went off my head that makes sense
14:07 So just want to let you guys know about that if you have to apply fake lashes for an event anything like that
14:13 it's so easy and
14:16 Just make sure you let the glue dry and you'll be good
14:22 No need for a makeup artist to put it on or your friend who applies false lashes to put it on
14:27 You'll be able to do it yourself
14:29 so
14:31 That's it. That's it for this tutorial guys
14:36 Tutorial
14:38 Okay, listen, this is your tutorial. That's it for all my makeup tips
14:43 I hope that this helps you guys even if it just helps you a little bit
14:48 Or there's only one thing you got out of this video that still makes me happy at least I'm helping you with something
14:54 All right, guys, I will see you in my next video. Bye
