How to Starburst Crown Braided Bun Hairstyle On Yourself

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:09 Hi guys, I'm Tina from Makeup Wearables and today we're going to create a starburst braided bun.
00:15 Scoop out a square section in front of your face and clip it out of the way.
00:19 Then put the rest of your hair into a high ponytail.
00:23 Normally I'll be applying products before doing any type of braiding,
00:27 but since this was done the day after I did my Tuesday's Elsa braid tutorial, I won't have to.
00:33 If you missed that tutorial, I'll add a little link down below for you guys to click on.
00:37 Alright, so now pick up a small strand of hair at the front and split it in half.
00:43 Then grab a small strand of hair from the ponytail to start a three strand braid.
00:48 So cross the top and the bottom strand over the middle strand.
00:52 Now we're going to start adding in hair to French braid.
00:55 Take some hair from the ponytail and add it to the top strand.
00:59 And cross it over the middle strand.
01:02 Add in hair from the bottom to the bottom strand.
01:06 And cross it over the middle strand.
01:12 Again, add in hair from the ponytail to the top strand.
01:18 And take it over the middle strand.
01:24 Add in hair from the bottom to the bottom strand.
01:27 And take it over the middle strand.
01:31 Hair from the ponytail always goes into the top strand.
01:35 And bottom hair always goes into the bottom strand.
01:40 And as you're braiding, you need to make sure you're not taking too much hair from the ponytail,
01:47 because it has to last until you do a full circle with the braid.
01:51 [music]
02:16 Once all the hair from the bangs is in the braid, switch to a half French braid,
02:21 which means we're only adding in hair from the ponytail now.
02:25 [music]
02:54 [music]
03:21 [music]
03:26 Braid your hair all the way to the end and tie it with elastic bands.
03:30 Now tuck the braid inside that little pouch and start wrapping it around the base of the ponytail.
03:36 [music]
03:40 Since the bun isn't secured yet, you can stick your fingers inside from the back and pull the braid around the ponytail.
03:46 Pull it tightly around if you want the bun to be small, or loosely if you want the bun to be bigger and more voluminous.
03:53 [music]
04:07 Okay, so once you've made your bun into whatever shape you were going for, start pinning the bun in place.
04:13 And we're done! I hope you liked this braided bun. If you did, be sure to give this a thumbs up.
04:18 Don't forget to check out my Tuesday's tutorial. Hit that subscribe button if you're new.
04:23 And as always, thank you for supporting Makeup Wearables Hairstyles.
04:26 I love you guys. See you all next Thursday. Bye!
04:29 ♪ Come on and tell me you love ♪
