minimal everyday makeup & hair care tips

  • last year
00:00 For some reason
00:03 I got asked on Tumblr to do a video with a makeup tutorial and hair care tips
00:09 I really don't know what I'm doing. Like I'm really not a professional so you
00:13 guys can let me know if I'm doing something that's like bad for my skin or
00:16 whatever
00:17 at the end of the video I'll talk about hair products that I'm currently using
00:22 stuff that keeps my hair
00:25 I guess not disgusting and dry
00:28 there are a couple things in particular I like
00:32 because I have kind of frizzy wavy hair
00:36 so I'll talk about that. The moisturizer
00:40 that I use before I start my makeup is one from a store that I used to work at
00:45 it's called Sabon and it's
00:48 the carrot moisturizing
00:51 face cream. It's
00:55 usually for like dry skin because it does have cocoa butter in it
00:59 my skin is always got some like dry
01:02 patches on it especially around like my nose like right around here
01:07 I'm going to get something to pin my bangs out of the way
01:14 better. After I moisturize I like to use a
01:18 primer on my face which is
01:21 the pixi flawless beauty primer
01:25 I got it in an ipsy bag like a while ago
01:28 I don't know if you can see that. I use a really small amount of that
01:32 I don't like to use too much of it also like it's the only primer I have so that's why I use it
01:37 but I use a really small amount
01:39 I feel like it's a little bit greasy. I'm just kind of winging it
01:43 I'm using the Laura Mercier
01:46 tinted moisturizer. I can't remember what color I got. I went to Sabon and I got a
01:52 sample of it the other day
01:54 so I just have this little thing. I
01:57 had heard a lot about it in videos. Ironically I watch a lot of
02:02 like beauty videos on YouTube and like read a lot about beauty products even
02:06 though I don't wear that much makeup
02:08 so I don't know. The color that I use this tinted moisturizer in is sand
02:14 and I did get color matched with the color ID thing which is pretty cool
02:18 so yeah I did that and then I also picked up
02:22 some of NARS Sheer Glow in the color
02:26 Barcelona which like it's one of my favorite
02:29 foundations that I use when I do use foundation
02:33 so I'm just gonna go in with a
02:37 stippling brush. This is an ELF Studio
02:40 stippling brush. And I just kind of
02:47 stipple it onto my face and then kind of buff it in
02:52 so I've got
02:55 a thin layer of that on and I've been having a lot of like breakouts lately
03:02 which like at least this
03:05 effect doesn't really happen to me that often
03:10 so I'm kind of sad about that but
03:13 I use Revlon Colorstay concealer
03:19 in the color
03:26 05 medium deep. What I like to do
03:31 for concealers, a little bit weird, kind of like
03:34 some weird makeup black magic thing going on
03:38 I always like to like kinda dab it on
03:43 and that's it, we're done.
03:48 I like to take an eyeshadow brush actually
03:52 which this one is Coastal Scents
03:55 BR-C-NO2
04:00 I don't know if that means anything to you guys and I dropped it
04:03 and I spray it with a makeup setting spray
04:07 just kind of so it's not
04:11 damp, shake it out a little bit and I go in and I
04:15 blend my concealer with this brush
04:22 and I'll set it with a powder
04:30 I'm using Maybelline's Fit Me
04:35 powder which I've had it for a little while now
04:39 almost run out
04:42 and this color is 350
04:45 caramel. I'm just using an EcoTools
04:49 powder brush thing
04:53 I really don't
04:56 usually put too much powder just because I don't like
04:59 too much of like a
05:03 cakey or like matte looking finish
05:07 I guess. Oh and I forgot to mention
05:11 I don't really know how I like, I don't remember where I discovered the
05:15 idea to like use makeup setting spray and like a brush to blend your
05:19 concealer because usually I'll just use like
05:22 my finger or something and move on to my eyebrows
05:27 today I'll go with the elf
05:30 eyebrow treat and tame in
05:34 clear and deep. I'll just take
05:38 little spoolie thing, I'll look at that
05:42 usually too much of the
05:46 product comes out so I'll just kinda
05:49 scrape it off on the side. I'll just kind of run it through my eyebrows
05:56 and I don't wear makeup on a daily basis but what I do
06:07 or like I don't do like full face makeup on a daily basis but what I do on a daily
06:11 basis is always my eyebrows
06:13 I always do like eyebrows and concealer
06:16 everyday and I'm not really one for like
06:20 eyeshadow mostly because I don't know how to apply it
06:26 like well or like correctly I guess. Sorry I got a little thirsty
06:30 I'll do it for like special occasions or whatever and usually I'll just like
06:34 look up some sort of tutorial. I'm still kind of working on the eyeliner thing
06:39 which I only do on like special occasions too
06:41 so I'm not gonna bother with that for this because it's not like a normal
06:46 daily thing I do
06:47 but I do have to curl my eyelashes because
06:50 they're always like straight out and I get so frustrated
06:54 because every time I try to use like
06:58 a mascara that's not a waterproof mascara it
07:01 or they'll like fall straight again
07:04 so I like to curl really close to the base first
07:10 and I'll hold it for a little bit and I'll do it
07:15 kind of all the way up until they look a little bit like ridiculous
07:22 I don't know if you can tell
07:25 so I don't know this probably looks really dumb to anyone who doesn't have this
07:29 eyelash problem
07:30 so I guess that's as good as it gets
07:34 and I've been trying something recently I've only done it like twice
07:39 I started putting on a waterproof
07:42 top coat as a base if that makes sense
07:46 and then putting on my mascara on top of it
07:50 so I'm just gonna do that now and I always like to use the
07:54 clear top coat on my bottom lashes because it makes them look longer
07:58 but I don't get the
08:02 like little bits of mascara running
08:07 under my eye
08:10 and like flaking off and then I'm just gonna put
08:14 just like a quick sweep of the top coat
08:18 on my lashes. The mascara that I'm using right now is the
08:22 Too Faced Better Than Sex
08:25 it's so bright this stupid glare
08:29 I usually don't like to spend that much money on makeup because
08:34 like I buy so much but like I never even use it that often
08:37 but this stuff is so worth it
08:41 and like I was saying earlier I'll usually do like my eyebrows and I'll do like
08:44 concealer for makeup if I'm doing something every day
08:47 mascara is another thing where like if I have time for it I will
08:50 do it because I feel like it makes a huge difference on my face
08:54 so I'm just gonna run it through
08:57 I love this stuff
09:04 move on to the other side while that dries
09:08 eww that's too much
09:11 hmm
09:14 I'm gonna use my NARS satin lip pencil
09:20 it's in the color
09:24 coochie in
09:27 totally fucked that one up
09:30 gonna put it on
09:34 I like this color a lot just cuz
09:37 it's very natural so
09:42 that is my finished makeup
09:45 look. I never really bother with like
09:49 bronzer because I'm tan
09:53 or
09:57 contouring or like blush
10:03 go into hair care
10:06 I'm currently using I mentioned earlier with the moisturizer that I use
10:12 it's like the brand is Saban
10:16 so the shampoo and conditioner that I'm currently using are the Saban
10:20 shampoo and conditioner in the scent delicate jasmine
10:24 which from the whole store my favorite scents
10:28 would be I like the combination of the gentleman scent which is
10:31 petroleum citrus for the shampoo and then a green rose
10:35 scent for the conditioner I mean they're the same thing they just smell
10:40 different
10:40 they have a mannoy butter in them
10:44 makes my hair super soft it's coconut oil based I wash my hair maybe like every
10:48 other day
10:49 sometimes a little more often when I'm like working out in the summer and it's
10:54 really hot
10:55 like lately I just sweat a lot
10:58 this is like my natural hair mostly on the side
11:01 for some reason ever since I cut my hair short recently it was like kinda longer
11:05 and then I just kinda
11:06 chopped it all off. I went for like this weird asymmetrical thing
11:10 and on the side where it's longer it tends to
11:13 get pretty wavy still but when I cut it short
11:17 these parts here like
11:20 tend to fall flat or like they go straight
11:23 so I kinda curled them a little
11:27 bit with a
11:30 curling wand and I think the brand of my curling wand is Bed Head. For the parts where my
11:34 hair does get wavy I like to put in like a sea salt spray
11:38 I have this Garnier one it's Garnier deconstructed
11:41 beach chic texturizing spray
11:45 I also have this Mark Anthony
11:49 Dreamwaves beach spray. A little mini one I got in an Ipsy bag like a while back
11:54 and I really like the smell of this one just because it smells like coconut
11:58 this one I'm not that big of a fan of the smell
12:02 it says it has black fig in it
12:06 so I guess that's where that's from and my favorite one that I like to use
12:10 is the Not Your Mother's Beach Babe texturizing sea salt spray
12:16 so yeah this is like the natural side of my hair and like
12:19 I haven't done it yet but I'm gonna spray some
12:22 in it now and
12:27 I just like to scrunch it up a little bit so it just kinda gives my natural hair a
12:32 little bit more
12:33 like structure I guess
12:37 and my bangs will go
12:40 wavy sometimes so I'll straighten them a little bit
12:44 just so I can brush them to the side easier and they look a little more like
12:49 put together. I'm trying to debate if I want to go back to like the straight
12:52 bangs again or not. I might
12:54 I don't know I just get really bored with my hair all the time and every time I go
12:57 through like some kinda crisis
12:59 I'll like do something to my hair that's kinda drastic like I've
13:02 cut it, I've gotten bangs, I've dyed it purple or I've just done like ombre, I might re-ombre it
13:08 I don't know. Yeah hair care was like a bigger deal when I had longer hair
13:13 because I had it
13:14 maybe like down to here like boob length
13:17 and from like here to like you can see it kind of just the tip of this one
13:22 JTT. Just the tip of the very front part of my hair
13:27 is still a little bit light brown the rest of it's all like
13:30 black or like dark brown whatever but like from here down
13:35 it used to be like ombre'd so I had like bleached the shit out of it. It was like dyed
13:40 purple at one point. I had to bleach it again to dye it purple
13:43 and it was just really really dead so I just cut it all off and also I cut my own
13:46 hair just like I don't know if that's
13:48 changes anything for you guys I don't know what to ask for if you go to a salon
13:52 because I just do it myself
13:54 so I cut my own hair
13:57 and I cut all of what was
14:01 dead off just because it was starting to get like at first it was kinda manageable
14:05 but then like nothing I was doing to it was making it look or like feel any
14:10 softer it was just looking like really ratty all the time and so
14:14 yeah I just cut it off but when I did have longer hair there were some things
14:19 that I liked to do
14:20 to it to keep it a little like I guess softer
14:25 so like one thing that I like to use is coconut oil like
14:28 just plain extra virgin like organic coconut oil
14:32 which I do use as like a moisturizer on my body
14:35 but I also would put it in my hair as like a hair mask
14:39 so I would do it like maybe once a week just just the ends like not at the roots
14:43 because my hair will
14:44 get like greasy and I like sweat a lot like I mentioned earlier
14:48 so I would put it like in the ends where it was dyed and I would leave it
14:52 for like an hour and then I would rinse it out in the shower and like do like my
14:56 shampoo and conditioner or whatever
14:57 so I really like doing that
15:01 to my hair and then I also like to use
15:04 let me find it I probably should have gotten these products ready before I started the
15:07 video
15:08 it's the L'Oreal Paris
15:11 Advanced Hair Care Total Repair Extreme
15:16 Split Ends Fixer and it's supposed to like
15:21 mend split ends a little bit I don't really know what it's made out of
15:24 I read good reviews about it online, it smells like a hair salon
15:28 kinda like it, but it's like this hair serum that kind of like
15:33 fixes the appearance of your split ends so like it's not gonna heal your hair
15:37 perfectly like the only way to get rid of split ends is to cut them off
15:41 which I eventually had to do but like for a while while my hair was still
15:44 manageable I liked to
15:46 use this split end fixer and it would kind of
15:50 make my ends look a little bit less like frazzled and dry
15:54 and since I'm sweating so much it's so freaking hot in my room
15:58 since I'm sweating on my forehead my bangs are starting to get wavy again
16:02 so sorry that's kinda gross
16:05 that's pretty much all I do to
16:08 do my makeup when I do wear makeup and to take care of my hair
16:12 so catch you guys later
16:16 Take care.
