SladeShadow's Makeup Corner Burned Face

  • last year
00:00 Hello and welcome to Slade Shadows Makeup Corner. Today I have Tony here who also plays
00:07 the body double of Crimson Rogue's enemy... Reign? Reign. So today we're gonna make him
00:16 into a zombie. So first we're gonna start by powdering his face. It's always important
00:23 to have a nice white zombie. So what we want to do is we want to really powder the area
00:29 that we're gonna be working with so he looks nice and pale. As for the rest of him, I can't
00:36 say for sure. So then we're gonna cap off foundation. Today I am using BAM Minerals
00:42 Blemish Remedy. Don't remember half the time what I'm using exactly. Now we're not gonna
00:48 use a cream foundation today. This is our foundation that we're gonna be using. Now
00:54 what we want to do also, just to be prepared, is we want to take some Vaseline or some type
00:59 of petroleum jelly. Oh god. We're gonna snide that around his face but we're not gonna use
01:05 our fingers. No no no. We're gonna prep him using a q-tip. Just get a generous dolep on
01:14 there and then there you go. Get that nice and on there, nice and viscousy because we
01:20 didn't want the latex to actually pull at any of his skin. Next we're gonna take our
01:25 liquid latex. Any type of latex is perfectly fine as our face is nice and prepped. And
01:30 we had Tony also shave today just to make sure that he doesn't get hurt. And apply just
01:37 a generous dolep. And this is where we have tissues available as well. Just in case we
01:43 have any of that run off. Don't want it getting anywhere. Alright, take your makeup sponge.
01:50 Yeah. And we're gonna start laying shit on. Get that nice and on there. Take tissue. Slap
01:57 that shit on there. When you're using tissue paper like this, it's gonna create some natural
02:02 wrinkles. Which is fantastic. Take another little dolep there. It'll look like a young
02:14 hound. It's gonna be great. Of your liquid latex. And just kind of layer that on there.
02:19 You wanna keep layering. Layering is for fun. And while you're doing that, you wanna do
02:23 it in a patting motion. Because, yeah. And we're gonna leave the tissue on there for
02:32 right now. Until we actually rip it off. We're gonna do a second layer. And just put that
02:38 on there. As you can see as it's drying, you can actually start pulling away parts of the
02:43 tissue. So you can actually see now. You only need like really two good layers to really
02:51 make this stick. Now I am gonna use foundation, but that's after we're completely dried. And
02:57 I am gonna use another layer of latex just to get these ripped parts down. So while the
03:03 latex is drying, you wanna take like a palette knife or something. You know, something that's
03:09 not gonna cut into you. But you wanna make just little tiny holes. Face it that way.
03:19 Just wanna make holes in that latex. You just gotta be gentle, especially if you're working
03:30 with actors. There we go. There we go. Now we got some money shots right there. Okay.
03:38 So we're gonna let that dry a little bit longer. And when that's nice and dry, then we can
03:43 start applying makeup. So now that your latex is all dry, if you really want a good burned
03:48 look, you really wanna just go back over with your foundation. Now, taking any type of bruise
03:54 wheel or like whatever type of makeup you got, you wanna start doing your irritation,
04:00 especially around burns. So I have pinched up a bunch of, pretty much destroyed a makeup
04:10 sponge in order to do this. So you wanna go around, especially around the edges, just
04:15 to make it look really, really irritated. 'Cause you want that nice bruised look, but
04:21 you also want that fleshy tone in there. So you want a good, good bruised look. You wanna
04:30 bring... Stop blinking! You wanna bring your bruises out and make them very irregular.
04:37 And because, you know, this is a burn, you wanna make it extremely irritated. It's not
04:42 an especially bloody look, which is nice, but I am gonna add a little bit of blood in
04:47 there. I do realize I have this dry tissue right here. That, I mean, that can be just
04:54 skin that just folded over. That's disgusting and awesome at the same time. 'Cause I don't
05:02 know how many people have actually been burned in their lives, but you know, there's a lot
05:05 of irritation and there is some bruising that does go on in it. I'm not using my yellow
05:11 or my green, because this is not really a zombie look. This is just more of a burned
05:15 look than anything. And you just wanna lightly pat all that on. I am gonna show you guys
05:19 how to remove this as well. So, never you fear, Auntie Tracy is here. So, I am gonna
05:27 be using my brown, because, I mean, when you see, like, deep cuts or burns or whatnot,
05:34 it's never black, like a lot of people think. If you wanna use black, that's fine, but that's
05:39 more for like a gunshot wound than anything, because there is charred skin. So I'm gonna
05:43 take my brown and I'm gonna get right into those crevices that I made. And this is where
05:50 I'm also marking off where my blood's gonna go. And put a little bit of blood up there.
05:59 Little bit of blood right there. You wanna continue irritating that wound over there.
06:06 So go ahead and close that up. And we're ready for blood. Yes!
06:12 [Alarm clock]
06:16 Q-tips! Best friend for making monsters and whatnot. Always use your gloved hand if you
06:23 don't wanna get anything on you. And use your special effects blood. I am using Graftobian
06:31 blood effects. And get a nice generous dollop on there. And just go ahead and place it where
06:38 you need it to go. Kind of let it hang down a little bit. It's very, very goopy. So go
06:47 ahead and turn your head. And there you go. Nice little burn wound.
06:58 And that took, what, oh. Half an hour maybe. Half an hour to make? Easy! I'm not a professional
07:04 makeup artist. Special thanks to Glam and Gore for giving me this idea, even though
07:09 I got Tony completely messed up. Now I'm gonna teach you folks at home how to take this off.
07:17 Step one. Take off the blood. Now in order to take off any type of latex, you wanna use
07:22 some type of oil based product. I'm actually using Clinique. It's an oil based product.
07:27 Then what you wanna do is you wanna start getting that latex off without hurting your
07:34 friend. So you really wanna take down those edges first. And remember folks at home, when
07:39 you're actually taking latex off a friend, you wanna be very, very careful. Because when
07:44 you do it on yourself, it's fine. Because you can, you know how much pain you can take.
07:50 Now that we got the oil base going, we have the majority of the latex off, I like to use
07:55 Simple. Sponsor! Just because it's nice and, you know, it's... So simple. It's so simple.
08:02 We're just gonna take that shit and we're gonna go all over his damn face. Roughly.
08:09 This will, if you go over it roughly, it'll show where all the latex is. And there you
08:18 go. Now you have a pretty boy. Rumble Tony.
