Friendsfavz, Makeup for Photos with Elle W. Hair

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hi everyone, I'm Karen and this is Friends Faves
00:07 and we are being hosted tonight by Kestrel Vintners
00:10 here in Woodinville, Washington
00:12 and I have with me Laura Wentworth.
00:14 She is so awesome.
00:15 She is the, she is LW Hair and Design and Makeup
00:20 and the co-owner of Hair Studio 164 in Linwood
00:25 and you have built your reputation
00:28 on doing event styling, bridal,
00:32 just I had the opportunity to see her in action
00:35 and she is fabulous.
00:37 She actually did my hair tonight too, so.
00:39 Thank you very much.
00:40 - You're welcome.
00:41 - Thanks for being here with us.
00:42 - Thank you.
00:43 - Yeah, so tell us a little bit about yourself.
00:45 - So I am, I'm 46 and I'm a grandmother
00:49 and I say that very proudly.
00:50 I love being a grandmother.
00:52 I was a late bloomer.
00:54 I went to beauty school late
00:55 and so this has just been my second career
00:58 and so much fun and I just absolutely love it.
01:00 So really happy to be here.
01:02 - Yes, and we are gonna be talking about
01:05 makeup for women over 40 for photographs.
01:09 We are all have our iPhones with us and our iPads
01:12 and we're all taking photographs,
01:13 so how are we gonna look our best
01:15 and not show the wrinkles and all that kind of stuff.
01:18 So yeah, so some, give us some tips.
01:21 - Well, you know, summer we all have a lot of weddings.
01:25 Graduations, things like that
01:27 and whether we're the mother of the bride
01:29 or in the bridal party or just going to be having
01:32 some photos taken at family reunions and things like that.
01:36 Thought we'd talk a little bit about
01:37 what makes good photography makeup
01:39 versus just your regular everyday makeup.
01:42 So one of the biggest first rules about photography
01:45 is that you wanna figure out if it's like an indoor or
01:48 outdoor.
01:49 If it's indoor, you're gonna be under a flash.
01:51 If it's outdoor, you're gonna have the natural sunlight
01:54 and pretty much know that anything you do is HD these days.
01:58 Everybody takes HD.
02:00 That's why all the brides love airbrush makeup
02:02 is because it gives you a really nice, flawless finish.
02:06 - Yeah, and it's amazing.
02:07 Even our camera that we're filming with here tonight is HD
02:10 and it does get every wrinkle.
02:12 (laughing)
02:14 - Great, you're gonna edit that, right?
02:15 - Yeah, yeah, exactly.
02:16 A little Photoshop or something going there, you know.
02:19 - Well, and you're actually practicing one of the best rules
02:22 which is anytime you're gonna have a photograph,
02:24 those of us who aren't blessed with these beautiful
02:26 long necks, wear a V-neck shirt.
02:28 It draws the eye down or some sort of necklace
02:31 or something that draws the eye down.
02:33 Makes the face look longer, draws it down, which is nice.
02:36 The other sort of basic thing is if it bends, bend it.
02:40 If you're gonna put your hand on your hip,
02:43 if you're gonna move this, if you're gonna tilt your head
02:45 to the side, bend it.
02:46 Otherwise, you'll look very stiff in photographs.
02:48 So those are just some basic ones.
02:50 - Okay, okay, great.
02:52 So now going on to the face.
02:54 - Some different tips.
02:55 - Going on to the face, one of the things is
02:56 is if you're over 40, glitter should not be
02:59 in your makeup box anymore.
03:01 (audience laughing)
03:02 - Oh, darn.
03:02 - You know, it's, I know, it's great
03:05 for my five-year-old granddaughter
03:06 and she loves to put it on me,
03:07 but I do not allow myself to be photographed in it.
03:10 So no glitter, ladies.
03:12 And be careful with shimmer, too.
03:15 Shimmer is something we use to highlight
03:17 and I'll talk about that a little later
03:18 where you can have the light sort of bounce off your face
03:21 in a very flattering way, not an unflattering way.
03:24 - Oh, that sounds great.
03:25 - Yeah.
03:26 The other thing I tell people to be careful of
03:28 is SPF in some of your cosmetics.
03:32 It will bounce off a flash.
03:33 So if you're indoor, you can pretty much skip the sunscreen.
03:37 If you're outdoors, know that it's gonna flash off that.
03:40 It's designed to reflect the sun.
03:42 So that's really important.
03:44 And I would also caution against those of us over 40
03:47 wearing mineral makeup.
03:48 Some of the mineral makeup,
03:50 while it feels good and everything,
03:52 it will settle into some of your fine lines.
03:55 It looks great in the beginning of the day,
03:57 but towards the end, it'll accentuate the lines
03:59 rather than blur them.
04:00 So we wanna be careful of that, too.
04:02 - Okay, okay, great.
04:04 Those are good tips.
04:05 And what about bronzer?
04:07 - Bronzer is one of my favorite tricks in the entire world.
04:11 Contouring is very in right now.
04:13 - Yes, it reminds me of the,
04:14 we did a lot of contouring and stuff in the '70s.
04:17 - Oh, really?
04:17 - Yeah. - Am I dating myself?
04:19 (laughing)
04:20 - Well, it's back. - I'm a little older than you.
04:21 - And it's better than ever.
04:22 - Oh, good.
04:23 - And so if you're gonna do contouring,
04:24 make sure you do it in a three.
04:26 You start at your temple,
04:29 and then go underneath your cheekbone,
04:31 and then go underneath your jawbone.
04:33 And just go in a three.
04:34 Biggest thing with bronzer is make sure you blend,
04:37 or you're gonna look like you should be
04:38 on an episode of "Jersey Shore."
04:40 (laughing)
04:42 - Oops.
04:42 - Yeah, if you're really uncomfortable,
04:44 just skip that and go with the blush option.
04:46 - Okay, what about highlighting?
04:48 - So highlighting, this is where shimmer is your friend.
04:51 One of the things, and actually I just saw a thing
04:53 out on the "Today Show," and they call it strobing now.
04:56 Strobing is the new thing. - Oh, strobing, okay.
04:57 - Which is highlighting, right?
04:59 It's the same thing.
05:00 So what you wanna do is you wanna keep your strobing,
05:02 or your highlighting, your shimmer,
05:04 right on the top of your cheekbone,
05:07 at the top of your eye to bring your eye up,
05:09 at the top of your lip, believe it or not.
05:12 And then you can also put some
05:14 just in the folds right there,
05:16 especially if they're a little deeper on you.
05:18 It'll bounce off the camera
05:20 and give you a nice blurred finish right there.
05:22 So if contour is intimidating, highlighting should not be.
05:27 It's a good one.
05:28 - Okay, awesome, fantastic.
05:30 And what about blush?
05:31 What are the popular things to do with blush these days?
05:33 - Well, blush these days is great,
05:35 and cheeks are in this year.
05:37 So to have nice, beautiful cheeks.
05:39 I know, isn't that crazy?
05:40 But that's what gives you a really youthful glow.
05:43 So make sure that you're doing like a soft pink or peach.
05:46 Doesn't really matter.
05:47 Peach is very in right now with the color trends.
05:50 And it looks good on everyone.
05:51 So does a really soft pink.
05:53 Make sure you hit the apples of your cheeks
05:55 and then slightly brush backwards.
05:57 But it'll give you a really youthful glow.
05:59 So don't skip that step.
06:01 - Okay. - Really important.
06:02 - Okay, and brows.
06:03 This is something that I never used to do,
06:06 but now I don't go out of the house without putting.
06:08 And I remember my grandmother always saying,
06:09 "I have to put my eyebrows on."
06:11 (laughing)
06:12 And now I'm doing the same thing.
06:13 - Well, I like your grandma.
06:14 She's great.
06:15 Brows are huge.
06:17 In general, that's your frame.
06:19 If you think of your face in thirds,
06:21 the top third is your brows,
06:23 the middle section is your eyebrows and cheeks,
06:26 and the bottom are your lips and jaw.
06:28 So you need something to anchor your face at the top,
06:32 and brows are what's in.
06:33 So thicker brows are younger brows,
06:36 or a younger look, believe it or not.
06:38 So, and you also wanna make sure
06:40 when you're putting on your brows
06:41 or painting on your brows like my grandma used to say,
06:43 make sure you don't pull them down,
06:45 but pull them slightly out to your temples.
06:47 Otherwise, it'll pull your eye down.
06:49 And you don't want everybody focusing on low.
06:51 We want our faces lifted up.
06:52 - Okay, okay, great.
06:54 - Yeah. - Awesome.
06:55 Okay, and then onto eyes.
06:58 - Well, with eyes, I really recommend
06:59 going fairly light on eyes.
07:01 If you use dark colors or heavy colors on the eyes,
07:04 it's gonna make your eyes look smaller.
07:06 So stick with the lighter colors,
07:08 maybe a little bit of contour in the crease.
07:11 You also wanna, for most of us,
07:13 you know, if you put any kind of eye stuff
07:16 or any kind of eye shadow on the bottom,
07:19 you look like a raccoon by the end of the night.
07:21 - Yeah. - Me included.
07:23 So one of the things I say is just skip that
07:25 and do a really nice, fine line right along the lash line.
07:29 It'll accentuate your lashes, open up your eyes,
07:31 and it's really pretty.
07:32 One of my favorite tips, though,
07:35 is to use either a white eyeliner
07:39 or a nude eyeliner right on the waterline of your eye.
07:43 Now, you guys are gonna hate me for this
07:44 'cause you're gonna watch all the newscasters
07:46 and they do this.
07:47 Brian Williams is famous for using the whites
07:50 right underneath, but it opens up your eyes,
07:52 and if your eyes are any kind of red
07:54 or you're outdoors, allergies, anything,
07:56 NYX, which is just a cheap little drugstore brand,
07:59 makes a really good Wonder Pencil, and it's awesome.
08:02 It just makes your eyes look beautiful.
08:04 So that's my favorite tip this summer.
08:06 - Excellent, that sounds like a great idea,
08:07 especially with all the allergies going around.
08:09 - Yes. (laughs)
08:10 - You can still look beautiful.
08:11 And then lashes.
08:13 With a lot of things happening with lashes these days.
08:15 - Yes, there's lash extensions,
08:17 there's fake eyelashes, there's everything,
08:20 but if those aren't for you, just stick with regular mascara.
08:23 And regular mascara's my favorite.
08:25 If you need mascara on your bottom lashes
08:28 and you're going to a wedding or something like that,
08:30 make sure you use waterproof on the bottom.
08:32 I don't recommend waterproof on the top, though,
08:35 and a couple of reasons.
08:36 Waterproof on the top, you have to really rub
08:39 to get it off, and sometimes that can irritate your eyes.
08:42 The other thing with waterproof mascara
08:45 is you wanna make sure that you build one eye
08:48 and then switch over to the next eye,
08:49 whereas with regular mascara, you do one eye,
08:51 let it dry while you're doing the other eye,
08:53 and you come back and you build.
08:55 So there is a difference.
08:56 - I didn't realize that.
08:57 - But when you're using mascara,
08:58 make sure you wiggle the brush right at the edge of your,
09:01 right at the bottom of your lashes
09:03 to get it right on there,
09:04 because that's what you want is a thick eyelash line.
09:06 It makes it look really pretty.
09:07 - Excellent, and so then our last is our lips.
09:10 - Yes, my favorite.
09:11 You cannot go wrong with a medium shade.
09:14 That's my favorite, and as a rule,
09:16 you know, if you're doing a heavier eye,
09:17 you want a lighter lip.
09:18 If you're doing a heavier lip, you want a lighter eye.
09:21 You know, too much of both is just too much.
09:24 (laughing)
09:25 - Okay, sounds great.
09:26 - So one of my favorite tips that I like to do
09:28 is use a lip stain.
09:30 Those of us over 40 know that we lose pigment in our lips
09:33 as we get older, and a lip stain is really nice.
09:35 I usually put one on in the morning
09:37 and then just use ChapStick or lip gloss during the day.
09:41 My lips stay nice and they're all day.
09:43 I've got some pigment in them.
09:45 Especially brides, some brides want to do a really bold lip
09:48 and I always put lip stain on there
09:49 so that it doesn't get on their grooms
09:51 and on their pictures, so.
09:52 - Oh, yeah.
09:53 - Yeah, and you can build it, too.
09:54 You can do 'em very soft or you can add more,
09:56 so I like it, but lip stains can be drying,
09:58 so I do recommend that you put a lip gloss
10:00 or some sort of ChapStick over it.
10:02 - Excellent, so any last tips?
10:04 - And last tips would be, the other thing I like to do,
10:08 especially with those of us over 40,
10:10 is to take my nude lip liner
10:12 and outline the outline of my lips,
10:14 especially before I put on the lip stain.
10:16 If you can have any of those vertical lines,
10:18 it won't bleed into those lines.
10:21 And then it also serves as a nice highlighter
10:23 around your lips, too, so it really sets off that color.
10:26 It's really nice, so this is why this is my favorite.
10:29 And then only just dot your lip gloss right in the middle.
10:32 You don't need it all over your lips.
10:34 It gives you too much of that vinyl-type looking lip.
10:37 This'll give you just a soft, pretty, glowy lip,
10:39 whether you're wearing lipstick or not.
10:41 - Excellent, sounds fantastic.
10:42 So how can people find you?
10:44 - I am, I can be found on,
10:49 and that's E-L-L-E-W,
10:53 And I'm also the co-owner of Hair Studio 164 in Linwood,
10:56 and I'm there five days a week,
10:58 behind that chair, doing hair.
10:59 - Yes, you have a fabulous studio there.
11:01 - Thank you. - Yes, yes, very nice.
11:03 - Well, Laura, thank you for joining us,
11:05 and thank you for sharing with all of our friends here.
11:07 And we just invite you to visit her,
11:10 out on her site and her studio.
11:12 And thanks for coming, ladies.
11:14 We'll see you next time at Friends Faves.
11:17 - Thank you.
11:17 (upbeat music)
11:20 (upbeat music)
11:23 (upbeat music)
