• 2 years ago
00:00 Hi guys! So who is not excited right now for Team Beach 2? Oh my gosh! Okay so I am having
00:11 a Team Beach 2 sleepover party with Cody from Cody Axe-Cree and we are going to be making
00:19 so many videos for you guys. You guys are just going to love it! So, um, today I'm here
00:28 to show you guys how you can get the look of one of the characters. So to get this look
00:35 off of the character Mackenzie, you are going to need your hair, makeup, and outfit done.
00:47 So for makeup, I have just used this Becca foundation for my foundation. I've used this
01:02 powder. I have used this blush. I have used this and this eyeshadow. I have used this
01:19 eyeliner. And I have used this for my brows. And I have used this mascara. So, um, I'm
01:33 so sorry you guys that I didn't film it. I tried filming it and then my recorder thing,
01:41 my camera, it said recording failed or something like that so I'm so sorry about that. But,
01:48 oh, and then for lips, yes, I'm sorry, I used a little bit of this Wet n Wild, just splotted
01:54 it on, and then over the top I took this really pretty lip gloss and I just used all that
02:02 to create this look. And this is Mack, Mack's look from Team Beach 2. So not one, but two.
02:11 She did change her look up a little bit. So now on to hair. I'm going to show you guys
02:15 how you can get her super cute pigtails that she wears in her hair all the time. Now, I'm
02:25 not exactly sure if she wears these in Team Beach 2, but I know she wears them in Team
02:30 Beach 1. But I think she wears them in both at some point in the movie. I'm kind of mixing
02:38 all this up. But what you're going to need to accomplish her cute little pigtails is
02:46 a brush, obviously, to brush out her hair. You're also going to need a ponytail holder.
02:54 Excuse me for a moment, I must go down there. Ow! So sorry about that everyone. Anyways,
03:11 so you're just going to need two ponytail holders. You're also going to need a curling
03:18 iron. If I can actually find it. Sorry. Everything is down here. You're going to need a curling
03:26 iron. I'm just using the wand because I think it gives the best curls and it looks so much
03:32 like her curls. And then you're just going to want to set it to 330 degrees. And then,
03:41 um, yeah, I think that's about it. Oh, and you're also going to need some colorful ribbon.
03:49 Any color of your choice. So I'm just going to start by cleaning up my whole area here.
03:57 Just setting everything back into my makeup bag so that way I can get things done easier.
04:02 And then I'm just going to be, um, putting my, I'm just going to be plugging in my curling
04:14 iron. And so you guys can just, I'm just plugging it in and I'm going to be turning it on and
04:26 putting it to 330 degrees. So, um, I'm just going to let that set for a little bit while
04:36 I finish cleaning everything up. And, um, oh, I made that. Anyways, then I'm just going
04:47 to, um, wait and prepare my hair to get curled. So what you're going to need to do is first
04:57 of all brush out your hair. And you want straight hair for this, um, just like while you're,
05:06 uh, brushing out and like parting everything. Then you're going to go into the back and
05:13 part in the middle a part. And it doesn't have to be directly in the middle. I mean,
05:20 it's not like, you know, this is perfect for a Halloween costume or anything. Then you're
05:26 just going to want to wet the base of your hair up here. But of course we do know that
05:34 if we mix water with a curling iron it don't end well. But you can curl any parts of it
05:43 that will not touch the curling iron. So just, um, get them into two perfect pigtails. Once
05:58 you have them into pigtails you want to make sure that they are like even because you don't
06:04 want them like all messed up and crazy. Then you're just going to start curling. It's pretty
06:09 basic. Um, I mean, even for someone who's never used a curling iron, pretty basic. You
06:16 just take it and whichever curling iron you're using, but the way you do it with mine is
06:22 you just wrap it around and hold it. Like this. So I'm just counting to 40, but you
06:48 can count to whatever you want. The reason why 40 because I don't want them too curly.
06:53 You know, hers aren't like major curls, so I'm only probably going to do about like three
06:59 strands, three curls, whatever you want to call it. I'm only probably going to split
07:06 it up into like three. And for the bigger chunks, oh, well, that didn't really work.
07:32 So the bigger chunks you do, I'd say do count to 50 and just curl your entire thing. Like
07:39 I said, I'm doing three strands, so I'm going to curl both sides and I'll be right back.
07:44 Alrighty everyone, so this is the completed hair look for Mac. I really hope you guys
07:51 enjoyed the hair. I know I love this hairstyle. Um, it makes me think of when I was like five
07:58 or something. I don't know. I just think it's so cute and I think, um, that it goes perfect
08:03 for Mac's look. The next thing you can do, this is optional, but I would prefer to do
08:09 it because, um, it is in the movie as part of the movie is get some colorful ribbon and
08:16 tie it in. Alrighty guys, so I just have this ribbon that I'm going to be tying in to my
08:23 hair to give it that Mac teen beach look. Um, and it's just super, super cute and you
08:35 can just do, you can just do, uh, whatever you want. You can tie it in a bow, you can
08:47 wrap it around. I'm going to just, uh, wrap it normal and see, um, what we can get there
09:01 and just tie that in however you want. And also it works to just simply cover up the,
09:14 um, little, there we go. And you have a little ribbon in your hair. So it looks so cute and
09:26 it goes really, really well with the look. Um, I just cut little ribbons equal. I really
09:33 don't know what size they are, but I just found a ribbon, cut it in half. Um, and then
09:42 I got these two little halves. And like I said, it also covers up the ponytail. So that's
09:57 good because then you can just have like your custom, um, custom made. Alrighty, so that's
10:09 the completed hair look for Mac. So I hope you guys enjoyed, um, the hair look. Now on
10:17 to outfit. Alright everybody, so for outfit I just have this super cute top that I got
10:27 from Target. It's just a really cute turquoise top that comes with a built in tape top. And
10:36 then I just added another black tape top underneath. Um, so that way that I would have, because
10:46 it doesn't go up very far. And then I just paired it with this cute pair of shorts. Um,
10:53 these are just from Walmart and they're just little denim shorts. Um, I am going to be
10:58 pairing them with white shorts, um, when you see us appear in the, um, in the, um, what
11:11 should I call it? Um, I will be, um, wearing some white shorts, but for now I just chose
11:21 the super cute, um, comfortable denim ones. So I hope you guys enjoyed the whole entire
11:31 look. I love you guys so much and I'll see you guys later. Bye!
11:36 *kiss* *sigh*
