Play-doh lips tutorial

  • last year
00:00 Hi, I'm going to be doing a video of how to make a really big pair of bushy lips.
00:06 So I've got some Play-Doh here, nice pink, you know, beautiful.
00:13 So I'm just going to open it.
00:17 Voila! So I've got my ball of Play-Doh.
00:24 So in order to make a pair of really nice bushy lips, you're just going to roll it up.
00:30 I'm just going to roll it up on my leg.
00:34 So if you want them really skinny and long, you have to roll it up quite a lot, like a big snake.
00:41 But if you just want them big, bushy, like mine, just copy me!
00:46 So I'm just going to keep rolling them up, and I'll be done in a moment.
00:50 So when you get to this stage, you're going to literally fold it in half and turn it.
00:59 You're going to press this into here like this, and keep doing it until you have a nice, nice, nice pair of lips.
01:07 So folks, here's a nice pair of shaped lips.
01:11 They look quite weird, quite strange.
01:15 But all you're going to have to do now is you're going to squeeze the sides up a bit like this.
01:26 Like that. Look upside like that.
01:29 Do the other side and make it really perfectly neat.
01:33 Once you have completed that stage, you're going to get your knuckle and your finger, my knuckle,
01:40 and you're going to press it down to the middle of the top.
01:45 So, yeah, I'll show you.
01:47 So basically just get the knuckle and push it in like that.
01:54 I'm going to make mine incredibly neat.
01:58 So I'm just going to, like, adjust it.
02:03 Once you've done that, literally point these up a little bit, and then these two bumps here, as you can see,
02:12 you'll just, like, point them up like this.
02:23 I'm just going to adjust mine a little bit.
02:25 There we go. All done. A nice pair of lips.
02:29 You can adjust to it, you know.
02:33 But thank you for watching my video.
02:36 Please subscribe down below and type down, like, a message of what else you want me to make out of Play-Doh.
02:46 But thank you for watching.
02:49 Mwah!