Amado Vargas vs Bernardo Manzano (13-05-2023) Full Fight

  • last year



00:00 Obey my commands at all times, protect yourself at all times.
00:02 Touch gloves.
00:03 Tim Bradley and I, who's sitting here ringside,
00:14 that he was ready for a six rounder,
00:16 wanted to up the ante here in this fight,
00:18 but nonetheless, another four rounder for him.
00:20 But that's OK.
00:20 I mean, just this sixth professional fight.
00:22 Well, the thing is that four rounders, they suck.
00:25 I mean, if you get knocked down, you
00:26 got to win every other round after that in convincing fashion.
00:30 So it makes sense to go ahead and do six rounds.
00:34 Fortunately for the young Vargas,
00:35 he has not been knocked down or been
00:37 on the losing end of any of his professional fights,
00:39 undefeated to this point against Manzano, who is two and four.
00:45 Two wins against fighters that had no wins.
00:47 Yeah, and he was stopped his last time out, too.
00:50 Two of his last three fights out, he suffered a knockout.
00:55 Vargas, the middle son of Fernando Vargas.
00:58 You'll see his younger brother Emiliano
01:00 on the Devin Haney, Vasily Lomachenko pay-per-view card.
01:04 He's on the undercard portion.
01:05 That's next Saturday night.
01:07 Make sure you join us for that one.
01:08 And right now, Amado Vargas looking
01:10 to establish that lead hand as he's got Manzano on the ropes.
01:15 Yeah, he's using that stab jab downstairs.
01:17 He's trying to set up something over the top,
01:19 which particularly the right hand comes after that.
01:23 He forgot to buckle his left shoe there, did Amado Vargas.
01:29 Nonetheless, maybe feels like he won't be in there for too long.
01:33 Nice shot.
01:33 Lands there.
01:36 Just teeing up with that jab hand,
01:38 letting the right hand go.
01:39 Yeah, but he's rushing things.
01:40 I mean, he sees that--
01:41 You said he had four rounds.
01:42 You don't got time to mess around.
01:43 No, look, look.
01:44 He's doing the right thing.
01:45 He's going to him.
01:46 He's taking him out.
01:46 When you have a guy that's not on your level,
01:48 you want to go in there.
01:49 You actually want to take him out.
01:50 But you want it to be clean.
01:53 You want it to look good while you're doing it.
01:57 Don't make a whole lot of mistakes.
01:58 It seems like he's just rushing.
01:59 If he takes his time a little bit more,
02:01 he'll be able to set up his shots.
02:02 Well, it is a big opportunity for him.
02:04 He spoke to that when we had a chance
02:05 to speak with him yesterday, saying, you know,
02:07 ESPN Plus, a top-ranked card, a lot of exposure,
02:11 world title fight card.
02:12 I mean, I know this is a lot on the line, a lot of pressure,
02:15 but I'm ready for it.
02:17 Nice work downstairs to the body.
02:19 I'm not going to lie.
02:19 I like the body work.
02:20 I really do.
02:21 And sometimes those kind of shots
02:23 sitting down to your punches, though, into the body
02:24 are things that take some fighters that
02:26 don't have a lot of amateur experience time
02:28 to figure out and establish.
02:29 Yes, the only thing is that I don't
02:30 like he keeps his head on the line.
02:32 Oh, that's a delayed reaction to the knockdown.
02:34 Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
02:43 Want this.
02:44 Go.
02:45 A body shot on that exchange caused that knockdown.
02:48 He tripped.
02:49 You think he tripped.
02:50 Yeah, there's no doubt.
02:51 He was trying to exit, trying to get away, and he tripped.
02:55 Well, nonetheless, Les Bargess going right back at it.
03:01 And Manzano, you'd think he wouldn't
03:03 want to continue to stay in this position right here, Tim,
03:06 back against the ropes.
03:07 He needs to start moving around a little bit more.
03:09 He has no other choice.
03:11 He's outgunned.
03:12 He feels it.
03:13 When you're inside the ring, you feel the strength
03:15 of the other fighter.
03:17 He knows it.
03:17 But so now what Manzano's trying to do is he's trying to make--
03:20 10 seconds.
03:21 --Bargess pay for his mistakes.
03:23 Any little window of opportunity,
03:27 he's trying to land.
03:28 Two, three.
03:29 Time.
03:30 So one of us is going to be right,
03:35 and one of us is going to be wrong.
03:37 And we'll take a look back at this replay.
03:38 But let's first listen to his father
03:40 giving him some instruction.
03:43 I'm not going to make you grow your hair out.
03:45 No, no, just check this out.
03:45 Check this out.
03:45 OK, I am.
03:46 I am.
03:46 I am.
03:46 Look at him.
03:46 A couple of body shots right here.
03:48 Double jab, splitting the guard right there.
03:51 Body shot, he turns, exit.
03:52 That's it.
03:53 He's on his heels.
03:54 He tripped on what?
03:55 On his heels.
03:56 When he tried to exit, he tripped.
03:58 OK, but he also got hit with a body shot there.
04:00 Yeah, the body shot right there.
04:02 And that one right there.
04:02 But then he tripped back.
04:03 Boop.
04:03 See?
04:03 Lost his footing.
04:04 OK, got it.
04:05 There it is.
04:05 Lost his footing.
04:06 He wasn't fazed by that.
04:11 Let's listen in to Fernando Bargess in his son's corner.
04:15 All right, everything is good.
04:17 All right?
04:17 How you feel?
04:18 Good.
04:18 All right, listen.
04:22 And bink.
04:23 OK?
04:25 And bink.
04:26 Got that?
04:27 Bink.
04:27 That's it.
04:29 Love pops.
04:30 He's great.
04:31 Bargess family.
04:31 Yeah, he's fantastic.
04:32 And something we haven't--
04:34 We haven't mentioned yet is that Gabriel Flores Sr. has
04:36 spent some time in that camp.
04:37 Both Amado Bargess and Gabriel Flores Jr.,
04:40 who you will see later on tonight,
04:42 did training camp together.
04:43 So each of the fathers of both of those fighters
04:45 gave instruction to the other son.
04:46 And it was a welcome voice for both Amado and Gabriel Flores.
04:51 See what I'm noticing with Bargess--
04:54 see, I'm looking at mistakes.
04:55 That's what I'm looking at.
04:57 You know, one, he's rushing his attacks.
04:58 Sometimes he's overshooting.
04:59 And there's occasionally he'll push his punches.
05:02 Another thing is he's smothering at times.
05:04 And then when he gets done with his combinations,
05:06 he's bringing his head right back to the center line,
05:08 the line of fire.
05:09 So if anybody was to throw after he gets done,
05:12 they'll be able to land.
05:14 Something he needs to work on.
05:15 Get your head off the line.
05:17 Nice chopping right hand to start that combination.
05:21 Manzano trying to wave it off and shake his head.
05:23 But you know what that means, really, though.
05:25 Oh, it hurts.
05:26 It hurts.
05:26 But you know, you're just trying to discourage him
05:29 by a little time.
05:31 So he can do that.
05:32 Nice jab right there by Manzano.
05:35 Some more combinations from Bargess Jr.
05:40 Has Manzano on the move there.
05:44 Down to the body with that lead hand.
05:46 Back to the body.
05:48 Watch your head in there.
05:49 Watch your head.
05:51 Let's go.
05:51 Punch out.
05:52 Punch out.
05:54 Amado Bargess getting some good prep for this fight
05:57 over at Solace's boxing gym in Las Vegas.
06:00 He goes down to the body once again with the right hand.
06:03 Said he wants to show everybody how hard that he's
06:05 worked for this fight.
06:07 Wasn't feeling his best in his last fight physically.
06:11 But no excuses for this one here.
06:14 Well, he's doing what he's supposed to do.
06:16 He's dominating this fight.
06:18 And he's looking somewhat impressive.
06:20 You were just critiquing the things
06:21 that you feel like he could work on.
06:23 Yes, but Manzano is not being deterred easily.
06:28 He's fighting back.
06:31 And if he had a little bit more pop on his punches,
06:33 I think he would surprise a lot of us.
06:35 He'd be able to land.
06:36 Because he is landing some shots of his own occasionally.
06:41 And again, he's mostly landing when
06:44 Bargess is standing there a little bit too quick,
06:47 too long.
06:48 And also, when he's throwing his combinations,
06:51 he's getting caught in between every now and then.
06:53 Again, making mistakes, stepping straight back,
07:02 putting his hands up high.
07:04 Manzano just digging downstairs with a jab to the body.
07:09 Good combination.
07:13 All partially blocked there, though, by Manzano.
07:15 And that was all set up by the feint.
07:17 You know, the feint, that's going to freeze your opponent.
07:20 And he's done that quite a bit.
07:21 Not only up top, but with his feet as well.
07:23 Almost like a little jab step.
07:24 Yes.
07:25 Yes.
07:25 Basketball reference there.
07:26 Shout out to the Lakers.
07:27 A little jab step.
07:28 Yeah, baby.
07:29 But I had to get that shot in.
07:31 I should have said it when Dre was sitting next to me.
07:33 Exactly.
07:33 I got a fellow Laker fan here.
07:35 Absolutely.
07:37 I would have rubbed it in Dre's face.
07:39 I know.
07:39 Trying to be nice.
07:40 Like, that's what we're supposed to do.
07:42 Coming up in our main event, the world champion
07:45 looking to defend his title, Janabek Ali Khanel.
07:47 Here's a little bit more about him.
07:49 This is from Kazakhstan, trying to get that Kazakh style
07:52 to resonate with boxing fans.
07:53 Fantastic amateur record, 300 wins, only eight losses.
07:58 Started his first amateur fight when he was six years old.
08:00 Basically said, our parents just give us
08:02 to boxing in Kazakhstan.
08:04 And that's what raises us.
08:05 He's an avid reader, and he really likes to study nutrition.
08:10 What do you like about Kazakh style, or Janabek Ali Khanel?
08:14 Kazakh style ain't nothing but an ultra perm.
08:16 It ain't nothing but a boxer puncher.
08:18 That's what it is.
08:19 He's a boxer puncher.
08:21 He's a guy that has great technical skills,
08:23 good footwork, but he got to put some pop on his shots.
08:26 That's it.
08:27 That's what Kazakh style means.
08:30 All right.
08:30 We'll see if he's able to deliver and defend
08:32 that title successfully in our main event,
08:34 scheduled later on tonight, 7 PM Pacific time, live on ESPN.
08:40 Christina Poncher and Tim Bradley with you here,
08:42 the second fight of the night.
08:45 Amado El Mavado Vargas taking on Bernardo Manzano.
08:52 Just a four-rounder.
08:53 Vargas has done his thing pretty well in the first two rounds.
08:59 He's done a variety of combinations.
09:01 He's established work to the body early.
09:04 He's used some feints to bait in Manzano.
09:07 You know, what I like about Vargas more importantly
09:17 than his boxing is he's a respectful young man.
09:20 Honestly, I was in the workout room.
09:22 I was running on the treadmill-- actually,
09:24 walking on the treadmill.
09:27 And he comes in, and he's like, hey, champ,
09:29 can I play some music?
09:30 And I said, yeah, no problem.
09:32 He said, it's going to have a little cursing in it.
09:34 I said, OK, absolutely.
09:35 But the fact that he asked, I was like, you know what?
09:39 That's respect, young man.
09:41 His father's done a good job with him.
09:44 Yeah, all three of his sons-- and I've
09:46 had the pleasure of speaking to them and meeting them all
09:48 and obviously calling Emiliano's fights good boxers,
09:52 great people.
09:53 Yes.
09:54 Yes.
09:54 And all want to make their own path.
09:56 Exactly.
09:58 And another thing that I loved about him when our fighting
10:00 started was that he doesn't care what anybody thinks
10:06 or says about him.
10:07 Only the people that are close in his circle,
10:10 that's what he cares about.
10:12 That is great.
10:14 It's a young man who already knows
10:17 what are the major keys of life.
10:19 Do you, son.
10:19 Oh, good body shot.
10:20 Do you.
10:21 Well, yeah, and you have a father,
10:23 and you've been raised around boxing,
10:24 and they've had cameras in their house, reality series, et
10:27 cetera.
10:28 They've all had to mature really fast.
10:29 And the fact that they know that they can take criticism,
10:31 you'll never be your father, et cetera, what comes with it,
10:33 they just let it roll off their back,
10:34 probably like some of that curl activator in his hair.
10:38 But no, they've all handled the pressure in the spotlight
10:41 very, very well.
10:42 And it's not easy to follow in the footsteps of your father
10:46 and the legacy that he's created.
10:47 And we talk about boxing fathers a lot
10:51 and fathers being involved in their careers.
10:53 These guys each have their own unique personalities
10:55 and styles.
10:55 And styles.
10:56 Yep.
10:57 Yeah, I would say the younger one is definitely
10:59 the most talented one, without question.
11:01 I think they're all talented.
11:02 I think he has the most.
11:03 And they're on way.
11:04 And they're on way.
11:04 And they're on way.
11:06 Amato said he just wants to fight.
11:07 He just wants to beat guys up.
11:09 And you kind of see some of that meanness in the way
11:11 that he fights his style.
11:12 He does put a lot of oomph behind his shots.
11:16 And sometimes maybe even just being the middle child, right?
11:18 You've got to find a way to--
11:20 Fit in.
11:20 Fit in and claw your way and get that attention.
11:24 Down to the body.
11:26 Nice combination just with the left sleeve hand there.
11:29 No, he's putting his combinations together well.
11:32 That's all positioning.
11:34 You're throwing your combinations,
11:36 throwing them at the right time and the right distance.
11:38 Be able to maximize power.
11:40 [INAUDIBLE] the body.
11:47 OK.
11:48 [INAUDIBLE] body.
11:51 Hey, how you feeling?
11:52 Good.
11:53 All right, listen.
11:54 There's work going.
11:55 There's work to go.
11:56 But you've got to keep on going with the body and the hand.
11:58 Finish up on top.
11:59 Jab.
12:00 Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.
12:03 Look at me.
12:04 Look at me.
12:05 Double the jab, get inside, and rip his ass up.
12:07 OK.
12:09 Let's work.
12:10 Let's work.
12:11 Let's work.
12:12 Last round.
12:13 Let's work.
12:14 Double jab, both sides, and then finish up on top.
12:17 Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.
12:18 OK.
12:19 Keep on them.
12:19 Keep on them.
12:20 You're going to punish them.
12:21 Let's work.
12:22 And there's a look at some of the background.
12:24 And as if you didn't know, probably the boxing heads that
12:28 are tuned in this early on a fight card
12:29 know all about his father.
12:32 Olympic bronze medalist, world champion in the Nevada Boxing
12:37 Hall of Fame.
12:40 You also heard the voice of Gabriel Flores,
12:41 senior, in his corner.
12:42 Do you want to get a double up on that jab
12:45 and finish strong here in the fourth and final round?
12:56 A lot of straight lines.
12:58 Boxing a lot of straight lines.
13:00 And that's going to be a problem moving forward.
13:02 I mean, young in his career, still got a lot to learn.
13:04 Got hit with that right hand from Manzano.
13:08 But then he wants to get back.
13:10 And some of those punches actually
13:11 landing on the back of the head of Manzano.
13:15 But maybe he's showing a little bit of that--
13:17 I don't want to say temper.
13:19 But he got hit once, and then it's like that immediate want
13:21 to get back.
13:22 Yeah.
13:23 I mean, that's a true fighter, honestly.
13:25 That's the way I was.
13:26 Manzano, it's supposedly forbidden,
13:28 or should be forbidden, for a fighter
13:30 to want to get that get back right away,
13:32 because you can be sent up.
13:33 You know, the guy can use that to his knowledge
13:36 and set you up with a big punch.
13:38 But I'm all about that.
13:39 I'm all about like, you know what?
13:41 I'm not going to allow you-- ooh, that body shot hurt him.
13:43 That body shot hurt him.
13:44 And then he comes back upstairs.
13:47 Manzano looking to open up a little bit more,
13:50 as these two look to bring it here in the final two
13:52 minutes of the fight.
13:55 Manzano egging Vargas.
13:57 Come on.
13:57 Come on.
13:58 Not sure that's what he wants.
14:01 Vargas has got the better of the two
14:03 in most of these exchanges throughout the fight.
14:05 Yes, that Vargas is coming out.
14:08 See bits and pieces of his father in him coming out.
14:23 Not much of that doubling up on the jab
14:25 that Flores Senior was calling for.
14:26 That's out the window.
14:27 He's just in there fighting.
14:28 I mean, you know, conditioning-wise, he's good.
14:35 He's golden.
14:35 Four rounds, no problem.
14:37 You know, I saw him breathing heavy in the corner.
14:40 But he's continually coming forward
14:42 and continuously coming forward and landing power shots.
14:45 Again to the body.
14:51 And as he gets older, 22 years old,
14:53 he'll sit down on these shots just a little bit more.
14:55 He's sitting down.
14:56 He's sitting down on them, but he's
14:57 got to learn how to turn them over.
14:59 See, turn them over, hitting with the knuckles.
15:01 Those two knuckles, those big knuckles right here.
15:04 You've got to hit with them two big knuckles.
15:08 Not slap with the small knuckles here on the hands,
15:11 on the fingers.
15:13 It's kind of one of those things that takes a lot of guys.
15:15 I mean, and sometimes you see it with guys
15:17 that have a longer amateur career than even Vargas did,
15:20 learning how to not slap as much with your shots.
15:22 Yes.
15:22 Turn them over.
15:24 That was my biggest issue.
15:25 I had a ton of muscle.
15:27 Technical-wise or technique-wise,
15:29 I wasn't the best in that.
15:31 Oh, and OK, he's going to let him work out of that,
15:39 because they were both trying to get on the clinch.
15:41 He took one shot on the inside there, did Vargas.
15:44 That is the end of this fight.
15:48 Great work tonight from Amado Vargas.
15:51 Yeah, check out this body shot that lands right here
16:02 that I said had hurt Manzano.
16:05 Ooh, you see?
16:06 You want to know why that hurt?
16:08 You see the elbow drop down.
16:09 You see him tuck.
16:11 He knocked on the left side right there.
16:13 That opens up that shot downstairs.
16:15 Boom, beautiful shot.
16:16 Well-placed body shot right there from Vargas.
16:19 Great performance.
16:19 He's a young man.
16:20 He works hard.
16:21 I respect him.
16:22 He has a ton of respect for myself.
16:25 I have a ton of respect for his father.
16:27 He's putting the work in the gym.
16:29 It's showing.
16:31 Great shot.
16:31 I mean, great shots, man.
16:32 He landed some tremendous punches tonight.
16:35 Good set-up shot right there off the double jab combinations.
16:39 I said that was a slip.
16:40 Christina said that it was a knockdown.
16:42 But Manzano, he was completely outgunned tonight,
16:46 honestly.
16:47 Vargas was just stronger, had a little bit more experience,
16:51 a lot more technically sound than he was.
16:54 And, you know, good showing, I would say, for the young Vargas.
16:57 I agree, and I think that coming off his last performance
17:03 to this performance, I've seen some growth.
17:06 You have.
17:07 And I think that he will continue to improve,
17:09 putting in more work, because he absolutely--
17:11 you could tell the passion that he wants this,
17:13 and he wants to be good.
17:14 He wants to be a great fighter.
17:15 So Mark Schnuck's in the ring, and he's ready.
17:17 Let's send it up to him now.
17:18 Ladies and gentlemen, after four rounds here
17:20 inside the Stockton Arena, we go to the judges' scorecards
17:23 for the official decision.
17:24 Guillermin Farias de Souza, Robert Hoyle, and Susan Thomas
17:30 Gitlin all score the bout 40 to 35
17:34 for your winner by unanimous decision,
17:37 Amado Fernando Vargas!
17:44 He remains undefeated, does Vargas.
17:47 Improves his record now to 7 and 0, 2 KOs.
17:50 Your winner tonight, every round, including the knockdown.
17:53 And we carry on.
17:55 Good, great, great performance.
17:57 You know, he's got a lot to go back to the drawing board
17:59 and work on.
