Julia Louis Dreyfus Makeup Tips for Women Over 50

  • last year
00:00 Hi everyone, this is Margaret Manning with Boomerlee.
00:03 Beauty and makeup conversation is a little difficult as you get a bit older.
00:08 Women still want to look beautiful and to be desirable, but they at the same time don't
00:13 want to be caught up in the anti-aging beauty and obsessive youthfulness drama that seems
00:20 to be everywhere these days.
00:23 So we look for beauty tips that are relevant and realistic to our age.
00:28 And the other day I saw an article by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, an actress who, beautiful woman,
00:35 but made some comments about what she's learned about makeup tips over the years and now what
00:42 she applies as she's a little older.
00:44 And one of the things she talked about is foundation.
00:49 And basically that in her opinion, less is better, less is more.
00:55 And she made that one comment which really I think is pretty fundamental and foundational
01:02 and is one that women who really want to look great and have a nice even skin tone can learn
01:10 from.
01:11 And before I go into some ideas and tips about how you can apply that, I just would like
01:15 to say though that anti-aging is in general not a phrase that boomers like to use.
01:22 I think that there is a timelessness in our feeling about our beauty and it's more about
01:28 positive aging and being proactive with your aging.
01:33 You can't do anything about the wrinkles and the age spots and the uneven skin tone because
01:39 it's just you and you're beautiful just the way that you are.
01:44 But if you are looking to have a palette to work with and you want to do your foundation
01:49 in a really nice subtle way as Julia Adreyfus said, here's some ideas.
01:55 Ariane Poole is a professional makeup artist that works with Sixty and Me and she gives
02:00 the following advice.
02:01 I think it's really valuable.
02:04 Basically the first thing is to use a lightweight foundation.
02:07 I mean most, not most, but many women who are older tend to use a cream foundation or
02:12 something that's heavy.
02:13 But she says to just use a lightweight, even a tinted moisturizer that is not going to
02:19 drag your face down and make it look too sticky and thick.
02:23 So first of all, a very lightweight foundation.
02:27 Secondly is to apply it with a brush, something that I never did, but I've learned from her
02:32 that this is the best way to get a really nice light coverage and be able to apply it
02:38 really beautifully.
02:39 And also use a primer before you put this foundation on.
02:44 And all a primer is is just like a cream, but like a heavy, not heavy, but a textured
02:49 cream that you put on underneath your foundation and it just keeps it there.
02:54 Because if you're using a lightweight foundation you want it to stay.
02:57 And then the other advice she gave is to use very little powder.
03:01 Not to put powder on top of the foundation because that will give you this perfectly
03:07 natural look, which is what Julia Louis-Dreyfus was suggesting.
03:12 So lighten up on the foundation, glow from inside, let that foundation let you shine,
03:18 and enjoy just looking great and feeling wonderful in your 50s with makeup.
03:25 Hope that was helpful.
03:26 If you go to the article on the website, there's a video there that we did with Arianne showing
03:32 the stages that I just referred to, and you can take a look at it and learn as I did.
03:38 So hope that you enjoy it and I look forward to reading your comments at the bottom of
03:43 the article.
03:44 Thanks everybody.
03:45 Have a really great day.
03:46 Thank you.
