Middle School Makeup Tips!

  • last year
00:00 Cause what about, what about it too?
00:06 Hey, so I decided to film here today because my like film spot is so basic and annoying so
00:10 Let's try something different. It's going to be a sixth, seventh, and eighth um makeup tutorial. I feel like everyone
00:16 could wear whatever they want in that grade or like
00:19 how old, however old they are, but I guess there's a limit to what you should wear in like
00:25 Middle school. Just get started. I'm actually gonna put this stuff physically on but I'm just gonna tell you what like
00:30 You should wear what you should. Sixth grade you shouldn't be wearing anything
00:33 whoops, and I guess you could wear like a lip balm, but
00:38 First seventh grade. It's like the time where I started wearing like eyeliner to school and stuff so
00:44 All I would do is I would wear basically like a lip gloss like this
00:50 It's just like a little tint this MAC eye pencil and coffee. It's brown
00:54 So it's not as harsh as black so I just put that on my waterline and my tightline if I wanted to and I would
00:59 wear mascara, any mascara of my choice or it could be both like whatever
01:03 Oh my god, I dropped it. Oh my god
01:07 As for eighth grade um I would wear all that stuff
01:13 I just said for seventh grade, and then I would add some concealer some powder you know
01:17 That's about it
01:19 I don't feel like I had to physically put it on for you guys because it really doesn't like matter
01:24 I'm just telling you some tips. You don't have to do what I said like
01:28 It's really your preference of what you want to wear, but that's just something I would wear like during those grades
01:34 So yeah
01:36 Everyone's different, and I'm not telling you to like
01:38 Wear what I just said. I just don't want to get like comments saying oh sixth grade could wear whatever she wants
01:45 Yeah, she can it was just me as in sixth grade
01:48 That's what I wore or I didn't really wear anything so yeah, and in seventh and eighth for that so yeah
01:54 I really hope you guys enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up if you did enjoy it
01:57 I'm sorry. It was like really pointless, and I didn't put makeup on for it
02:01 I'm just too lazy, and there's no point in it because you know what eyeliner and concealer looks like so yeah
02:06 So you should smile it looks great on you and bye
