Defined BRIDAL Makeup Tutorial - Loads of Tips!.mp4

  • last year
00:00 [ding]
00:27 Hey everyone and welcome back to my channel. I am Siobhan for anyone who's new and in today's video
00:31 I'm going to be creating a bridal look for ye.
00:34 I've been getting loads of requests for bridal makeups lately as it is, I suppose, bridal season at the moment and this is really
00:41 the kind of look that is for girls who want to wear
00:45 noticeable makeup on the day. It's not for the girls who want the super uber
00:52 natural like no makeup kind of makeup. This is for the girls who like the definition, who
00:58 generally wear makeup all the time themselves and they want to feel how they always do or look how they always do so they like
01:03 that definition. They like, you know, the strong eyeliner and stuff like that. Now I already have my base and brows done.
01:09 My brows haven't changed from the last makeup tutorial I did but basically I have the Pro Longwear
01:15 waterproof brow set by Mac in them and this is brilliant for bridal work because it is waterproof.
01:21 If there's sweating, if there's any kind of moisture at all, it's not going to move and
01:25 it doesn't really smudge either because it is that little bit more budge proof.
01:30 So this is brilliant for those days and then I am wearing a sample.
01:34 Where is it? A sample of the new Pro Longwear foundation by Mac.
01:38 I don't even know the proper proper name for it because there was another Pro Longwear foundation
01:43 that's been discontinued and this is the new one. So let me know what you think.
01:46 I am actually quite impressed with it so far.
01:48 The foundation color is lovely. In Studio Fix Fluid, the NC15 is ever so slightly too yellow for me.
01:55 This is the NC15 now in the new Pro Longwear foundation and I really really like it. It is a
02:00 perfect match for my neck. I'm really really impressed with that so far.
02:05 I've been wearing this actually for about an hour because I did my face earlier on and
02:09 it's already sitting really really well on my face.
02:11 I haven't powdered yet because I will do that after the eyes which is what I would generally do on the morning of a wedding
02:16 anyhow. So I'm going to start with the eyes. Now when I'm doing bridal work, I would nearly always do or use a
02:24 primer underneath my eyeshadow. One of the primers that I'm absolutely loving lately is this guy here by Mac
02:28 and it's the Piper and Prime 24-hour extend eye base.
02:31 So this guy lives in my kit and I'm actually working off a sample that I got a while ago.
02:37 So I tend to apply this with my fingers and
02:39 I apply it to the moving part of my lid mainly.
02:45 I would usually, which is what I've already done today, just use concealer and
02:49 then just a translucent powder on my brow bone.
02:52 It would be good to press some of that there onto the inner corner as well
02:56 especially if you're going to use a highlight there because it will grab onto anything you put on over it very very well.
03:01 And one thing I should say as well just before I get on to the eyes is prep for the skin. I did use a
03:07 illuminator. This is the Buff Makeup Movie Star Sheer Glow Lotion.
03:12 I love this and it's not going to be too obvious when you put it underneath your foundation.
03:17 So you can probably just see I have a nice little bit of a glow there coming through the foundation and that's to do with this.
03:23 And I nearly always use a under eye primer as well.
03:28 So this is one that I use very heavily in my kit. It is the Smashbox
03:32 Photo Finish Hydrating Under Eye Primer. Now
03:35 I love this because it just helps to hydrate any little fine lines and blur the look of any
03:41 just any kind of texture issues you might have underneath the eyes which most of us, you know, over the age of 30 have.
03:47 And this is what I've used today. This is a new one to me now. It's the Garnier 5 Second Perfect Blur Eye
03:53 Primer. So I was dying to try this out and it seems to be very similar to the Smashbox.
03:58 I haven't used it for very long yet.
04:00 So we'll see how it goes, but you can use this on
04:03 the top lid but also on the bottom lid. Now for my eyeshadow
04:08 I'm actually going to use this Isadora Color Eye Bar again. Now I know I did use this in a recent tutorial
04:12 but in all the videos that I've
04:15 kind of had makeup on that I created with this, so many of you have been asking for
04:20 you know, tutorials for that look. So this is going to be an eye look you might have seen me wearing.
04:24 But again, it would be something I could easily apply on to brides. So here, this second color in, it is so so lovely.
04:32 It is a lovely,
04:34 kind of
04:36 very lightly pearlescent
04:38 highlight. It would be very similar to Shroom.
04:40 So I will give you MAC references going through this in case, you know, you can't get your hands on the Isadora Colors.
04:48 And I like this because it's not too shiny. It'll reflect just enough light, particularly in photographs.
04:54 I like kind of that more kind of pearl or satin finish rather than a high, high shimmer.
04:59 And I know some makeup artists avoid
05:03 shimmer altogether for the eyes for bridal work. I don't. I think you can definitely use light reflection, light reflective
05:09 formulas as long as you don't go overboard and you're careful with placement. Now for my brow bone,
05:15 I'm actually going to use this one. So it's a little bit less shimmery again.
05:18 It would be like one step up from a matte and I'm going to very
05:22 lightly press that over the brow bone.
05:25 Now some brides do opt for a much more light reflective highlight in the brow bone and that's absolutely fine.
05:32 That's what I would generally do if I'm more matte all over the eyes.
05:36 It's nice to have a little pop of something up there. Next, I'm going to pop this color here.
05:40 So I'm not sure what this is like in MAC, MAC, I mean, in MAC even. I would say maybe Vex.
05:47 I'm just going to use my fingers and
05:50 and yes, sometimes I do use my fingers for
05:53 eyeshadow.
05:56 This goes on fine with a brush, but this is a very sheer
06:00 eyeshadow when you put it on with a brush, but when you use your finger it really goes on much stronger, which is what I like.
06:06 And it has just a very, very subtle mauve undertone to it.
06:11 And if you want you can go back in with your highlight and just pull it over onto that color.
06:18 This is a Zoeva brush by the way. It's the 232 shader. Then moving over to the
06:25 blending brush, which is the 227. I'm going to go into this color here, which may be something like maybe Swiss
06:33 Swiss Chocolate by MAC. I'm having trouble saying that. And then I'm going to work that into the crease.
06:40 And if you can see there, I'm really working it into the
06:45 you know, into the hollow of the crease.
06:48 And you want to get as much of the color laid down there before
06:53 doing your windshield wiper motions.
06:56 Because at least that way you're not going to have a huge amount of color then
07:01 going where you want it.
07:03 And I do make sure I apply
07:05 enough onto the outer corner as well, because that'll really help give you the definition you're looking for in photographs.
07:12 Now I always leave it up to the bride how high they want to go with the eye.
07:17 I will usually start fairly low down, and then if they like to go up a little bit higher
07:21 I'll leave that up to them.
07:23 Because that's usually something that it's usually a very personal preference.
07:28 And then of course it can also depend on the lid space available.
07:32 But just because a bride has a load of lid space, don't take for granted that they want to use it all up with eyeshadow.
07:39 So I would
07:41 definitely leave that up to the bride.
07:43 To a certain extent. If they're not sure what to do, I will just
07:48 make the executive decision then and let them know what I think would work better, best.
07:53 So very light pressure on the brush. I'm really just
07:58 blowing out that color. I'm not really adding it anymore. I'm just
08:03 blending the edges.
08:07 And then underneath the eye I might go back into this guy.
08:11 So this is our flat shader brush. Using the very very tip of the brush and tap off excess.
08:17 Because I would normally have the base done, the foundation done, I always tap off my eyeshadow brush.
08:22 Run that along the lower lash line.
08:25 Some brides again will opt for no color underneath the eye. I like a little bit of color under the eye. Not very dark.
08:34 But just a light shadow. I think it can be really really
08:37 it can be really flattering.
08:42 I find sometimes slightly older brides may opt for a much cleaner look underneath the eye. And I can understand that's no bother. Again,
08:49 it's all tailored to the individual bride.
08:52 And then
08:56 just to deepen out the crease ever so slightly, go into a darker brown. This would be maybe slightly closer to
09:03 Mystery or something like that by MAC. And
09:05 you're not going to go over the whole entire brown that's already there. You're just really working it on
09:12 into that very very outer corner. So it's just making it that little bit more intense.
09:17 So into the outer V.
09:20 Just to finish off the eyeshadow,
09:23 another thing that I like to do sometimes, particularly with brides who don't want to wear eyeshadow or
09:28 mascara on their lower lashes, I will go in with an angled brush. This is the
09:32 317 by Zoeva. Pick up the darker of the browns and
09:37 very very lightly
09:41 press it into the lash line for maybe the outer curve or so.
09:46 Again, this would be tailored to the
09:51 individual's eye shape and that, but it can give a nice bit of
09:55 definition.
10:00 Now so so many of my brides, I'd say the majority of them opt for the
10:06 kind of, what would you call it, the you know really defined black eyeliner over the eye. Now I do generally use MAC's
10:12 Fluid line, but for this video, I'm just going to use this guy. Now I love this, but you can't really sanitize it
10:20 so that's why I don't usually use it on clients. So let's just pretend that I'm using the MAC Fluid line and
10:25 you know a brush, but it would be the exact same way that I would apply it.
10:28 So I would start in the center of the eye.
10:32 And the reason I use MAC's Fluid line is because it is water resistant, it's fairly budge proof, it's very black
10:38 and of course I've loads of control over the application because it is a pot gel eyeliner.
10:47 So it's up to me what brush to use and I would usually use a very fine tipped brush like this that I would get from
10:53 the art store. So
10:57 I tend to not go all the way into the very very inner corner. If you get, if you bring the eyeliner right into the inner
11:03 corner, you will find a lot of the time that it'll smudge a bit by the end of the day or even after just a few
11:09 hours. So by you know leaving it out a couple of millimeters, you'll help you know stop that.
11:15 And again, it'll be up to the bride how thick they're happy to go with the eyeliner.
11:25 One thing I don't particularly love doing is using eyeliner, liquid eyeliner underneath the lower lash line.
11:30 So I nearly always like 99% of the time will avoid that.
11:35 And then when I get to the edge of the eye, I just follow the angle from the bottom, you know my lower lash line
11:44 and flick it up. But again, this will be tailored to the individual bride's eye shape.
11:54 And you wouldn't generally go too big with a flick for the day.
12:01 But something like that could be absolutely fine.
12:07 I'm actually really impressed with how well that came out considering I'm like miles away from the mirror.
12:11 But anyhow, I'll just do this one quickly off-camera and then come back to finish off the rest.
12:15 So that's as much as I would do with the eyeliner and the eyeshadow. Now time permitting,
12:19 there is the odd time depending on the eyes that I'm working on, I may tightline up underneath the
12:26 you know, underneath the top lash line. If you are to tightline there,
12:31 but you don't particularly want anything down on the bottom lash line,
12:34 which can be a pain to wear anyhow on a wedding day because it just means you have to like kind of keep more, a
12:39 closer eye on your makeup say, for topping up. But just use a like transfer proof, waterproof eyeliner up here.
12:47 So something like the
12:49 Makeup Forever Aqua Eyes is great for that or even the Rimmel Scandal Eyes is quite good for up there as well.
12:55 So um,
12:57 yeah,
12:57 and I would generally try and just keep it more in the center because it's more likely to transfer either side where your eyes can
13:03 get a little bit more wet. Now for mascara, I'm going to use the Extended Plaguing Black Lash by MAC. Love this.
13:09 It's a tubular mascara, so it's water resistant to cold water.
13:13 So if you do get a little bit teary, it won't,
13:18 it won't run or anything like that or smudge, but it will come off with warm water and
13:24 you know, later on that night if you want it to come off.
13:27 Whenever you want it to come off. So this gives a really nice kind of natural,
13:33 you know, gives a bit of definition and lift in that, but it is quite natural.
13:39 Depending on how strong you want to go with the lashes. Now I know a lot of brides go for false lashes.
13:45 I probably personally wouldn't on the day. It depends again on the lashes.
13:49 I'm just saying like if it was me getting married, I probably wouldn't go for false lashes.
13:54 So I will point out this is the kind of makeup
13:57 I would wear if I were to get married. It's the kind of makeup I'd be very comfortable in.
14:01 And then of course you can apply a little bit of this onto the lower lash line if you want.
14:06 I tend not to go very heavy on the lower lash line
14:09 with bridal work. It depends on
14:14 the bride again, but I do like to put a little bit just on the outer corner maybe.
14:20 Especially if they're fair and make sure it is waterproof if you are going to do that.
14:26 Okay, so I just touched up a little bit of my under eye concealer.
14:29 This is what I used earlier on and it's one of my favorite concealers to use on brides at the moment.
14:33 It is the Clarins Instant Concealer. It's actually one of my favorite concealers on myself at the moment as well.
14:38 It's a smoothing long-lasting concealer. Great for longevity.
14:42 I really do love how it looks on the skin, how it lasts and everything. It has such good color payoff or
14:48 pigment payoff for
14:50 considering it's not very very heavy. Then what I've done so far is powder this side of my face because
14:56 I've got a new favorite powder, which I don't know if actually I don't think I've mentioned it yet, but it is the Nars
15:03 Translucent Crystal Light Reflecting Setting Powder and
15:07 you do want your bride's, you know, face to be
15:10 matte as in no oil coming through, but you don't want it to be totally flat either and this is lovely for that.
15:15 Now just to let you know, this doesn't flash back even though it is a
15:19 slightly luminescent powder. It's really weird. There's almost no texture to it.
15:24 Like when I go like this, it sounds rough, but there's like nothing coming off my fingers.
15:27 But I don't, can you tell, it's just taken down a little bit of like
15:33 shine here that I get around the nose, but it's still luminous and it kind of keeps just me looking like this all day.
15:39 It's really really good. Now if you're worried about flashback, don't be. I've done a little test here for you
15:43 so you can see this is just how it looks there without a flash and this is how it looks with the flash with just
15:49 one side of my face
15:51 powdered and the other side not powdered. So the side that is powdered looks just a little bit brighter.
15:57 It doesn't look white and flashbacky or anything like that.
16:00 And when I did buy it, the girl at the counter promised me that it doesn't flash back. So that's really good to know.
16:05 Now I'll just lightly
16:07 press it onto the rest of my face.
16:11 I tend to use small brushes for powder. I don't love to use
16:16 loads of powder
16:18 if I can avoid it and I don't love to use big brushes because I just feel like I have very little control over where I apply
16:25 my stupid phone, but I don't feel I have a lot of control over where I apply
16:30 products when I use very very big brushes. A lot of my brides would opt for a bit of contour
16:37 so it's up to the bride or not. Now I applied a little bit
16:41 I should have told you before, if I can find what I'm looking for, before I
16:45 powdered it when I did my base earlier on rather. It's the Illamasqua Hollow Cream Pigment.
16:50 So I just applied a little bit of that into the hollows of my cheek using my Real Techniques 300.
16:57 It's a blush brush, but it's tapered so it's actually really good for that. So it's really really natural contour.
17:02 I won't go overboard with contour for bridal work. Again, I'll do whatever the bride insists on but I'll try and
17:09 be as photo-friendly and day-friendly as possible as well.
17:13 And then I just used my number 200, which is the flat eyeshadow brush, to apply it just down the sides of my nose.
17:19 I like this because it's sometimes more natural than using a powder
17:23 contour.
17:26 So for cheeks, I think I'll
17:29 use blushes for
17:35 bridal work, like Warm Soul by MAC and Dainty and Blush Baby and those kind of things.
17:42 I do love them, I have to say, but I
17:46 would personally probably go for something like this as well.
17:49 I found them on myself. And this does look like a lot of those MAC pinks as well.
17:55 So again, tap off excess. You really don't want too much.
17:58 And then lightly brush onto the cheeks. I find some brides are like, "Yeah, more blush, more blush!"
18:07 So I tentatively apply it because it's much easier to add on than it is to
18:13 try and do damage control and clean away once it's on.
18:17 I personally would be happy with this amount. This is more than enough.
18:25 And so I'm going to leave it at that. This is, did I say this is Gentle Touch, by the way?
18:29 I think I did say that. Something like Dain by MAC would be similar. Then for my highlight,
18:36 I'm actually going to go back into the Isadora Colour
18:38 Bar. I do like a bit of a highlight. Very, very lightly applied. You don't want too much.
18:43 So I'm going to go into that second one
18:45 just on the very, very highest part of the cheek.
18:49 Nothing too crazy. Always get your model or your bride or your client to relax the face. You don't want to create any
18:57 expression lines when you're applying light reflective
19:00 formulas because otherwise they will show up. And then this first one here,
19:06 because it's not as obvious, I'm going to put just very lightly down the centre of my nose and onto my cupid's bow actually.
19:13 Now for bridal lips, I always, always, always, always, always use a lip primer.
19:20 Now I'm just going to use my Sally Hansen one on me because it's the one I use personally.
19:24 I use the MAC one generally on brides, or I've been using the Urban Decay one recently, which I really like as well.
19:29 This Sally Hansen one has been discontinued as far as I know.
19:34 So it would be either the MAC or the Urban Decay that I would recommend.
19:37 You put it over the entire lips like a bam and then lightly over the lip line as well.
19:44 The reason you extend past the lip line is because that's how it prevents feathering because
19:50 it's that barrier a little bit past the lip line. I'm going to use this lip liner by L'Oreal.
19:55 It's one of the lip liner coutures by Col-Riche. This,
19:59 it's a lovely light pink. Now I do use
20:03 MAC very heavily in my kit.
20:05 Sometimes, like the ones I normally use is like Boldly Bare or Subculture when I'm doing a very natural lip.
20:11 I know they've just released a load of new lip liner colours, but I haven't really had a chance to check them out yet.
20:16 Sometimes I find Subculture can be ever so slightly too much on the peach side. So,
20:22 sometimes I look elsewhere, and this is a really nice slightly more pink kind of toned one.
20:29 I
20:31 always check before with the bride before I attempt to do any over lining.
20:39 A lot of brides will opt for a little bit of over lining particularly on the top lip.
20:44 And a lot won't as well.
20:47 Personally, I would so that's why I'm going to do it today. This is in the shade
20:55 630
20:58 Beige, or New. It's obviously pinched. I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that right, but it's that lovely,
21:05 lovely light natural kind of pink. And then I'm going to finish off with some Angel by MAC, which is a lovely light,
21:15 like nudey pink.
21:19 But it's not too neutral, it does have enough of a pink tint to it.
21:26 And then of course when I work on brides, I would use a brush and this really helps me to perfect the shape.
21:33 And I feel like it just keeps it in place a little bit better because you're really pressing it into the lips.
21:40 And always make sure
21:46 you're getting that inner corner because, you know, a lot of photos will be taken on the day of the bride
21:52 mid-sentence and you don't want a gap.
21:56 Either side of the lips. And then once your bride is
21:59 finished and you've done all touch-ups and then she's happy with how everything looks,
22:03 I will nearly always finish off with a setting spray. If someone's on the
22:07 extremely sensitive side, I usually won't, but generally they're dry anyhow, so the makeup will last quite well.
22:14 I'm just going to use rose water.
22:16 But let's pretend it's an actual setting spray.
22:20 I would generally use the Make Up For Ever one or the Urban Decay one. Either of those are brilliant.
22:25 And I have the Madel in a Bottle one as well, the matte one. So that's my
22:30 slightly more dramatic bridal makeup. Now it still is a bridal makeup.
22:35 It is still very bridal, but you know, it has the strong defined eyeliner, the slightly stronger brows and
22:41 the little bit of contouring that you might go for, that not every bride would necessarily go for.
22:47 But I just wanted to do this to kind of illustrate the fact that not all bridal work
22:52 will be that supernatural look. And you know, for brides out there who are a little bit scared of asking their makeup artist
23:00 to do a stronger look, don't be scared because we'll do whatever you want to tailor yourself.
23:05 But we will do it with photographs in mind and that kind of stuff. So I hope you like this, guys.
23:12 I will leave a full list of products below. If you have any
23:15 questions for me, let me know. I know it's a slightly longer video,
23:19 but I think when you're talking about bridal work and stuff like that,
23:22 you do need to say why you're doing stuff because it's not just about plunking makeup on your face.
23:26 There has to be reason behind the products you use and the longevity of them and stuff like that.
23:32 So if you, like I said, if you have any feedback, leave it all below. If you're new to my channel, feel free to subscribe.
23:37 I do upload at least three times a week.
23:39 Give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. So thanks a million, guys, and I'll see you all in my next video. Slán.
