• last year
00:00 I don't know what's happening with this so just...
00:02 Today I'm going to give you a little tutorial of makeup.
00:09 Makeup tutorial.
00:11 I've never done this before so it might be absolutely horrendous and it might be really good.
00:16 So I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
00:18 Shh! I'm trying to film a video.
00:21 The products I'll be using in this video are all from the brand ELF which is eyes, lip, face I believe.
00:27 There are three reasons as to why I love ELF so much and the first reason is because it's really inexpensive.
00:32 I think the highest pricing that I've ever seen on an ELF product is $10.
00:36 The second reason is because they're really good products.
00:40 You really get the bang for your buck.
00:43 Bang... whatever it's... whatever that saying is.
00:46 And the third and most important thing about ELF is that they are cruelty free.
00:52 They do not test their products on animals.
00:55 So this is a brand that I'll definitely keep buying from and I highly suggest checking it out.
01:00 First things first, I lied to you.
01:01 I am not using all ELF products.
01:03 I am also using the Celestial... am I saying this right?
01:07 Celestial Facial Moisturizer that I got from Lush which I also mentioned in my favorites video I think two videos back.
01:13 So I'm just going to take a dab of this.
01:15 I don't know if you can see it.
01:16 It's just a white blob on my finger.
01:18 If not.
01:18 So here we go.
01:19 Just going to rub it in like this and just slap that baby on my face.
01:24 I don't know if you can tell on screen but I have some pretty large pores in this general area.
01:31 I like to call them craters.
01:33 Oh my gosh!
01:34 Would you chill?
01:34 To help fill those little babies in I use this ELF Mineral Infused Face Primer.
01:40 What this does is it just basically masks your fine lines.
01:44 It kind of just glazes over your pores.
01:48 And it just helps to set your foundation.
01:50 I just take a little squirt of this like so.
01:54 Oh that was kind of a big squirt.
01:56 You don't need to do that much Mariah.
01:58 Make sure to get it in the creases and over the pores because that's kind of what it's made for.
02:02 The next step is to put on my foundation.
02:05 And I actually just picked this up probably about a week ago.
02:08 I'm not going to sing it again.
02:11 I really want to though.
02:13 So I just take a squirt of this like so.
02:16 I put it there because that's what Zoella does.
02:20 For my foundation brush I use the Real Techniques, I think it's Expert Face Brush.
02:25 Apparently I can't say the word "face" correctly.
02:30 So I've seen people like do this, the whole circle thing, you know, outwards.
02:34 I've seen people kind of dab.
02:36 I think it's all up to you.
02:39 It's kind of a thing that's your preferences.
02:42 This is all you baby.
02:43 It's all you.
02:44 So that's what my foundation ends up looking like.
02:47 Voila.
02:49 For concealer I use the e.l.f. HD Lifting Concealer.
02:52 Like that.
02:54 I don't know if you can see it.
02:55 And also my nails probably look rank.
02:57 I'm so sorry.
02:58 And I just put a little bit under my eyes because I don't get enough sleep.
03:04 So I don't know if I do this right or not.
03:06 Like I said, I'm kind of just winging it today.
03:09 So you get what you get.
03:12 After my concealer I usually hop right up and do my eyebrows.
03:17 My favorite thing.
03:18 Today I'm just going to use the e.l.f. Eyebrow Kit.
03:21 Then I'm also using this e.l.f. Professional Concealer Brush for my eyebrows.
03:25 Breaking the rules.
03:27 You want to do tiny strokes.
03:29 You don't want to like go like that because it's just not going to look very realistic.
03:33 Unless you want to do that.
03:36 Then you do that.
03:37 Whatever you want.
03:37 It's all up to you man.
03:38 There are days when you want very prominent eyebrows.
03:41 And there are days when you want, you know, just chill eyebrows.
03:44 Just eyebrows that you could probably go get froyo with.
03:47 And today is one of those days.
03:49 Although sadly I won't be getting froyo.
03:51 But my eyebrows will still chill.
03:54 These are my eyebrows after powder.
03:58 What?
04:00 Next I'm going to move on to my eyes.
04:01 And for that I'm using a smudge pot.
04:04 It's just this light pink.
04:06 It's shimmery and it's in the shade Ain't That Sweet.
04:09 Ain't it sweet?
04:11 I'm just going for a simple little eyeshadow look today.
04:15 Because it will take me probably 20 years to film a video if I were to actually put a lot of effort into my eyes.
04:22 Next I'm going to try my very very hardest to put some eyeliner on.
04:27 Expert liquid liner is what it's called.
04:29 And this is just in the shade Jet Black.
04:32 What I do is just line it from here first.
04:36 Oh my god this is terrifying.
04:39 When I do my wings I try, try is the key word here, to take it from the end of my eyelid and then kind of angle it up towards the end of my eyebrow.
04:49 I just did the thing.
04:51 I just did it.
04:52 I can't describe what I just did.
04:54 Sweet.
04:55 So that is my eyeliner.
04:56 I'm not really sure how it looks but I'm done.
05:01 I'm just, I'm done with that.
05:03 And for mascara I'm just going to use the e.l.f. volume plumping mascara.
05:07 So yeah just put this on like you would wear your regular mascara.
05:13 And the next thing I'm going to do is put a little blush on.
05:16 This is the blush I have from e.l.f.
05:18 It kind of exploded the first week I had it.
05:22 So yeah it's very messy.
05:25 And you just smile and you just dab it on like you're so happy on the apples of your cheeks.
05:33 And I like to put it up on here too.
05:36 And then I also have this e.l.f. high definition powder which is a shimmer kind of a highlighter.
05:41 I just use it right above my cheek line, a bit of my nose, and on my forehead a bit.
05:47 Just to give me a little bit of that shimmer.
05:49 You know, you know.
05:51 Yeah.
05:52 And last but not least I'm going to do some lipstick.
05:55 And I'm using the moisturizing lipstick in the shade red carpet.
05:59 It just looks like this.
06:01 Cute little guy.
06:02 Very very red.
06:03 Very red.
06:05 Very red.
06:05 Alrighty so that was my e.l.f. makeup tutorial.
06:14 I hope you enjoyed it because I actually had, I had fun making it.
06:18 I did.
06:19 It was a good time wasn't it clapper?
06:20 He's asleep but I just now remembered that there's a whole bin of ice cream in my freezer.
06:29 So I'm gonna go show that who's boss.
06:33 Bye.
06:35 I wanted to go in for a high five there.
06:37 Bye.
06:38 High five.