Piper Mclean Beauty Queen Makeup Tutorial

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, Piper McLean here and I just wanted to show you how I got ready in the morning
00:04 with my makeup routine so you can look as good as me every day.
00:09 First take your cream and apply it to your face.
00:14 Don't do that, it'll rub it up but just smoothly apply it all over that beautiful face of yours.
00:23 After you have that all rubbed in, take your BB cream foundation and apply it to your face
00:28 like so.
00:31 Then take your brush and smooth it out all over your face.
00:40 And then get sick of it like me and just rub it in with your hand.
00:45 Next we're going to take our blush and get that rosy color and put it all over our face.
00:49 Act like your favorite sea creature to apply to your upper cheekbone.
00:56 And don't forget to add a little on your nose to give it that little rosy glow.
01:02 Next I take the light pink eyeshadow from this palette and apply it to my eyelids.
01:06 Make sure you have that natural glow and bring it all the way up to your eyebrow bone but
01:11 don't go outside your eye.
01:17 Make sure you do all natural colors because you're a daughter of Aphrodite, you'll always
01:20 look beautiful.
01:22 Next I take the light purple right there and I take the crease of my eye and bring it down
01:30 just across the crease and then in the corners.
01:37 Just to give that little extra something.
01:40 After that we're going to take one of our eyeliners, our many beautiful liquid eyeliners,
01:45 and apply it to our face.
01:49 After you finish the eyeliner on one eye, we're going to add a little simple wing.
01:54 Not like that, we're going to make it a little simple.
02:00 After you get that littler and simpler wing than last time and put it on, now comes the
02:04 trickiest part, getting your eyeliner to match perfectly on the next side.
02:10 Once you get your eyeliner as good as you know it's going to get to match, then we take
02:18 either dark eye shadow or I use brow mascara brush to get those eyebrows nice and pretty.
02:30 After you get your eyebrows darker and more defined, we're going to take our brush and
02:35 then just some cream that you rub on your face.
02:40 Add a little part of the brush in it and apply around your eyebrow to define it more.
02:47 Then if you're like me and have that funky unibrow, we're going to put that a little
02:53 to the middle.
02:54 Then take the back of the brush, the part that you used to rub in your foundation and
03:01 smooth it all in.
03:03 After you have your beautiful, smooth, defined eyebrows, we are going to take our lipstick.
03:11 For me, I'm going to use a simple tan baby lips.
03:15 I'm going to tap to my lips.
03:23 After you get your beautiful tan lipstick on, it most strikes me oddly, you see my lips
03:27 is darker, so that same, no not the same, next one over, the darker purple, we're going
03:33 to rub a little of that on.
03:36 Will any darker color work?
03:37 Because you probably don't have the same palette, I'll add dry or anything and apply it to the
03:43 base of my lips.
03:44 Now you're going to get random funky junky powder on it, so work it up.
03:48 Pop your lip sealer and rub a little in with your finger.
03:56 After you have your slightly darker, sexy lips, we're going to move on to our hair.
04:03 First, grab your favorite brush and just brush through this giant, what you call hair.
04:10 Try not to do what I did and knock down all the makeup.
04:17 Next take your little comb and try to get that part just how you want it, either with
04:23 the edge or with the main part and comb it over.
04:27 I like to have mine far off to the side like this.
04:32 After you do that, I grab my top few hairs and tease them down just a smidge bit to give
04:39 it that little extra flop.
04:45 After you get your nice random flop, grab that random brown hair band or whatever you
04:51 fellas call it, normal models, and apply it to your head just how random one you find
04:58 at the bottom of your dress set.
04:59 Make it look like a crown or take an actual flower crown and put it in your hair.
05:05 For me, I like this brown one.
05:10 Next since you're a camper probably, we're going to take our camp half-blood shirt and
05:14 put it on.
05:15 And if you're not a camper, forget what I said about the whole being a daughter of a
05:18 faggy dick, just some joke.
05:21 After you throw on your camp half-blood shirt, and for you fellas who don't have one, I'll
05:25 make a new video showing you how I made mine for the low price of $5.
05:32 But anyway, after you put your camp half-blood on, admire yourself in the mirror for a minute
05:37 with your skinny jeans on, or any jeans, and then take your beautiful brown leather jacket
05:42 and put it on over it to get that final proper look.
05:48 And if you're planning to go out somewhere, I would personally put on my brown combat
05:53 boots or my black and white converse.
05:58 And to god damn the gods, now you look like me.
06:01 Now normally I would have some braids in my hair, but today I was kind of lazy.
