Easy Back 2 School_College Makeup; Plus tips & product suggestions!.mp4

  • last year
00:00 Hey everyone so this is just going to be a really quick tutorial showing how I would
00:16 do the few steps to get you ready for going to school or college.
00:20 You know when you don't have much time in the morning and you're really just rushing
00:23 out the door and you want to get a few bits on to make yourself look not so knackered
00:27 and but at the same time not too overdone.
00:30 So I hope this is helpful and watch out for the tutorial.
00:33 Okay so starting off with the skin try and use multi-use products so instead of putting
00:39 on layer upon layer upon layer which you don't have time for in the morning really when you're
00:42 like rolling out of bed and trying to rush out the door as quick as possible to catch
00:46 your bus or whatever.
00:47 Use something moisturising that has an SPF in it and maybe even something that could
00:53 double up as a primer as well.
00:54 So for me that would be something like maybe my Vichy sunblock here which is a sunblock
01:01 for combination oily skin so in that way it primes my skin in that it takes away shine
01:07 and it helps keep me matte throughout the day but it also would hydrate my face as well.
01:11 Or you could use something if you're a little bit drier just like this is what I've on today
01:15 it's the Clinique Even Better Skin Tone Correcting Moisturiser with SPF 20 so it's just a nice
01:21 rich moisturiser with an SPF in it.
01:23 You just want something like that that will do everything in one for you.
01:26 So then obviously next you want to go and even out your skin tone.
01:29 Now I'm a firm believer in not using foundation before it's necessary.
01:34 I see a load of young girls coming into counter and into shops in town and looking for foundation
01:40 when they have absolutely immaculate skin and they just feel like they have to wear
01:44 it because they want to because they're friends or whatever.
01:46 There's so no need for it unless you are at a stage where you feel like you need to even
01:51 out your skin tone.
01:52 So definitely skip that.
01:54 Maybe have a little bit of concealer if you need it instead.
01:57 Concealer around your eyes if you need it.
01:59 But don't go for foundation unless you really really need it.
02:01 Some ones that I think that are great would be tinted moisture type ones or some of these
02:05 BB creams that are out now.
02:07 So like this Maybelline Fresh BB Cream I think this is really really nice for evening out
02:11 skin tone.
02:12 Now this will work as your moisturiser and your SPF and obviously kind of like a foundation
02:18 as well.
02:19 So this is a really great on the go quick product.
02:21 So this is the Maybelline Fresh Dream BB 8 in 1 BB Cream SPF 30.
02:28 I would find I might need a little bit of concealer over it but that's only if I have
02:31 blemishes or whatever.
02:32 And I'm happy to put this under the eyes to use it as my under eye concealer as well because
02:36 it is quite moisturising.
02:37 So this is something really handy to have.
02:39 For someone who's a little bit more on the oily side you could use something like this
02:42 which is the Garnier BB Cream Miracle Skin Perfector and this is for combination to oily
02:48 skin.
02:49 This also has an SPF of 20 in it I think.
02:52 So again it's just something that you can use for your moisturiser, your SPF and your
02:57 foundation all in one and it's just really really handy.
03:00 And then another one I've been trying out which would be more for maybe normal to dry
03:03 skins would be this Blemish Balm by Sleek the Be Beautiful Blemish Balm and this is
03:08 an SPF of 15.
03:10 Again this one is a bit thicker so it will act as your concealer as well and you can
03:14 use it underneath your eyes.
03:15 So all of these three things are really handy but for me what I like to use because I find
03:20 that I do need to set my makeup for it to last throughout the day.
03:25 So my favourite thing to use lately if I am in a massive rush would be to use my mineral
03:30 makeup.
03:31 So I have the Vichy Aeroton Mineral here.
03:34 I use the colour Opal and this works as my foundation and my concealer all in one because
03:40 you just add on a little bit of extras and anti-blemishes unless I have anything particularly
03:43 nasty on my face but no this is something you can put on really quickly and you can
03:47 touch it up really quickly throughout the day as well because it's not going to be set
03:50 over a liquid base it's just powder on your face.
03:53 Another mineral makeup I really like as well is the MAC one.
03:55 This is their Mineralize Loose Foundation and it's extra light is the colour I'd use
04:01 but it's just to show there are a good few different brands that do them.
04:03 You can get plenty in the drugstore as well.
04:04 And I am using that though.
04:05 I will always start off and use a little bit of concealer around my eyes.
04:10 There are so many good cheap concealers out nowadays.
04:13 This Collection 2000 Illuminating Touch is great if you just want to brighten rather
04:17 than conceal or it has the Collection 2000 Lasting Finish Concealer which is definitely
04:24 a hardcore concealer which is great for anyone with dark circles rather than just someone
04:28 who needs a little bit of brightening.
04:30 And I just pop that all over the eye area.
04:34 I kind of put that on the actual lid as well just quickly.
04:38 So I'm using my Mineralize Concealer by MAC here.
04:41 I just love it because it brightens as well as conceals.
04:45 I find that it moisturises also.
04:47 So I tend to get a little bit dry throughout the day especially if I've been wearing my
04:52 makeup all day.
04:53 So when applying the foundation I just pop a little bit into the lid.
04:58 You don't need too much.
04:59 Just enough.
05:01 And then I like to use a small buffing brush, something like this which is the MAC 130.
05:06 You can get much cheaper ones.
05:07 Like the Sigma Round Top Kabuki which is only about, I don't know, like $14 on their website.
05:13 There's loads of other buffing brushes like that available at the moment.
05:19 And then I just pick up a little bit on the tip of the brush, tap off any excess and just
05:24 start pressing it all over the skin.
05:29 And just press it in place and buff as I go along.
05:35 So any areas where I find that I do need a little bit more coverage I'll almost press
05:39 it on first and then I can buff over that.
05:44 So that helps really get it in place.
05:48 This is such a good match for my skin as well that I find I don't need to worry about lines
05:51 or anything like that.
05:52 It just blends in perfectly with the rest of my face.
05:55 And these mineral makeups do tend to have a brightening effect as well.
05:59 One downside of that is that the bismuth oxychloride in them, which is in this one, the Vichy one
06:06 and it's also in like the Bare Minerals one and stuff like that, can be slightly irritant.
06:11 I mean it is natural so that's why they get away with using them in mineral makeups but
06:15 it can be a little bit irritating.
06:16 I find the sides of my nose can get a little bit scratchy throughout the day but it's not
06:21 enough that it really puts me off wearing it.
06:24 I think the matte version of the Bare Minerals one doesn't have the bismuth.
06:28 That is an issue for me.
06:29 I kind of do like the sheen it gives it.
06:32 You can see there it's really evened me out and brightened up my complexion.
06:35 I do find I have a little bit of spots coming through so I just pick up some of the powder
06:40 on my finger and literally just press it over the area with my finger.
06:45 And that helps cover most of the redness.
06:53 In college or school I'd definitely be more concerned about not looking direct rather
06:57 than about looking perfect so I wouldn't spend too long going over every single little blemish
07:04 and worrying about every little imperfection because you want it to look natural rather
07:08 than totally caked and overly done.
07:11 I'm just going to add a tiny bit of that mineral makeup just to my lids as well to take away
07:18 any redness on my eyelids.
07:22 For eyeshadow I wouldn't suggest using too much because eyeshadow can take that little
07:26 bit of moisture.
07:27 I would say maybe have a palette handy that has loads of colours in them so you don't
07:31 have to go looking for loads of different eyeshadows.
07:33 This is the Urban Decay palette, the naked one.
07:35 I'm just going to pick up the first colour which is virgin and just pop a tiny bit in
07:40 there.
07:41 It's a highlight colour.
07:43 So again this is about trying to make me look a little bit more awake.
07:47 And pop a little bit underneath the brow bone as well.
07:52 So that will help brighten the eye area.
07:56 And then I'm going to pick up a tiny bit of Sin next to it and just pop that just on the
08:00 lid.
08:02 So these are just real brightening ones.
08:03 I don't want to wear anything too dark.
08:06 And then I'm just going to go into Book which is just like a medium midtone brown and apply
08:12 that really quickly back and forth in the crease.
08:18 By using something medium midtone you don't have to worry too much about overblending
08:22 because it shouldn't be so noticeable that it requires overblending.
08:29 I wouldn't bother with putting any colour under the eye really as such.
08:33 It can kind of make you look a little bit more tired than you are.
08:36 Sometimes, especially if you do have shadows from not sleeping very well or from not sleeping
08:40 in.
08:41 One good tip if you do have very tired eyes is to use a blue eyeliner in on the waterline.
08:48 White is something some people use because it helps open up the area.
08:51 Blue in colour theory will actually brighten any white.
08:56 So if you are a little bit bloodshot, a little bit wrecked and bleary eyed, pop some blue
09:00 in there.
09:01 Some of the ones I like to use would be like this GOSH one which is Ocean Mist or this
09:08 one by MAC.
09:09 It's a smooth blue.
09:10 It's a Technicol.
09:11 It's a little bit deeper so it's good if you want kind of a little bit of definition as
09:14 well as brightening.
09:16 This one here, So There Jade is one that I quite like because it's a little bit more
09:20 aqua so if you're not so much of a blue fan you can go for the slightly more minty colours.
09:25 This one is lovely.
09:26 It's a super soft eye crayon by Barry M.
09:29 So I'm just going to pop this quickly onto the waterline.
09:34 A lot of people would be scared about wearing that just in there.
09:37 So it's nice to kind of balance out a bright colour like that.
09:40 Either by, I mean if you want you could pop a little bit of the blue just over your lash
09:43 line and smudge it out really quickly using a cotton bud or whatever you have at hand.
09:48 But I think I'm going to go for a slightly darker colour.
09:52 I'm going to go into the same palette again so I'm not looking for a million different
09:55 eyeshadows.
09:56 Pick up a little bit of Hustle on an angled brush.
09:59 This is just a cheap angled brush from the art store.
10:03 And lightly apply it there just onto the outer half of my eyelid.
10:07 I'm not really worrying too much about winging it out or anything.
10:10 It's just to add a little bit of definition.
10:14 You can just use your finger then to blend anything out.
10:20 So once you have that little bit on I would definitely leave the eyebrows unless you really
10:23 felt like you had to fill them in.
10:25 If they were quite gappy or if they were maybe very thin maybe run a little bit of an eyebrow
10:30 pencil through them or a little bit of brow powder on an angled brush.
10:35 But what I do is just get a clear mascara which is just like this collection 2000 one
10:42 which is really inexpensive in boots and brush the hairs in place.
10:47 Just helps polish the look a tiny little bit.
10:49 And then definitely I'd say the main thing for making yourself look really awake and
10:55 bright eyed would be to have loads of mascara.
10:57 So I'm just going to pop plenty on the top and bottom lashes.
11:01 Again you could avoid the mascara on the bottom lashes if you have very dark circles that
11:05 you're having trouble concealing.
11:07 Because it will just draw attention to them.
11:15 So once the eyes are done I'd probably pop on a really quick bit of blusher.
11:20 This is just a cute little pink one by MAC.
11:23 It's called Giggly.
11:24 I like pink because it's quite brightening.
11:26 It does add a lot of life to the face.
11:28 You could use something a little bit more neutral or natural if you wanted to.
11:32 Even like a bronzer with a hint of a sheen to it is good for brightening the complexion.
11:41 So if you do have acne prone skin or very bumpy skin keep it matte so that it doesn't
11:45 draw attention to that.
11:47 Especially in the day time when everything is more noticeable.
11:52 And then finish off quickly with a little bit of lip balm.
11:55 I usually use something that's tinted.
11:57 So something like this which is the Cherry Kiss by Rose and Co.
12:01 And then just pop a little bit onto my lips.
12:12 So that's pretty much the makeup done.
12:13 It just brightens up the complexion, evens out any skin tone, makes you look a bit more
12:17 awake than you are and takes away the tired early morning look.
12:22 And that's pretty much all you want.
12:23 You don't want it to be too overdone or too obvious.
12:25 So I hope this was helpful.
12:26 Good luck to everyone going back to school and I'll talk to you all soon.
