Economia Circolare, De Molli (Ambrosetti): "Necessaria politica industriale seria per proteggere filiere delle materie prime"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Occorre indirizzare una visione di politica industriale seria che mette al centro del disegno strategico manufatturiero una realizzazione di un’industria del made in Italy, come quelle del design, dell’innovazione e del cibo. Le filiere relative alle materie prime strategiche dovrebbero essere altrettanto protette”. Così l’Amministratore delegato del The European House-Ambrosetti, Valerio De Molli, a margine dell’evento di presentazione del Position Paper, “materie prime critiche e produzioni industriali italiane. Le opportunità derivanti dall’economia circolare”, tenutosi a Roma presso l’auditorium Ara Pacis.  


00:00 The study presented by the European House in Ambrosieti today
00:03 aims to draw on the first-hand criticism in the context of industrial, entrepreneurial,
00:10 manufacturing and European and Italian industries in particular,
00:14 and to understand the risks of security and independence
00:19 with respect to the countries, but also to understand the long-term implications
00:26 for the various industrial sectors and for national autonomy.
00:30 When we speak of first-hand criticism, we do not refer to a generic, broad,
00:37 interpretable concept, but to 34 specific first-hand materials.
00:44 Of these 34, two are the so-called rare earths,
00:48 which in turn are divided into light and heavy rare earths,
00:53 just to give a context, a methodological framework.
00:57 What should Europe do and what should Italy do?
01:01 First of all, we need to rehabilitate the mining researches
01:06 and to promote the development of industrial processes,
01:10 extractive processes and the re-elaboration of rare earths,
01:15 of first-hand critical materials, in a way that is a little faster than in the past.
01:22 It is enough to consider that in Europe, but especially in Italy,
01:26 it takes 15 to 17 years to receive extractive and constructive permits.
01:33 In China, it takes three months to close the circle.
01:37 So, point number one.
01:39 Point number two, we need to direct a serious industrial policy vision
01:45 that puts at the center of the strategic manufacturing design
01:50 a realization of national industries, of "made in Italy",
01:54 as we have a "made in Italy" of fashion, design, innovation, food, wine.
02:00 The strategic raw materials should be just as directed and protected.
