Siccità, Guterres: "contrastare penuria acqua potabile"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "Agire per contrastare la penuria globale di acqua potabile". Lo ha detto il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres intervenendo alla conferenza Onu sull'acqua. Secondo l'Unesco due miliardi di persone non hanno sufficiente acqua potabile e 3,6 mld non hanno accesso a servizi igenico sanitari. 


00:00 The international community must first of all act with alternative food systems to reduce water consumption in agriculture and food production to counteract the global shortage of drinking water.
00:09 This was said by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, in his speech at the UN Water Conference.
00:14 2 billion people globally do not have enough drinking water and 3.6 billion do not have access to safe health care services, according to UNESCO data.
00:22 The global urban population that will have to face water shortages should go from 930 million in 2016 to 2.4 billion in 2050.
00:30 quantum.
