Forum Public Affairs 2023: Patrizio Caligiuri (PagoPA): "La Political Responsibility è parte del nostro DNA"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "Siamo nati per costruire infrastrutture e offrire servizi digitali che migliorino l'efficienza della pubblica amministrazione e la vita dei cittadini". Così il Direttore degli Affari Istituzionali e della Comunicazione di PagoPA, Patrizio Caligiuri, a margine del Forum Public Affairs 2023, tenutosi a Roma presso Palazzo Wedekind.

" La nostra è una società multistakeholder che ci impone una conoscenza molto solida della materia e dei singoli interessi in campo in una logica sempre di trasparenza e virtuosa per l'interesse collettivo" ha concluso Caligiuri.  


00:00 I'm Patrizio Caligiuri, I'm the Director of the Institutional Affairs and Communication of Baco PA.
00:05 We are a tech company and for our public nature,
00:09 political responsibility is part of our DNA.
00:14 It means that we have to operate by default in a logic of collective interest.
00:19 We were born to build digital infrastructures and offer digital services
00:23 that improve the efficiency of public administration
00:27 and above all improve the lives of people and citizens.
00:31 We often talk about "increased citizenship",
00:34 a concept that means the opportunity for people
00:38 to use digital as a tool to access services more easily,
00:43 to access their rights more easily.
00:47 So, a concept of addition and not of substitution of online and offline.
00:54 These are two dimensions that we always define together.
00:58 We are a multi-stakeholder company.
01:01 We work in relation to institutions,
01:04 central and local ones, with payment service providers,
01:07 and therefore with the banking sector, with utilities.
01:11 We do all this, as we said at the beginning,
01:13 in a logic of collective interest, of interest for citizens.
01:17 This multi-stakeholder nature really imposes a very rigorous management of the dossiers,
01:22 a very solid knowledge of the matter and of the individual interests in the field,
01:27 in a logic of transparency, because we represent the public interest,
01:32 of contemplation of the so-called interests,
01:35 in a virtuous logic for the collective interest.
