• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Italia 5.0: le competenze del futuro per lo sviluppo dell’innovazione nell’epoca dell’intelligenza artificiale in Italia e in Ue”. E’ questo il titolo dello studio elaborato da TEHA Group in collaborazione con Philip Morris Italia, presentato nell’ambito della 50esima edizione del Forum di The European House – Ambrosetti. La ricerca si è posta l’obiettivo di definire gli elementi per un New Deal delle competenze per trasformare il nostro Paese in un’Italia 5.0 in grado di cogliere da protagonisti tutti i benefici derivanti da innovazione, digitalizzazione e nuove tecnologie.


00:00In a context in which technology is an increasingly pervasive element that leads to a new industrial revolution and becomes the enabler of new work models that see the individual at the center, innovation, fueled by skills, is the key to competitiveness.
00:18This is the principle that led to the realization of the study Italia 5.0, the skills of the future for the development of innovation in the era of artificial intelligence in Italy and in UE.
00:28Developed by The European House Ambrosetti Group in collaboration with Philip Morris Italia and presented in the context of the 50th edition of the forum of The European House Ambrosetti.
00:38Human capital and its continuous formation are therefore essential elements for the growth of the competitiveness of companies.
00:45We lack skills, not so much as quality, so our training system actually has good quality, but sometimes with points of excellence, but quantity.
00:56So we lack engineers, we lack training on ICT, so on the whole field of digital, and we also lack basic training, so Italy globally is a population that is not very digitized.
01:12What we have proposed as a result of the research is that in addition to the more traditional interventions, therefore those provided to the public, also the private sector, especially in the figures of the leaders, therefore in large companies, can play an important role.
01:26The ability of Italian companies to be competitive, however, still suffers from the gap of digital skills.
01:32Only 3% of Italian companies are in an advanced state of digitization. In the medium and long term, this means a loss of competitiveness of our industry.
01:43And this applies both to our manufacturing industry, in Italy we are second in Europe for the manufacturing industry, but also to our agricultural industry, if we want, also second in Europe behind France.
01:57If we do not focus on the investments that are necessary to develop the skills that are relevant to these great world challenges, in the medium term we will lose competitiveness, we will lose that opportunity to be an engine of growth for the world.
02:17The experience of Philip Morris Italy demonstrates the strategic importance of investing in the development of skills.
02:23For example, with the launch of the Institute of Manufacturing Technology, which is our industrial competence center in Bologna, learn with the Politecnico di Bari, the Politecnico di Torino, with the University of Bologna, but also with the ITS.
02:35The ITS is a great opportunity for our country, about 70,000 students in Italy against 2 million in Germany, in short, we can grow a lot, even in the pre-university. To do this, we need more and more very innovative academies like this.
02:53And also in the agricultural field, Agritech provides the fact that there is a digital farmer who knows how to use these technologies, and here with the University of Perugia, with the Open Innovation Hub Belief that we opened in Perugia, we are trying to create these skills for the future of our country.
