Ka'Oir Cosmetics Product Review

  • last year
00:00 Hello, I'm back for another video.
00:02 You'll notice that I've already got my makeup on, that's because today is just a test and review for lip products that I've got.
00:09 I've already got my makeup on for that reason and it will work really well with what I'm trying.
00:15 I'm using a lot of glitter today.
00:17 This has sort of like become my everyday kind of look.
00:21 I've got my normal black eyeliner on as usual, and for my eyebrows the liquid eyeliner.
00:27 That's Rimmel's Exaggerate.
00:29 I've covered both of those in the Collections Glam Crystals in, I think it's called Rock Chick, which is the black one.
00:37 Above the eyeliner I've used its Max Factor's Excess Shimmer in Onyx.
00:43 It comes in a little pot like this.
00:45 I've also just done my basic pale foundation routine.
00:51 Today's product review is going to be on a brand, it's an American brand called K.O.R.
00:59 Spelt like that.
01:01 I've ordered some lip products because I just couldn't resist them.
01:04 I'm not actually very familiar with the brand and I stumbled across the website.
01:09 I was really excited by a lot of their products, so that's what I'm going to be doing today.
01:14 You'll also have noticed that I've re-dyed my extensions again.
01:18 I didn't feel goth enough with quite so much colour, so I've just gone and dyed them all black.
01:25 But I'm pleased with that.
01:27 The products I bought is the Platinum Glit Stick Package.
01:31 This is where you get a lipstick of your choice.
01:35 It also comes with a little pot of glitter and an application brush.
01:40 I watched a video for the testing of it by Keisha K.O.R. and I absolutely love them.
01:48 I love my glitter, so I couldn't help but order them.
01:51 I also got part of their Wet Paint Collection.
01:54 It's a lip gloss and it's in heavy metal.
01:58 I'll just run you through these.
02:00 The lip gloss comes in a tube like this.
02:03 It's a really nice silvery colour.
02:06 I can't wait to test it.
02:08 This will be the first time that I'm testing them.
02:11 The lipstick comes in a nice little black tube.
02:15 That's also a nice silvery colour.
02:19 The little pot of glitter is this.
02:27 It comes with a little sponge applicator brush, so you can just dab it on.
02:34 The order that I'm going to do it in is I'm going to put the lipstick on first to test that,
02:39 then the lip gloss so you can see that,
02:42 and then the glitter on top of that because I think it'll be the easiest way around doing it without having to keep wiping it off.
02:49 So yeah, I'm going to test the lipstick first.
02:52 [Music]
02:54 [Music]
02:55 [Music]
03:23 Okay, so that's the lipstick.
03:26 It is a very bold look, I know, but I am so pleased with it.
03:31 Silver is my favourite colour aside from black,
03:34 but I would go as far to say that this is probably one of the best lipsticks I've used to date.
03:38 The consistency is really good.
03:40 It's so thick and the colour came out so pigmented and it was so vibrant.
03:45 From the start of the application, there was no need to keep layering it up.
03:50 That means it'll last for a long time, but no, I'm very pleased with this.
03:54 I'll just bring it in for a closer look.
04:00 No, I absolutely love it.
04:01 I'm going to have so much fun doing some looks with these.
04:05 So I'm going to go onto the lipstick now, just do a top coat with that.
04:08 Sorry, the lip gloss, the heavy metal one.
04:19 It smells quite pepperminty, like peppermint or spearmint.
04:25 It's got a really nice minty scent to it.
04:29 I like that.
04:34 Again, it's a nice thick texture.
04:37 It's a little bit darker than the lipstick too.
04:49 You probably won't be able to notice much of a difference, but it's slightly darker.
04:54 I am very into my metallic colours lately though.
04:59 So I'm very pleased with how these are going.
05:03 I really like it as well.
05:05 I think Sobble works quite well with pale skinned people too.
05:09 I apologise for the lighting as well, it's quite bad.
05:11 The sun's been so bright, so I've had to pull the curtain over a bit.
05:15 I'm just hoping for the best with the lighting.
05:18 I'm going to put the glitter on top now.
05:20 This is where it's going to get really bold.
05:24 The pot came with the little covers over it.
05:28 It's got the holes in, so I think you can sprinkle it onto applicators or something like that.
05:33 I've just took it off because it's easier to dip the brush in.
05:37 So you just pat the sponge brush in to the little applicator pot.
05:42 I'm going to dab them onto my lips.
05:56 It's up to you how much glitter you want to put on as well.
05:58 You might just want a light shimmer to it.
06:00 If you keep on putting more and more, it will be a really thick layer of it.
06:05 I'm going to put a little bit more glitter on top.
06:07 I'm going to put a little bit more glitter on top.
06:36 I am loving this product so much.
06:38 I literally cannot explain how good it is.
06:42 This is with the Taupe Coat on the glitter.
06:47 It probably doesn't do it a lot of justice on my phone camera, but it is such a nice glitter.
06:53 It's iridescent and it's so sparkly.
06:59 I just love it.
07:01 I think if I plan to do another video on this, I might go for a really futuristic cyber gothic.
07:08 If anyone is interested in that, that may be one of my next ones that I'm going to do.
07:13 I'm just zooming in on this. I absolutely adore it.
07:20 Silver goes quite nice on my piercings at the minute too.
07:23 I would rate this so, so high. I'm definitely going to be buying a lot more of these.
07:28 So that's K.O.R. I think all in all it cost me about $40.
07:36 So that was about £33-£34, something like that.
07:43 But it's money well spent. It's well worth it.
07:48 Yeah, probably the best lipstick and lip gloss I've used to date.
07:52 I recommend it very high.
07:54 I'm sorry it's been a really short video again, given that it's only a test and review.
07:59 But I hope you've enjoyed it.
08:01 Some of my next looks that I'll be coming up with over the next few weeks, I'm thinking of doing like...
08:06 I know it's not Halloween yet, but I'm going to be doing quite a few creepy looks like a broken doll.
08:11 Maybe a clown or something. You know, just a few kind of scary looks that I want to do.
08:17 And I'm not going to be doing a makeup video at some point in the week because I'm going to be introducing you to my new pet which I've got.
08:27 If you follow me on Instagram I will have already done a few updates.
08:32 I got him yesterday. It's a little mojo ball python. I've called him Azazel.
08:38 He is absolutely gorgeous. He's held his pigments really well so far.
08:43 He's like a dark black colour with yellow colouring to him. It's a really nice pattern on him.
08:48 He's only 8 months old so he's only a little baby at the minute.
08:51 He's settling in really well though.
08:54 But I can't handle him for a couple of days and he's due his feed tomorrow so we're going to see how that goes.
08:59 But yeah, I'll be doing a video introducing him soon.
09:03 So if you're scared of snakes I will obviously put a warning on the video to not watch that one.
09:08 But yeah, thanks for watching. I hope you've enjoyed it.
09:10 I've definitely enjoyed testing these products and I will be buying more in the very near future.
09:15 So that was Kale. Go on the website, give it a look and I'll see you soon for the next video. Bye!
