Everyday Basic Makeup Tutorial

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, it's Laura and today I'm going to be filming my basic makeup look.
00:13 And as you can tell, I am not wearing any makeup right now.
00:17 And that is because I'm going to be putting it on for you guys today.
00:22 So keep watching.
00:24 I use as far as brushes and things, this is all I use.
00:29 And this is actually a blush brush, but I actually like to use this sometimes as my
00:35 powder.
00:36 The powder just like flew out.
00:37 But, um, yeah, so this is all I use as brushes, other than mascara brushes obviously.
00:43 As far as lipstick, I'm using this Revlon one.
00:48 And this is all basically drugstore makeup because it's just, that's just what I use,
00:56 you know.
00:57 I can just like run out to CVS or Walgreens or whatever and get what I need.
01:01 So anyway, this is in Love That Red 725.
01:04 I don't even know if you can see that, but, so yeah.
01:10 That's the one that I'm just using today.
01:13 This is the Almay One Coat Get Up and Grow.
01:16 And if I'm going to be honest, I don't think that it's one coat.
01:20 One coat doesn't really do much, but I still like it.
01:25 And I haven't really noticed my eyelashes growing, but I like how it looks.
01:31 Also it's waterproof.
01:32 That's cool.
01:33 Um, I use this L'Oreal just black eyeliner.
01:39 Also for mascara, I actually skipped this.
01:41 I probably should have done both my mascaras at once, but I use this Clio Mascara Natural
01:46 Lash.
01:47 I like to put this on before and sometimes after because it like tends to make my eyelashes
01:52 look fuller.
01:53 And as far as face goes, um, as foundation I just use BB cream.
01:59 I use this one.
02:02 Medium deep.
02:03 And then powder.
02:04 I like to put powder on after because it gives my face like a matte look and I like that.
02:09 And I actually made this myself with cornstarch, cocoa powder, and turmeric.
02:17 And you can alter the colors to make it your skin tone.
02:20 And it's super easy and I would do a video on how to make it, but it's too easy and I
02:25 could just tell you in this video.
02:27 So that's that.
02:29 And it works good.
02:30 So that's pretty good.
02:32 And then this is a concealer.
02:33 True Match L'Oreal.
02:38 And also powder.
02:40 I don't think I'm going to use it today, but I also have this Almay Finishing Powder.
02:45 The um, like the color measures.
02:48 And it was like something about that.
02:51 Yeah I also use that sometimes.
02:52 But I'm not going to use that today because that's sort of like extra and I don't always
02:56 use that.
02:57 So I'm going to start off with my BB/foundation.
03:00 So I just like put a little here.
03:03 I like to dot it over my face where I need it.
03:08 And again this is super simple.
03:11 Like I'm not professional at makeup or anything.
03:14 I just think that this works for me.
03:19 I'm not putting on a lot.
03:24 Actually wait, there's another powder I can use.
03:28 So I am back and my air conditioner turned on.
03:33 Just great.
03:34 But anyway, if you can hear it, I apologize and my hair is blowing.
03:40 But anyway, this is what I use as translucent, transparent whatever powder.
03:46 And this is literally just arrowroot powder.
03:50 And also you can use arrowroot powder as a substitute in the normal powder.
03:54 But this is great and you can use it to matte lips or obviously just as your normal translucent/transparent
03:59 whatever powder.
04:00 And it works really good.
04:02 And um, I may be matting my lips at the end of this video because I realized that I can.
04:07 So anyway, I'm going to apply this instead of the other stuff because you know, I just
04:12 put on BB cream.
04:13 I don't need this.
04:14 But now you know how to make it.
04:16 So anyway, opening up my...
04:18 I'm getting it all over me.
04:34 Okay.
04:35 So now I'm going to do concealer.
04:48 And I just like to apply some because I get bad because I stay up all night.
04:53 And to the tip of my nose.
04:58 You might not be able to see but I do.
05:00 I have a little red mark because I may be getting a pimple.
05:03 But normally I just get the red mark before the pimple and I don't actually get the pimple.
05:07 And nowhere else.
05:08 I may apply a little to my cheeks.
05:10 They get a little red because I don't know.
05:13 I just do.
05:14 I like to blend it out.
05:16 If you could even hear what I said I was like "blend".
05:19 I should probably have brought a real mirror here so I could actually see.
05:22 And if in real life this is blending, I'll be right back.
05:25 I got the mirror.
05:26 I feel like I keep leaving you guys.
05:28 I'm just going to put this on.
05:30 It is all blended.
05:33 Finally.
05:34 Alright.
05:36 So next I am doing eyeliner.
05:40 And normally I just do waterline because I don't like to go too crazy with eyeliner.
05:47 So I just do waterline normally.
05:49 Sometimes I'll do it on the top, not waterline.
05:53 That's super messy.
05:56 (scratching)
05:58 So basically you probably get the point.
06:09 I do my top eyeliner.
06:11 I don't want to show you that because, well I don't want to show you all of that because like,
06:15 I don't know it's just weird to show you guys my waterline.
06:18 I mean it can be disgusting sometimes.
06:21 Okay so now I am just going to do my mascara.
06:24 Which is actually my favorite part.
06:26 And yes, sometimes I will curl my lashes.
06:34 But sometimes I just don't feel like I have to or I feel like I don't have to every single day.
06:38 So, as you can see, one coat to me does not really look like enough.
06:45 And I was actually two coats so I just do obviously a little more.
06:48 For my bottom lashes, I use a little thing like this.
06:52 I actually made this out of an index card.
06:54 So, yeah.
06:57 And, um, I actually put it there.
07:01 I don't really have much bottom lashes.
07:03 That's another reason why I put a lot of eyeliner on my waterline.
07:08 That's because I have very little bottom lashes.
07:13 It's um...
07:21 That is my lashes.
07:24 So, as you can tell I did not apply this before.
07:27 I don't do it always, like, I feel like I'm not that consistent with my makeup.
07:31 But it always ends up looking very very similar anyway.
07:34 But, since I didn't apply it first, I'm probably going to apply it after to sort of like seal them.
07:40 Sometimes I use it like first to just make them more full.
07:44 But like, this is just very good.
07:48 I hear my family in the background yelling. That's just because they're crazy.
07:51 Just letting you know.
07:53 Sorry I like open my mouth when I do my eye makeup. Does anyone else do that?
07:58 I'm like, like, why do I do that?
08:02 Okay, now for my bottom lashes.
08:04 Alrighty, so, this is basically everything except for lipstick.
08:13 And my lips are super chapped.
08:15 And I'm not going to run away from you guys again to get something, you know, for my lipstick.
08:20 So I'm just going to put it on.
08:22 So, if it does not look that good, then that's because my lips are very chapped.
08:27 Oh, do you prefer chapped? Okay.
08:29 Is that guy lipstick?
08:37 So that's my lipstick. If you want me to matte it, then keep watching.
08:49 If you don't, then bye.
08:52 So anyway, now I'm matting it.
08:54 Open up my translucent powder.
08:56 Okay, so, just take your finger and I'm just going to go in, make some...
09:01 [silence]
09:03 Oh jeez, I have like pink everywhere. That's because I have it on my finger.
09:16 This is a disaster.
09:18 My lips look huge when I put makeup on them.
09:23 They're not actually this big, but like, I didn't like do tons of lip line or anything.
09:27 Now, I have red on my face.
09:30 Don't care.
09:31 Okay, so, I matted my lips.
09:35 Like I said before, they're super chapped.
09:38 And you know, lots of things with this translucent powder, I was like wondering about it because, well, it is...
09:44 Oh jeez, this container is breaking.
09:47 I think it's at the dollar store, so let me say.
09:50 Okay, so, anyway, I was wondering like, would it actually be translucent?
09:54 Will it actually matte my face, like all this stuff?
09:57 And it did, but the most thing I was wondering...
10:00 As you can see, red, red, very red.
10:02 I have to use some makeup remover.
10:04 Okay, so, anyway, but the most thing I was wondering was, will it matte my lips like other translucent powders?
10:10 And the answer is yes.
10:12 And it's very good.
10:14 Like, if I ever want matte lips, this is good.
10:17 Okay, so, anyway, that was my makeup tutorial.
10:21 I hope you liked it.
10:23 So, anyway, lots of stuff in that video was very weird and not professional at all, not good at all.
10:31 If you just want to know like the makeup that I normally wear on a normal day,
10:36 considering how I do my mascara and how I eyeliner and all that stuff,
10:43 then this is like a good video to show you guys that.
10:46 Again, not a professional, not that good.
10:50 I just do it for myself, just not to teach you guys, but you know, you know, this is...
10:56 The lipstick was kind of a fail.
10:58 Please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel, even if you didn't like this video,
11:03 because this was just not that good.
11:06 Anyway, I thank you so much for watching.
