Smokey eye make up tutorial in HD by Olivia Newman Young (2)

  • last year
00:00 Hi guys, I'm here now in HD, which is a little bit scary, considering you'll be able to see
00:09 what I'm doing very closely now.
00:12 I have had loads of questions in about how to do a smoky eye.
00:16 Loads of people want to know what's the best and easiest way to do it.
00:20 So I'm going to show you today a little sort of cheat way of doing a smoky eye, something
00:25 that I find is really easy and really hard to go wrong with and so simple to keep in
00:30 say your handbag or keep with you and just do it before a night out last minute.
00:34 I have here my pencil from Barry M. It's a Kohl pencil.
00:38 It's number 28 and it has like a nice gleam to it, which I really, really like.
00:44 So what I'm going to do with this, I've already got foundation on eyebrows on and lips because
00:47 I wanted to keep this quite short.
00:49 I didn't want to have a long rambling on video and on my other videos, you can check to see
00:53 what I've used on my skin and I'll write down in the comment box below what I've got on
01:01 my skin today if you wanted to know.
01:03 So what I've got, I've got it here and I've sort of rubbed off some on the back of my
01:05 hand so it's not too sharp and I'm going to start and you can be quite messy with this.
01:11 It doesn't have to be perfect.
01:20 More towards the outside.
01:27 It's quite messy.
01:28 I put more product on the outside and it's nothing perfect at all.
01:31 Then I've got my MAC 230 brush just here and all I'm going to do is start blending.
01:56 Just blend out there and you just really want a nice blended edge and then I'm just going
02:03 to pop a bit more brown there to build it up.
02:14 Just here where the brow bone is, just going and taking up to that socket line and blending
02:19 it out and I want to keep it always heavier at the roots.
02:23 I'm just going to blend it with my finger there and what's left on the brush.
02:31 So I've got here from the Natural Collection eyeliner.
02:35 It's a dark brown one.
02:37 What I'm going to do is just really close to my lashes.
02:49 And then again with the brush I was using before.
03:02 Blend it out and I'm blending it into that socket line and then just taking it under
03:08 a bit.
03:10 With my dark pencil again I'm just going to take that into my brow bone.
03:31 So next thing I'm going to do to add to this is add a little bit of powder which will help
03:35 to set it.
03:36 I know the pencil is sort of a creamy consistency so this will really help just to set the product.
03:41 The powder that I'm going to use, I've got a shimmery sort of reddy brown one called
03:46 Handwritten.
03:47 Sparkly, reddy brown.
03:50 And then next thing I've got here is MAC Brown Down or is it Down Brown?
04:00 I can't remember which one but I will find out for you and I'll write it down in the
04:03 comment box.
04:04 And that is this one.
04:07 Just take that in to the corner of my eye and around the socket line.
04:14 Take a little bit under.
04:22 I'm going to do is with the Barry M pencil again, the slightly shimmery light one.
04:27 I'm just going to put that into the water line of my eye.
04:35 Next thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to add into the middle of the eye a little
04:38 bit of my colour from MAC called Expensive Pink.
04:41 That one there.
04:43 Adding a light colour into the inner corner of my eye and onto this main bit of my eye.
04:48 It's just going to bring out the eye more and accentuate that gap in the eyelid which
04:52 makes your eyes look bigger.
05:11 So that's one eye of my eye show done.
05:13 Add some mascara to that.
05:15 Now here I've got Maybelline The Colossal Volume Express Mascara.
05:39 So as you can see that's really brought out the eye more.
05:42 If I compare it to my first eye which hasn't got anything on, it really makes the eye pop,
05:48 opens it up, makes it bigger.
05:53 There you'll find the eyeball on your eye.
05:57 This area here, the space, that's where you want your lighter colour.
06:04 So I've just gone and changed my lipstick to something with a paler that will sort of
06:07 go with the look a bit better.
06:09 I've got here Pure Zen from MAC.
06:12 Thanks so much for watching.
06:14 Please subscribe and please comment any ideas below and I look forward to doing some more
06:18 tutorials soon.
