Makeup tips for a prom wedding

  • last year
00:00 Hi guys, I'm just watching TV and the music and I love the music and I'm just watching
00:09 TV like I just said and I don't know because it's...
00:13 I've been on YouTube for a really long time and because I've done busy stuff and I really
00:23 appreciate it if you press subscribe and I will do anything you do in the comments
00:32 list and don't do anything like dangerous, violent or something like that.
00:40 And I have a boyfriend, he's cute as can be but he couldn't be here today, he's sick.
00:51 They're really sick.
00:54 I don't know what really to do.
00:57 I like singing, I like dancing but I'm really, really, really, really embarrassed about dancing.
01:04 And I hate...
01:07 I've been uploading videos and they're stupid so I'm like "How do you delete videos?"
01:13 So can you tell me in the comments?
01:21 In a couple of hours I'm getting back...
01:24 Do you know what I just said?
01:26 It's a little weird.
01:27 I'm excited to see who presses subscribe.
01:35 One minute, I'll be a sec.
01:38 I know what I'm going to do now.
01:40 I'm going to teach you how to be beautiful in a couple of seconds.
01:48 So you want to get some lip balm or lipstick.
01:52 You want some...
01:56 One minute.
02:01 Sorry, my phone tipped off.
02:04 I'm trying to get it.
02:07 So yeah, my phone just tipped off.
02:10 I couldn't find my eye mascara.
02:16 I couldn't find it.
02:18 So I just got lip balm and things.
02:20 It's on your face but not your facial.
02:22 A couple of weeks ago I had spots all over my face and I really wanted to do this video but I couldn't
02:28 because I was just too sick.
02:30 I felt sick.
02:31 I felt like most of my friends at school could tell that I felt sick.
02:37 So yeah.
02:38 First we need to put some lip...
02:41 It's not lip, it's face balm on your face.
02:45 It's not foundation.
02:47 I don't have foundation.
02:50 So you want to get some of that.
02:52 Put it right there.
02:54 Right there.
02:56 And then put it there.
02:58 I'm not going to play any city music like any teenager should.
03:02 And because I'm not a teenager.
03:04 I'm a teenager tomorrow.
03:05 No, not tomorrow.
03:06 Next year.
03:08 *mumbling*
03:15 Because one day I forgot how to upload it.
03:19 Videos on YouTube.
03:22 And now I remember.
03:24 Okay.
03:27 So I have to hurry this up.
03:31 So yeah, when you finish that it should be all over your face to make it shine.
03:37 Make it shine.
03:39 Does anyone, any of you watch Victoria when she's on a...
03:44 *singing* Make it shine.
03:48 Yeah.
03:49 And then you want to get some lipstick or lip balm.
03:53 Or lip gloss.
03:55 Whatever.
03:56 And then you just get like, if you're a girl, get like a shady pink.
03:59 And if you're a boy just don't get nothing.
04:01 Because the girls are going to get it for you.
04:04 Uh huh.
04:05 Like that.
04:09 Get whatever colour suits your lips.
04:17 Just like, if you don't know.
04:20 Just go into Boots, ask them if you can test the colours of lipstick or lip balm.
04:27 And just put a stripe and hold it up to you.
04:31 So then you know what colour you need.
04:41 Okay, then you need to get some perfume.
04:44 Put it on.
04:49 And then if you want to type, right, if you have short hair like mine, just flat it.
04:55 I don't put any.
04:57 And then wrap round.
05:01 And then get those pins and pin it in.
05:03 And then it should look like a bun.
05:07 Okay.
05:10 I'll probably do another video about makeup when I find all my makeup stuff.
05:16 Okay guys, bye.
05:20 Oh my god, it keeps--
