• 2 years ago
This video presentation reviews the major historical events of the life of Imam Hasan (AS) and gives an overview of the complicated political environment in which he lived that led him to accept the treaty with Muawiyah.

Table of Contents:
0:00 Intro
0:16 Birth
1:08 Relationship With Prophet
2:08 Mubahilah (Cursing of the Untruthful)
3:20 Prophet's Demise
3:38 Lady Fatima's Martyrdom
4:10 First Caliph
4:30 Second Caliph
4:51 Third Caliph
5:43 Battle of Jamal (Camel)
6:50 Battle of Siffin
8:22 Imam Ali's Governorship After Siffin
9:53 Imam Ali's Martyrdom
11:01 Allegiance
11:57 Beginning of Governorship
13:48 Preparation for War
15:32 Preparing Grounds for Peace
16:42 Treaty Acceptance
17:55 Treaty Conditions
18:31 After the Treaty
19:31 Migration To Medina
21:11 Martyrdom
22:00 Burial
22:39 Conclusion


