• 2 years ago
This video presents the life of Imam Ja’far Sadiq (AS) and gives an overview of the complicated political instability during his lifetime. This critical period of history coincides with the change in power from the Umayyad to the Abbasid caliphate. This presentation also highlights Imam’s critical role in spreading knowledge and establishing the Ja’fari Shia school of thought as a prominent sect in Islam.

Table of Contents:
0:00 Intro
0:36 Birth
2:02 During the Life of Imam Sajjad
2:32 Childhood Years
3:57 Abbasids' Hidden Agenda
6:39 Imam Summoned to Damascus
8:00 Martyrdom of Imam Baqir
9:38 Imam and Hisham
11:10 Imam's Scientific Contribution
18:05 Zaid's Uprisal
25:33 Valeed II in Power
26:36 Yahya's Uprisal
29:55 Establishment of Ja'fari Shia School of Thought
31:58 Imam: Source of Guidance
34:13 Ibrahim Imam: New Abbasids' Leader
38:00 Yazid III in Power
38:58 Confrontation With False Theological Beliefs
44:59 Ibrahim in Power
46:02 Al-Abwa Meeting
49:35 Abdullah ibn Muawiyah's Uprisal
51:21 Abu-Muslim's Uprisal
55:22 Urging Imam for Uprisal
58:17 Death of Ibrahim Imam
1:04:17 Abassids as a New Government
1:05:25 Battle of Zab
1:08:32 Abbasids' Power Stabilization
1:13:41 Saffah and Imam
1:18:45 Mansur in Power
1:21:55 Mansur and Imam
1:25:06 Demise of Isma'il
1:27:02 Uprisal of Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya
1:38:51 Mansur and Imam
1:45:49 Martyrdom
1:50:01 Conclusion


