• 2 years ago


00:00 The intro is cool, but can they hunt together with badgers or use the earth's magnetic
00:18 field to catch prey?
00:20 Yes, they can do that.
00:22 And that's not all.
00:23 Welcome to the 15th episode of Animal Battle.
00:26 Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present you our two competitors.
00:30 The coyote versus the red fox.
00:35 Also stick until the end of the video to find out who is the winner of the last battle between
00:39 the raccoon and the red panda.
00:41 Let's do it.
00:42 I'm Mario and this is Animal Battle.
00:50 So how exactly are we going to find out which animal is better?
00:53 Well, the best animal isn't necessarily the most powerful one, so we are going to evaluate
00:58 our two competitors based on six different characteristics.
01:01 Agility, attack, defense, intelligence, bonus skill and survival.
01:08 Now let's jump right into it.
01:10 And we'll start off with agility.
01:12 Red foxes can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h, which is quite decent, but they are still
01:17 not as fast as coyotes, which can run with a speed of 69 km/h, so they should be able
01:22 to catch that roadrunner with such a speed.
01:24 Also coyotes can run for long distances, leap over 4 meters when running and are very good
01:29 swimmers.
01:30 But red foxes can also swim well and compensate for their lower speed with their flexibility
01:35 and jumping and climbing abilities.
01:37 They can actually jump over 2 meter high fences and up to 5 meters in length.
01:42 Red foxes can also climb trees, which is very unusual for a member of a dog family.
01:47 So let's see their agility stats.
01:52 They have very good agility stats, coyotes being able to reach higher speeds, while red
01:57 foxes are good climbers and can jump very well.
02:00 Now before we go to their attack and defense stats, we should take a look at their bonus
02:04 skills, which are going to have a big role for hunting.
02:07 Both of them have a good sense of smell and a remarkable sense of hearing.
02:11 Red foxes have very sensitive ears and can hear a mouse squeak at about 100 meters.
02:17 And if that isn't enough, a study in 2010 has revealed that red foxes can sense the
02:22 Earth's magnetic field, which is actually very useful when hunting, but we will talk
02:26 about that later.
02:28 But the biggest bonus skill that both the coyote and the red fox have is that they can
02:31 form groups, which increases their hunting success rate.
02:35 Red foxes can live in pairs or form small family groups consisting of a mated pair and
02:39 their young, which, growing up, will help to take care of their younger brothers.
02:44 The packs formed by coyotes also usually consist of a pair of dominant coyotes and their young.
02:49 So let's see their bonus skill stats.
02:55 They are very good.
02:56 Red foxes being slightly better here due to their unique ability to sense the Earth's
03:00 magnetic field.
03:01 And now we can talk about their attack and defense stats.
03:04 So red foxes reach up to 90 cm in length plus a 55 cm long tail.
03:09 They vary quite a lot in size, weighing from 2.2 to 14 kg.
03:13 The largest red fox weighed about 17 kg.
03:16 Coyotes are quite larger than red foxes, reaching up to 135 cm in length plus a 40 cm long tail
03:23 and can weigh up to 20 kg.
03:25 The largest coyote weighed 34 kg.
03:28 Coyotes are still not as large as wolves, but hunting in packs they can take down large
03:31 animals like deer, sheep or a bison.
03:34 Coyotes will usually prey upon smaller animals like rodents, birds, lizards and rabbits and
03:39 can also eat different kinds of fruits.
03:41 An interesting fact is that coyotes may occasionally form mutualistic hunting relationships with
03:46 American badgers.
03:48 Rodents might be hard to catch, the coyote cannot speed them, but the rodents will go
03:52 inside a burrow where the coyote can't reach them.
03:54 On the other side the badger can dig the rodents out, but aren't fast enough to catch them
03:58 when they get out.
04:00 So working together, the coyote and the American badger cover each other's weak points.
04:05 Badgers digging out the rodents chased into their burrows by coyotes and coyotes catching
04:09 the rodents that come to the surface to escape the badger.
04:12 Also coyotes might try to steal the food from other animals and can feed on carrion.
04:16 Red foxes usually prey on small animals like rodents, birds, porcupines, hares and raccoons
04:22 and can also eat fruits.
04:23 For hunting mice located beneath the snow, red foxes use a technique called a mouse pounce.
04:28 Firstly, the fox locates the rodent with its very sensitive ears and then leaps and lands
04:32 right above its prey.
04:34 But what is even more interesting is that the usual hit rate using this technique is
04:38 equal to 18% except for when the red fox faces north.
04:42 In this case the hit rate goes up to almost 75%.
04:46 It is believed that, sensing the earth's magnetic field, the fox can use it to locate the rodent
04:50 more precisely and calculates how far to jump to land right on the top of the mouse.
04:55 So they have pretty cool hunting techniques but they still need to look out for predators.
04:59 Red foxes can be killed by wolves, lynxes, leopards, cougars and even by some eagles.
05:05 They can try to escape from predators climbing trees or squeezing into small places but they
05:10 have no chance on an open field.
05:12 Coyotes can also be killed by larger predators like wolves, cougars, canada lynx and golden
05:16 eagles.
05:18 Coyotes rarely kill foxes and they usually avoid each other.
05:21 So let's see their stats.
05:26 They have decent attack and defense stats, coyotes being better here due to their larger
05:30 size.
05:31 Now we will quickly talk about their intelligence stats.
05:34 Like other carnivores they are pretty smart because hiding requires a higher level of
05:38 intelligence.
05:39 Also they are quite sneaky and can easily adapt to new environments.
05:43 Foxes have been observed to stack a couple of pieces of bread left by people and then
05:46 take the whole stack at once.
05:48 So let's see their stats.
05:53 They are also pretty good and last but not least are survival stats.
05:58 And both the coyote and the red fox are doing well here, being classified as the least concerned
06:02 species even after being hunted a lot by humans.
06:05 Even more they have adapted to live in suburban and urban areas where they can find more food.
06:11 Coyotes can be found in North America and red foxes can be found in Eurasia, North America,
06:16 Northern Africa and have even invaded Australia.
06:19 Red foxes usually have 4 to 6 kids which will live up to 5 years into the wild and 15 in
06:24 captivity.
06:25 A female coyote can give birth to 6 pups at once which will have a lifespan of 6 to 8
06:30 years into the wild and twice bigger in captivity.
06:33 So let's see their final stats.
06:38 They have pretty good survival stats, red foxes being slightly better here due to their
06:43 larger range.
06:44 Also red foxes are better at bonus kills and coyotes are better at attack and defense.
06:49 So who is the winner?
06:50 Well, it is up to you because you can vote the winner in the poll right there and leave
06:55 your opinions in the comments down below and I will be happy to read them.
06:59 Also tell your friends, parents and most importantly tell your babushka to smash that subscribe
07:03 button because I will not rest until we beat both Pewdiepie and T-series.
07:07 Nice, it is time to announce the winner of the last battle between the raccoon and the
07:13 red panda.
07:15 So after counting all the votes, the winner is…
07:21 The raccoon!
07:22 It is a smart and agile animal and deserves to compete further for the title "the best
07:27 animal in the world" and if you wanted the red panda to win, you shouldn't be upset
07:31 because here on M from Animals we know that all animals are amazing.
07:35 So once again, don't forget to vote the winner of this episode's battle in the top right
07:39 corner and if you like what I make consider supporting me on Patreon.
07:43 Respect animals!
07:45 Oh right, it is that egg.
07:50 I wonder…
07:51 It's a gecko!
07:54 I think I will name you…
07:56 Johnny, I'm joking, your name should definitely be Spike and you will be a great partner.
08:01 (dramatic music)
