Girl Time Hair, Makeup, Clothes.

  • last year
00:00 Hey what's going on guys you are watching PaleyMaya stay tuned for my how to straighten
00:06 hair and my half up bun and half down hair.
00:14 So give this video a thumbs up, subscribe to my channel and let's get started.
00:21 Ok so I plugged in my hair straightener about 35 seconds ago so you're going to want to
00:27 let it heat up and mine is already heated up because it heats up extremely fast.
00:35 So I'm just going to let it heat up for a couple more seconds and then get started.
00:41 Ok so it seems about heated up enough I can feel it already through the plastic.
00:45 Since the heating pads are like right here at the top I'm going to hold the bottom part
00:50 because this part on mine can get extreme.
00:53 And I'm just going to let it heat up for a little bit but I'm going to use my hairbrush
00:56 and just make an even part.
00:58 I'm going to brush my hair back and just make my hair into an even part.
01:04 All done.
01:06 Ok so now my hair straightener is definitely heated up.
01:12 Ok so I'm just going to take a little piece of hair because I like to do my little front
01:20 piece of hair first then I'll work from the top to the bottom.
01:28 I usually do that piece over twice in a row and sometimes my hair doesn't straighten right
01:36 away so I have to go over my whole head again.
01:41 Next piece.
01:44 Hit the ends because since I have blonde tips my ends don't straighten that well.
01:53 It ruined my hair.
02:04 Now if you're just learning how to straighten your hair doing the back can be kind of hard
02:09 so I just grab a back piece.
02:11 I don't put the straightener behind my head because some people do that.
02:15 I pull it to the side where I can see it in my mirror and then I just straighten.
02:19 I straighten that usually a little bit more than I do in the front because I can't see
02:25 it as good.
02:26 So then that's how you do the back in my opinion.
02:32 Hit the bottoms because like I said see there's still a little wave.
02:48 Ok so I finished my hair except for this one little piece.
02:57 So there we go I finished my hair.
02:58 I'm going to turn it off and unplug the thing so my house doesn't catch on fire.
03:04 Ok now that I'm done with that I just like to use this bed head so that my hair doesn't
03:09 get frizzy and it just makes my hair really soft and really smooth.
03:14 So you don't need that much.
03:15 You just need like that's fine.
03:18 You rub it in both hands and you just put it in your hair.
03:24 Daisy go away!
03:26 And yes you'll see her in the background sometimes because she's walking in and out of the room.
03:31 Ok so now that my hair is straightened all around time to start styling my hair.
03:37 And if we have time I may do some makeup.
03:42 So I just start brushing my hair again just in case anything is knotted.
03:52 Ok so then I start to brush the top part of my hair up.
04:05 So basically for this step you're just going to do a half up half down look that I always
04:09 have in my videos most of the time.
04:11 But since we're doing a bun instead of the ponytail I would try to put the ponytail on
04:18 the top of your head mostly.
04:20 Ok so as you can tell my ponytail is basically on the top.
04:26 So since there are like little hairs right here that like stick out you're going to want
04:31 to try to get rid of those as much as possible.
04:33 And if not we always have our bobby pin.
04:36 Ok so I got mine out.
04:37 Now I'm just going to use an elastic and obviously I'm going to tie it up into a ponytail.
04:46 Once again I'm just going to brush out my ponytail just so everything is nice and smooth.
04:52 See cause my ponytail just got all knotted.
04:55 Ok so now I'm just going to brush out all my whole hair, my ponytail, everything just
05:02 in case just so there's no knots in it.
05:06 And be sure to get right here cause usually for me that part gets knotted very easily.
05:14 Ok so now we're going to need like a hair bun.
05:17 It could either be like hot buns or even a sock bun.
05:21 If you don't have like a hair bun just use an old sock that you don't need.
05:25 Cut off the part of your toes then you just start rolling it then it will form into a
05:31 bun.
05:33 Ok so now that my dog is here, Jake it.
05:36 So since I'm little, my socks are little obviously, I used a grown man sock and it's a perfect
05:44 size that I want my bun to be.
05:47 So you're going to take your sock bun, put your fingers through it and then just slip
05:56 your ponytail through the sock bun like so.
05:59 So now that that's done you're going to take your ponytail and then you're going to try
06:03 to spread your hair all around the bun.
06:08 So like this.
06:09 I'll go in the back just so you can see.
06:12 You can feel the sock peeking through your hair.
06:16 So that's how you know that no sock is covered.
06:21 And if you have tan socks and like your hair is like brown, I would use the tan sock so
06:27 that it blends most in with your hair.
06:29 If you have like darker hair, use like a darker color sock.
06:33 I wouldn't wear like a vibrant color sock like a purple or a blue or a green because
06:39 then it would stand out.
06:42 So once your hair is all covered like this, you're going to take another elastic, stretch
06:46 it out and then just put it around your hair and around the sock.
06:50 And if some of your hair shows, you can redo it like this.
06:57 So like I said, if your hair shows, just take the top elastic off, then your hair is like
07:04 this and I'm going to redo it because I'm on fell apart so BRB.
07:09 So let's just use some quick magic.
07:12 Well that was quick.
07:14 So yes, I will get to you on this hair.
07:19 So like I said, usually your hair will split into two pieces, like this side and this side.
07:28 So what you're going to do is you're going to take one side.
07:32 Everybody does it different ways.
07:34 People like turn it into a braid and braid their hair around their ponytail.
07:39 I just like to twist it like this.
07:42 Why did I say ponytail?
07:44 I meant bun.
07:45 Sorry guys.
07:46 It's so hot in my hips.
07:49 And then just wrap it around like this.
07:51 Take a bobby pin.
07:52 And most of you are probably wondering, why is she looking this way?
07:58 Because I have a mirror obviously.
08:01 So you're just going to take your bobby pin and shove it in there.
08:06 You're obviously going to need more than one.
08:13 So let me do this side and the same thing and fix this.
08:19 Magic time.
08:20 All done.
08:21 Looks good.
08:22 Once again, brush your hair.
08:23 You don't have to do it.
08:24 I just do it because my hair can get knotted very easily from very little things like humidity.
08:34 When I get out of the shower, my hair is a giant frizz ball.
08:42 So that's why I have a brush in my hand 24/7.
08:44 I even carry a brush in my backpack.
08:47 So now that we have the half bun, half down, which I really like, it's very original style.
08:56 You're going to need a lot of hairspray.
09:03 Smells good.
09:06 You're going to want to spray this part too so there's no little baby hairs sticking up.
09:20 Because if there's hairs like this, we're going to bobby pin it down.
09:25 So don't worry girl.
09:26 Since my hair is very hard to hold, I have to use lots of hairspray.
09:41 Then if you need bobby pins, just use it.
09:45 Like I said, I have this little piece of hair that's really bugging me and I'm going to
09:48 bobby pin that down with some more magic.
09:53 All done with the hair.
09:56 Since I have a little bit more time left, it looks like we can do some makeup.
10:02 So this video will be a girl video, which is everything hair and makeup.
10:07 So I'll start making more of these.
10:08 If you guys like this video and subscribe to my channel, I will make more of these.
10:14 So I'm just going to start off with eyeliner like I love to do.
10:18 So I start off...
10:20 It's going to fall.
10:23 So like I told you in my first makeup tutorial, this is an automatic one.
10:28 It's Palladio.
10:29 I don't know how to pronounce that.
10:32 I like to start off at the bottom and go to the top.
10:38 I already got some on my face.
10:44 So there's one bottom eyeliner.
10:47 So I finished that.
10:50 So let's use some more magic to get my top part done.
10:55 All done.
10:57 And I also like to do the tips right here of eyeliner.
11:01 So let's use some more magic to get that done for me.
11:05 All done already.
11:07 So now I'm going to be doing some mascara.
11:13 More magic.
11:14 My makeup is almost done.
11:20 Let's get on to some lipstick.
11:28 That's going to be the color.
11:29 And yes, of course, we're going to be using magic.
11:34 Yes, of course, the magic layered it a lot.
11:38 So it's wicked dark purple.
11:41 Let me use some more magic to change into some good clothes for this look.
11:46 Looks good.
11:50 So I'm just wearing my leopard one piece jumpsuit with my half up bun, half down hairstyle
12:02 and my girl makeup.
12:05 So this is what I would wear, black or white, with this look.
12:14 With this whole look.
12:20 So I hope you girls and if you guys are watching me, I hope you girls and guys enjoyed this
12:27 girl time video.
12:32 I will make more of these.
12:34 This is actually really fun to do.
12:37 I'm glad I thought of it.
12:38 So it's girl time with Pearlie Maya.
12:42 That will be what it's called now from now on.
12:45 So yeah girls or guys, give this video a thumbs up, subscribe to my channel obviously.
12:53 Comment down below on if you tried this look out or if you liked it or whatever.
13:00 Please no hate because I know I did my makeup in the worst order ever but I will see you
13:09 on Tuesday guys.
13:11 Have a safe weekend.
13:12 I hope you guys have had a good summer vacation so far.
13:15 It's almost over.
13:16 I'm going to middle school.
13:18 I'm nervous.
13:19 But anyways, so like, subscribe and that's it.
13:28 I will see you in one more video I'll post today.
13:31 It might be tonight because my cousins are going to come over so we might have some more
13:35 girl time for tonight.
13:37 But I'll see you in my next video coming up later today.
13:42 I don't know what it is but who knows.
13:46 And I'll see you later today.
13:50 So bye.
13:51 Stay beautiful.
13:52 (kissing)
