Make Up Tutorial #1

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys! It's Fag4!
00:02 Yes!
00:03 And today I'm the beauty guru noob slayer 99.
00:10 I'm trying to do my ombre lip.
00:13 Okay, get out. I'm doing mine first.
00:15 You're a bitch.
00:16 So first we gotta put on some foundation.
00:19 This is my favorite foundation ever. I don't know if you can read it.
00:27 Okay, um, so it's okay if you just squirt it on your face.
00:31 I need this mirror back here, so.
00:33 What did you do to my lips?
00:36 I don't see what you're talking about. I made them ombre.
00:38 They are not.
00:39 Okay, so you can put it anywhere you want and then you just smear it in.
00:44 Fuck my life.
00:47 Where is the other one?
00:49 In my ass.
00:51 You're a bitch, me.
00:53 I'm not even talking to you.
00:55 I'm doing a beauty show, so get out.
00:57 Mmmmm.
01:00 It's okay if you get some foundation in your nose, that's normal.
01:03 Ew, what's with all these freaking smoothie masks?
01:06 Hey Amanda, don't do me outside in the mirror. You gotta be fresh, you know.
01:09 Okay, so my foundation's okay.
01:13 They're amazing. They match my jacket.
01:16 Okay, so now we can start on our lips.
01:23 So I'm gonna do a nice color.
01:26 What is this?
01:29 Okay, so-
01:30 My magic cow, knock it off.
01:32 So for lip liner, you're gonna wanna use this red.
01:37 It's just-
01:38 By- it's called Lip Pencil by I don't know who.
01:42 The Gooseface.
01:44 Oh, you're attacking my nose with your nose.
01:48 Go, go get your shit.
01:51 I don't know where my dad is.
01:53 My dad loves me.
01:55 Slap that.
01:56 He ain't here yet.
01:58 Sunshine, you're-
02:00 What?
02:02 You have your umbrella.
02:05 What is wrong with you?
02:14 Sick.
02:17 Not that.
02:19 So you just outline your lips.
02:21 It's okay if it messes up.
02:23 Fuck my life.
02:24 Get your neck out of the camera.
02:27 Okay, so after that you wanna take this color by NARS and just smear it all over.
02:34 You stole that from me!
02:36 Oh my god, I was looking for my line.
02:39 You fucking slipped.
02:41 So you just put it all over.
02:46 My chemical faggot.
02:47 No.
02:48 You're a chemical faggot.
02:50 We're mixing colors.
02:51 You're not supposed to do that.
02:52 You did that on my lip!
02:53 It's technically a lip liner.
02:54 You fucking inexperienced fool.
02:56 Okay, so I'm in a beauty guru here.
02:59 Did you just try and eat my foot?
03:02 No, I'm just gonna eat this.
03:04 Okay, and then you- where's the bright red lipstick?
03:07 Oh, here.
03:09 I think this is it.
03:10 Stop!
03:11 So here's our favorite-
03:12 Stop!
03:13 Here's our Elsa kit lip gloss.
03:16 It's really good.
03:17 Wait, I'll give you the purple stuff here.
03:19 What purple stuff?
03:20 This.
03:21 Yep.
03:24 Hey guys.
03:26 You're a faggot.
03:29 Stop working so much on your lips.
03:30 You do the lips last!
03:32 Are you Miranda Sings?
03:33 No.
03:34 Yeah, I'm gonna become Miranda Sings.
03:36 Where the fuck's the other lipstick?
03:37 Oh.
03:38 Okay, so-
03:39 I don't even care anymore.
03:40 You just put it all over, don't mind me.
03:45 I don't even care.
03:46 Oh, my god.
03:48 The fuck?
03:50 Bruh.
03:53 It looks okay.
03:56 It looks good, okay?
03:57 I'm gonna do my- I'm gonna do this too.
03:59 Your foundation?
04:00 Okay, yeah, you always put the foundation on first.
04:02 No, you do primer first, but Jackie has a primer, so I do.
04:06 Just kidding, I don't ever put-
04:08 The fuck are you watching?
04:09 Okay, so it took a lot because I know I'm obviously a slob.
04:15 I put it all over my face.
04:18 Okay, so your lips will be looking fresh now.
04:23 Flawless, flawless, baby I look flawless.
04:26 Make that pop pop, do it how I want.
04:29 Oh, my god, you're such a good singer.
04:31 I like Miranda Sings.
04:33 Okay, so now we take this eyeliner from the color workshop.
04:36 I think it's liquid.
04:37 Yeah, it is.
04:38 So, you just wanna take a little bit.
04:42 And...
04:44 Hmm, I look fabulous.
04:47 I'll look fabulous for real.
04:50 Where is Jackie's kabuki brush, I wonder?
04:56 So, you wanna wing your eyeliner so it's just right.
05:01 Oh, my god.
05:09 Oh, crap, I've been spilling this in your...
05:12 So, recently I've been reaching for candies.
05:16 Where's your dang kabuki brush?
05:19 So, that's how you wing your eyeliner.
05:21 Wait, it should be over there.
05:25 Don't worry, get in the video.
05:26 Where is it?
05:27 Okay, so your winged eyeliner should be perfectly on point.
05:31 Hurry, my foundation is setting.
05:37 Oh, my god.
05:39 I just dropped it on your bed.
05:41 Yeah, I know, I'm trying to do my winged eyeliner.
05:44 It's obviously on point.
05:49 I've never had eyeliner.
05:52 Oh, you always have to wear eyeliner.
05:55 It makes your eyes pop.
05:57 Like this pussy?
05:59 And it's okay if it gets up here.
06:03 Now you just wanna make the other eye just right.
06:06 Don't need that.
06:07 You wish you looked as close.
06:17 This is Covergirl TrueBlend Minerals.
06:20 Loose material, mineral powder.
06:22 Povosutu Mineral.
06:24 Pore Libre Minerali.
06:26 In 405 Light, Claro Pale.
06:31 It says, "Use alone or over liquid makeup for instantly natural look."
06:36 Okay, stop, you're distracting me.
06:38 Get this dog out.
06:42 Don't eat my nerves.
06:44 And it's okay if it burns your eyes, it's just the effect.
06:50 It's true.
06:52 Oh, fuck my life, it actually burns.
06:55 Oh, my god.
06:56 Smack that.
06:59 Why are you pulling your eyes out?
07:01 Okay, so eyeliner is looking oblique.
07:06 Yeah, let me turn it on.
07:07 Okay.
07:08 Wait, let me see it.
07:09 I'm gonna show you how to do a real, true mascara.
07:12 Don't worry, Kyle, you gotta do yours next.
07:14 Then you take this.
07:15 I'm not gonna do it myself.
07:16 Then you do this mascara.
07:18 I want Kyle to do mine.
07:19 What is that mascara called?
07:21 It's called your mom.
07:23 So you just do your mascara.
07:27 It's okay if it gets on your eyes.
07:29 You wanna make sure you do your bottom lashes too.
07:32 Okay.
07:34 So, once you do that eye, you do your lower lash line.
07:39 What the heck, Jackie?
07:40 Spray.
07:41 Are you MLG or something?
07:43 I'm on a diet.
07:44 Are you MLG or something?
07:45 So you wanna do that too?
07:47 Dude, that's not in the schedule.
07:49 Okay, so now that our look is almost complete.
07:53 Oh, god, I just threw up.
07:56 Oops.
07:57 I think my cat eye wing is off.
07:59 I don't think anything else is off.
08:02 So now we gotta fill our eyebrows.
08:04 With the Elsa brush.
08:05 We're gonna fill our eyebrows with this pretty blue color.
08:08 Wait, my phone is at 2%.
08:11 I'm just gonna stop.
08:12 Okay, so you get this really pretty blue color and just fill it up.
08:15 What does my other hair do?
08:16 See, I can make it look like my other hair cut by just pulling all my hair back.
08:23 It looks great.
08:25 Just so you know.
08:26 It actually looks better in person, but since this is on a camera, it doesn't look that good.
08:33 But it's really cute in person.
08:35 Do you have a problem?
08:39 That's my old hair color.
08:40 So that'll be the color it turns out like.
08:43 Even though this camera's shit.
08:45 You're shit, Elsa.
08:46 Okay, so next we wanna get...
08:49 That's true.
08:51 Yeah, I think mine's better than yours.
08:54 Oh, no.
08:55 This one looks on fleek, to be honest.
08:58 No, it doesn't.
09:00 Our camera does, so...
09:02 Shut up, Kyle.
09:04 Shut up, Kyle.
09:05 Yours looks on fleek.
09:07 I mean...
09:08 Okay, and then next you wanna outline your eyebrows.
09:15 The fuck is all this?
09:16 Oh, it's the powder.
09:17 So you wanna draw...
09:18 You just wanna draw on your...
09:19 So you wanna draw on your eyebrows.
09:22 Are you just playing with makeup?
09:23 What?
09:24 So now you wanna...
09:25 You want your makeup done?
09:26 Now you wanna line your lips.
09:27 Then leave.
09:28 No, you wanna do your eyebrows.
09:29 Okay.
09:30 Make sure one's really clean, too.
09:32 Oh, jeez.
09:33 Hey!
09:34 You're scaring him.
09:35 That's gonna look a lot.
09:36 Okay, so this one may be messed up, but that's okay.
09:40 I'm telling you, I'm...
09:41 Is it 666?
09:42 Stop it.
09:44 It's on.
09:45 Okay, you wanna make your eyebrows thick, because that...
09:47 That's what I mean.
09:48 All guys dig thick eyebrows.
09:50 Oh, dig?
09:51 Hey!
09:52 Hey!
09:53 You do not fight him!
09:56 Put your hand out.
09:58 Okay, um...
10:02 Do we have games on your phone?
10:04 Well, my phone is at 100% at 10.
10:07 Then next, we wanna take this and do this really cute Shrek ogre green.
10:13 It's right there.
10:14 Here, give him your hand.
10:16 Just put out your hand nicely.
10:18 You don't have to put it in your face.
10:21 And you wanna put this on.
10:23 You just wanna get this Shrek color effect.
10:27 Shrek is wrong.
10:30 Shrek is rude.
10:33 And you wanna make it go up to your eyebrows, so it looks en flic.
10:39 Oh, okay.
10:42 Here, give him your hand.
10:44 You wanna...
10:47 You wanna plug it in?
10:48 Why are you being aggressive?
10:51 See, it's okay.
10:52 You have three Snapchat.
10:54 Who cares?
10:56 They're probably from my family.
10:57 Um, no, I'm not Snapchatting.
11:00 I'm doing my makeup.
11:01 Okay, and for the final...
11:04 Fuck my life, where's the brush?
11:09 Oh, for the final thing, I don't care.
11:13 So for the final thing, you wanna use this brush and use some blush?
11:20 So we're gonna use this bright pink blush.
11:22 Put more red, put more red.
11:25 - Good.
11:26 Yeah, good night.
