Get ready with me Hair, makeup & clothes!

  • last year
00:00 Hiya, I thought I would do a day/night inspired tutorial.
00:03 So this will include my hair, makeup and my clothes.
00:06 So you can probably tell that I'm in a completely different room,
00:09 but I just thought I should have better lighting and my room's also a mess.
00:14 Also, what I will do, I will put down the different times in the description box
00:18 for when I start my hair, makeup and clothes in case you want to skip to any bits as well.
00:29 Okay, so you can probably tell I look really tired.
00:32 I've just got back from work and the first step is to make sure all your makeup is off.
00:37 So I went to work and there's no way I was not going to wear my makeup to work.
00:40 I just want to make sure that I've got it all off.
00:42 So I use this Garnier cleansing water just with some little pads.
00:46 And I've tried to get the majority of it off already.
00:50 So I'm just going to open it, tip it upside down.
00:54 I don't squeeze just because enough comes out.
00:57 And it's more my eye area that I want to make sure is off because I scrubbed my face.
01:02 As you can see, it does a pretty good job of making sure that it gets sealed off.
01:07 Because the last thing you want to do is be applying new makeup on old makeup.
01:12 Okay, so the next step I would highly suggest is wearing an old top or a pajama top in my case.
01:17 Just because the last thing you want to do is apply it when you're completely dressed.
01:21 Okay, so before I put makeup on, I want to put moisture into my face.
01:25 I've got quite dry skin so this can really make the makeup go quite cakey on my skin.
01:32 I've been using the Dove Essential Nourishing Lotion for dry skin.
01:38 But I thought maybe I should go for something that's more geared towards dry skin as well.
01:43 And I know everyone goes on about Dove and it's quite known for being quite a good little skin care item.
01:50 I don't know why I'm finishing my sentences.
01:52 The only thing with this is that I do find that it's quite thick.
01:55 So I try to put a thin layer on rather than just that real one.
02:00 Exfoliating is so good because when you exfoliate, you get rid of all the dry skin.
02:05 And then you put some cream on and then your skin just feels so nice and soft.
02:10 It's the best thing ever.
02:12 And then I just feel like I'm a lot happier with my makeup as well because I feel like it's gone on a lot nicer.
02:17 Okay, so I keep swapping foundations.
02:22 All the writing has just rubbed off.
02:24 The L'Oreal's The Foundation True Matte.
02:26 It's probably going to be in ivory but it's worn off.
02:31 Recently I bought the Rimmel London Match Perfection.
02:36 It's got SPF 18 in and this is in 010 light porcelain.
02:41 So everything I get has to be the lightest one.
02:44 So I think I'll use this one just because it's new and I want to try it a little bit more.
02:49 I think because it's getting a little bit hotter outside, I think it's definitely important to have something that's got SPF in.
02:56 So your skin is protected which is the most important thing.
02:59 Now what I do with my foundation is I just squirt or pump.
03:05 Use the pump. Squirt is such an ugly word.
03:07 I put one pump on for now and then if I need more I just keep applying more rather than having loads of excess on my hand.
03:14 Okay, so I'm going to use my beauty blender to apply this and I've found this to be the most helpful thing to have in your makeup bag.
03:20 It's got so many different points and you can just get it to every single part of your face, your eyes, around your nose, all the little crevices that you can't really get with a brush properly.
03:30 And what I love about this is that it just changes and moulds to wherever you want it to be.
03:35 Now this is a big tip for anyone that finds their foundation goes on a bit cakey and I got this so much that I got so frustrated.
03:43 But what I do, I just damp this a little bit because you can have it wet or dry.
03:47 I prefer to have it a little bit damp just so my foundation goes on just that little bit nicer.
03:52 Now it's important not to try and push it around your face but to actually dab it into your skin.
04:00 And what I find is that you want to apply it on a thin layer basis.
04:05 So literally just take a little bit, cover your whole skin thinly with foundation and then if you feel like you need some more, just go again with a thin layer as well.
04:14 I think the main problem is that people like to take a lot and just put it straight on your face and then your skin can't really absorb it and distribute it around your face properly and that's when it starts to go uneven and cakey.
04:25 Now when you're applying makeup you have to make sure that you get the side of your neck and by your ears just to make sure it's all blended and don't just focus on the face.
04:42 You've got to kind of blend it into your neck otherwise you're going to get a very bad line.
04:47 And I think us girls we like to let everyone think that our skin just naturally looks like this but when it doesn't, if you've got a line then no one is going to fall for it.
05:00 Okay so my skin has got quite bad recently especially along my jawline and I think the important thing is to remember that with makeup it's not going to get rid of everything completely.
05:11 It's normal to have spots so of course when you've got spots you're a lot more aware of them than other people may be so I think it's just important to be realistic that you're still going to have maybe spots showing and that's okay because it's normal.
05:26 Okay so that's it with the foundation. You can still see some blemishes but that's why we've got our little friend concealer.
05:34 Okay so I'm going to be using the Max Factor Master Touch Under Eye Concealer and I literally got this a few days ago.
05:41 So this concealer, it's one of those pen lid ones and you twist at the bottom and it releases as much concealer as you want which is so handy because then you don't waste any.
05:52 And this is for under eyes. I do kind of use it a bit here and there for some spots because I don't really listen.
05:59 Now I'm just going to go back in with the beauty blender just because I love this thing and I use it for everything.
06:05 Why do I still look so tired?
06:07 No amount of makeup is going to get rid of these bags any time soon.
06:12 Now I will do because I don't want to go too overboard because remember you have to be realistic because then if you try to put too much on then it's then going to go cakey as well.
06:20 So just be realistic and going natural and showing a few spots is a lot better look than just looking like you've thrown loads of makeup on your face.
06:29 The next important step is to actually set everything you've just put on your face.
06:33 So obviously we don't want the foundation or the concealer coming off any time soon.
06:36 I use the collection Sheer Loose Powder and I think this was maybe like £4.
06:42 The best thing to do is just to get some normal powder and use a little brush. I'm using my eye shadow brush from the body shop.
06:53 I'm just going to dab that in and then any spots that you have got that you still want to cover up just tap it over the top.
07:02 Now don't press too hard just slowly put some on and just kind of tap it on there.
07:09 Now I'm just going to go in with some translucent powder and I've just got some on the lid.
07:14 The next step is to go in with some blusher and I was using a creamy blush by Max Factor and that's when I used my beauty blender.
07:24 But I've recently decided that I want to go back to powder and I've just got a natural collection one and they're quite a cheap brand as in price and I think it was like £1 or £2.
07:36 So I picked it up. So I'm just going to do a fish pout which is going to look really bad but it's what you have to do.
07:44 I'm going to use the Lit Stuff by Serpent Glory and this is like a quad and I'm going to use the lightest shade.
08:03 Now if you've seen my other video my everyday makeup you'll know that I'm really rubbish at eyeliner and I can't do it and when I can do it I can't do the other side properly.
08:12 And I feel like if I have to be somewhere at a specific time I feel like it's just too much pressure on my shoulders in case I mess up and then it just ruins everything.
08:21 So I got this number 7 palette. You can see myself here. I've got my number 7 palette which has got quite a lot of shimmery shades and not many matte shades in it.
08:35 It's only a few and I'm not really a red dress so I use the most boring shades but I might actually try to use all these other colours because I think it will be quite a good look as well when I can master them.
08:47 So I literally just use this dark sparkly shade and I just dip the brush in there and I'm literally going to use my brush to draw it on and I don't know why but I just feel like it's easier.
09:12 So moving on. I'm using Rimmel's mascara which I got the other day and I've been using it the past few days and this is by Kate and it's the 004 I Rock Jet Black.
09:25 So if I do it like this you can see the way that the brush goes. It curves upwards and this is obviously supposed to be able to help you apply it a little bit better.
09:34 So the only downside of this is kind of a con and a pro at the same time because I've found that this mascara literally lasts all day. It doesn't come off at all.
09:45 But when it gets a little bit later on I get tired and I tend to rub my eyes and an overall mascara kind of comes off but the mascara that I normally use only a little bit came off.
09:57 So it wasn't too bad but this literally is like jet black everywhere like huge circles all everywhere on your face and that's how it always stays on.
10:07 There's literally so much of it comes off.
10:09 Now I tilt my head back when I apply my mascara because then that way it doesn't go on your eyelids as easily.
10:21 There you go. Now I always do my left eye worse than my right eye.
10:25 So here goes nothing.
10:27 That is my mascara done.
10:35 Okay so I've come a little bit closer in just because I'm about to do my lips and I find that I get a lot of makeup and foundation on my lips obviously from where I've been applying my makeup.
10:47 And because I get really dry lips I use Vaseline but I think it's important to make sure that you exfoliate them in a way just to make sure you get the dry skin off because you can use Vaseline but if you've got dry skin on your lips then you can't put anything on your lips.
11:05 So I'm just going to use my flannel that's damp and I'm just going to rub my lips.
11:13 I'm going to use the Burt's Bees and this is the, which one was it? This is the grapefruit one and I love it just because it smells and tastes like grapefruit.
11:23 Now I'm just going to apply it on my lips.
11:25 By Kate and it is number 38.
11:39 So the last thing I do is I use 17 three by highlighter and I literally take a little bit, say a little bit more comes off than what I would want.
11:52 So I literally try and get all the excess off and I just put it on my cheek eye bone and you don't want to put too much on just a little bit just so when the light hits you, you look nice and highlighted.
12:11 Okay so that's everything makeup wise so on to my hair.
12:20 Okay so moving on to hair I'm going to be curling my hair for this day nine because I think it's quite a romantic look.
12:25 Now as you can tell my hair's a bit of a mess, it's wavy, I haven't really done much with it today and I washed it about two days ago and I generally wash my hair every three days so I'll probably wash it tomorrow.
12:40 Now what I do I use a big paddle brush just because my hair's so thick and I just brush it through and give it all the love.
12:49 If you start with just after you've washed your hair the curls aren't going to hold because our hair is so heavy when it's like this it just needs to be a bit dirty just so it grips onto it a bit more.
13:01 So important to use heat protection spray in order to make sure your hair doesn't break off and to keep healthy because remember we're using really high temperatures and we just really need it to be protected.
13:14 So distribute it evenly over your hair, you don't want to have too much on otherwise your hair's just more wet rather than heat proof.
13:25 Now I'm going to be using this fabulous barrel wand, I think it's either a 32mm or a 34mm one, anyway it's quite thick because I've got quite long hair as you can see.
13:41 Now I'm going to put the temperature all the way up to 210 and just make sure you put it on a surface where it's not going to form burn you and it's not going to burn through any furniture or cause a fire.
13:53 So safety hazard number one.
13:56 Before I start curling it while I'm waiting for the appliance, sounds like a washing machine, heat up, I'm going to use Batiste dry shampoo and I use the medium and brunette and a hint of colour.
14:09 But I think it also helps grip the hair as well.
14:14 Now I'm going to hold it upside down and go across, I try not to twist my hair but I always end up doing it.
14:22 And then you just want to hold it, not for very long, I normally do it for about 5 or 6 seconds I reckon but that's just a guess.
14:30 Okay this is longer than 5 seconds.
14:35 So do not do this bare handed, I'm setting such a bad example.
14:40 But just slowly, slowly release it into your hand and then just cup it a second, kind of set in the curl rather than fall out of it.
14:50 I find that with the bottom ones they're not really as important as the top layer so, just by myself, don't worry too much.
14:58 [Music]
15:20 And that is basically my hair and my makeup done, so on to my outfit.
15:25 Okay so this is the top half of my outfit, it's basically, the majority of it's Nuluk.
15:31 I've got this nice navy fabricated, like cotton blazer which was £19.99 from Nuluk.
15:38 I've got this grey baggy top, also from Nuluk.
15:42 I've got these white jeans, also from Nuluk.
15:46 Then I've got my rose gold plated watch.
15:50 I've got some statement jewellery which is on a rose gold chain.
15:54 I have got my sunglasses which are from Accessorize.
15:58 I have got this bag which is on a rose gold chain but also can be made into a clutch.
16:06 Okay and then I've got these nice slip on suede shoes which are from TK Maxx.
16:13 Okay so I hope you've all enjoyed this video, let me know any tips, comment below anything that I could try or that could help other people.
16:21 This is a nice casual but dressed up look for day/night on a nice suitable summer evening when it gets a little bit too cold but still nice and warm outside.
16:31 Thank you for watching.
