DIY 1st Impression - Cream contouring Makeup

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hey and welcome back to Twisted Hair.
00:13 I'm doing a little bit something different today
00:15 because I got something in the mail.
00:17 I started using this new app.
00:21 I found it on Facebook.
00:22 It's called Wish and it has a whole bunch of just,
00:27 I mean everything.
00:28 They have clothes, they have electronics,
00:31 they have makeups, weight loss supplements,
00:36 health items, house decor,
00:40 and it's all like super cheap because,
00:42 so anyway, to the point,
00:45 this is not gonna be a hair tutorial.
00:46 This is going to be a first impressions/makeup tutorial.
00:51 I am, it's gonna be about contouring,
00:57 which if you haven't ever heard about contouring,
00:59 which is pretty new to me,
01:01 I only found some videos about it
01:05 in the last couple of months.
01:07 So I am no expert by any means,
01:10 which if you haven't watched any of my hair tutorials,
01:12 I'm an expert on absolutely nothing that I talk about.
01:16 I am an elementary teacher.
01:18 I am not a cosmetologist.
01:19 I am not a hair stylist.
01:21 So this is just me telling you what works for me.
01:25 So I ordered this on the Wish app.
01:27 It was $4.
01:28 Came straight from China.
01:31 I, it has everything from,
01:35 I don't know if you can really tell,
01:37 but it has pinks and greens to do your concealing.
01:41 And then you also have highlight colors
01:44 and you have your contouring colors.
01:46 So if you don't know what contouring is,
01:48 it's fairly new to me.
01:49 I've only been practicing it for a couple of months.
01:53 But what it is, is I would use like these highlighting colors
01:56 to highlight parts of my face that I want more noticeable.
01:59 I want them to pop like my cheekbones, my brow bone,
02:02 my nose, my cupid's bow.
02:04 I'm gonna put the darker colors on my jawbone
02:06 to make it more defined on the top of my forehead
02:08 to shrink my forehead.
02:10 Everybody is gonna be a little bit different
02:11 because everybody's facial features
02:14 are a little bit different.
02:15 So if you don't want, like if you have a crooked nose,
02:18 you got it broken three times or whatever,
02:19 'cause you played softball, whatever,
02:22 then you're probably not going to want to bring attention
02:24 to the nose.
02:25 Instead, you're going to contour it
02:26 to make it appear more straight.
02:28 So I'm gonna go ahead and just kind of jump right in.
02:31 I have already done my foundation and my concealer,
02:35 which I've seen some people don't put their foundation
02:38 and stuff on first.
02:39 And then I've seen others that do.
02:41 For me, it works best that I put my foundation
02:43 and concealer on first.
02:45 And I went ahead and did my eyes too.
02:47 So I'm gonna just finish up my makeup look now
02:50 with my brand new contour kit,
02:53 which I will look on the package.
02:59 There is no brand name anywhere on here.
03:02 This is just like the item number.
03:04 So that is slightly strange.
03:08 But I'll look on the package
03:12 and I'll put it in the description box below.
03:15 So to put it on, since I'm not 100% sure
03:18 what's gonna work best for this,
03:20 I'm gonna be using this to apply it to my face,
03:23 which is my Sephora foundation brush.
03:25 It's newly washed.
03:27 I washed it this morning and let it dry out
03:29 to get all the foundation off of it.
03:31 And I washed my Beauty Dabber sponge.
03:36 If you don't have something like this,
03:40 these are pretty amazing for blending.
03:42 You can use them dry and it will pick up the excess makeup
03:45 so you're not like cake face.
03:47 Or you can use it wet, which it won't pick up the makeup.
03:50 And I even use setting spray to make it damp
03:53 so that my makeup sets as I'm blending it.
03:56 Anyway, so done rambling.
03:59 I'm gonna go ahead and get started
04:00 using my Sephora foundation brush.
04:03 And I like to start with my highlights.
04:05 So I am looking here to see how light
04:09 do I want to go with my highlights.
04:11 I'm gonna pick a fairly lighter shade, I think.
04:15 (blow dryer blowing)
04:18 I'm gonna kinda mix it in,
04:22 get the end of the brush pretty saturated.
04:25 And I'm gonna go in, right, I'm gonna start under my eyes.
04:30 And I'm gonna go in like a triangle shape here
04:35 because that's the way light is gonna naturally hit my face.
04:39 And I'm gonna bring it,
04:40 I'm gonna make it straight line by my nose.
04:43 And I'm gonna take it out into a triangle shape,
04:46 a natural shape that light hits my face in.
04:49 And I'm not worried about blending it right now.
04:56 I'm just getting it on the area
04:57 I'm going to want to blend it all together in.
05:00 I go a little heavier on my highlights on my cheekbones
05:04 than I do the rest of my face,
05:06 but you can already see, it feels good.
05:08 It feels very smooth on my face,
05:09 but you can already see how it's reflecting the light
05:11 off my cheekbones.
05:13 So I'm gonna go ahead and just leave it like that.
05:16 I'm gonna blend it all together here at the end.
05:18 So I'm gonna go ahead and do my other cheekbone.
05:21 (upbeat music)
05:23 I'm gonna look kinda silly for a second.
05:32 I'm gonna go ahead and do the bridge of my nose.
05:34 And what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make this brush,
05:39 I'm gonna kinda pinch the ends to make it pretty straight.
05:43 And then I'm gonna bring it down the bridge of my nose.
05:48 And up onto my forehead.
05:57 I have a bigger forehead,
06:00 so I am not gonna highlight quite as much
06:04 as somebody who has a smaller forehead.
06:06 If you have a smaller forehead,
06:07 you might highlight your entire forehead.
06:11 But I feel like I have close to a five head,
06:16 so I'm not gonna highlight quite as much
06:17 as somebody with a smaller forehead.
06:19 All right, so there's that.
06:23 I also like to do my Cupid's bow.
06:26 And just a little on my chin right here.
06:34 (upbeat music)
06:36 Okay, so I am pretty much done with my highlighting.
06:43 So now I'm gonna kinda wipe off my brush a little bit.
06:48 Now I'm gonna go in with the darker shade
06:54 to compliment my highlight,
06:55 and then I'll blend it all together.
06:57 So I'm gonna do my forehead,
06:59 and I'm just gonna go from about my temples to my hairline.
07:03 All that space that's left
07:05 between the highlighting and my hairline.
07:07 I'll do my nose,
07:08 and I'm gonna do the same kind of technique.
07:09 I'm gonna squeeze the brush into a thin line,
07:13 and I'm gonna go from my brows
07:16 to the tip of my nose in a straight line.
07:18 I'm gonna do the same on the other side.
07:25 (upbeat music)
07:27 And on the edge right here.
07:41 Okay.
07:44 You may need a smaller brush to do your nose.
07:49 I got that one a little crooked,
07:50 but it'll all blend away pretty evenly.
07:54 (upbeat music)
07:56 Okay, so now I'm going to accent my cheekbones with this,
08:01 and I may even add a pinch of a darker shade here.
08:06 Sorry camera, I had some technical difficulties,
08:11 but you can see that I've done underneath my cheekbone
08:13 to give it kind of a sunken in feeling,
08:16 and, or look, I'm sorry,
08:18 and make my highlight more,
08:22 pop more, it's more noticeable.
08:23 So I'm gonna go ahead and just do the same thing
08:25 on the other side.
08:26 I did my jawbone too, all the way from my ear
08:29 down to the middle of my chin.
08:30 So I'm gonna go ahead and finish this up
08:33 with the other side.
08:34 I'm gonna do the exact same thing.
08:35 So I'm going to go from,
08:40 I go with cream contour because when I smooth it out,
08:43 it's gonna move down.
08:44 If you're using powder,
08:46 you're gonna start right in the center of your ear
08:48 and go down to right about there
08:51 where it starts to sink in.
08:52 You're not gonna go all the way to your mouth.
08:55 It's, or that's gonna create a weird look.
08:57 So I'm gonna even it out.
09:01 I start up here because when I smooth it,
09:05 when I blend it out, it's gonna move down a little bit.
09:08 So I start at the top of my ear,
09:10 and I'm kind of, I'm just kind of shaping my cheekbone,
09:15 and I'm gonna take it up into my temple.
09:19 (clippers whirring)
09:22 Okay, and then I'm gonna do my jawbone.
09:26 You have to be very careful with your jawbone
09:32 because you could end up looking like
09:34 you have a five o'clock shadow or a very hard makeup line.
09:38 I'm gonna take this down with bronzer
09:39 so that it all matches to my neck.
09:41 But I think I'm about ready to blend.
09:47 I'm just kind of making sure I've got everything coated
09:49 evenly.
09:50 Oh, I like to do right here on the bottom of my lip too
09:54 to make my lip seem fuller.
09:56 So I'm gonna do the same technique with the nose.
09:58 Squeeze the brush.
10:00 Just kind of do just a light line underneath my lip.
10:14 Yep, all right.
10:16 So I'm gonna put away my foundation brush.
10:18 I need to sneeze.
10:19 I am gonna take my Beauty Dabber, my sponge.
10:24 I'm also, like I said, I get this damp
10:30 so that it doesn't pick up the excess
10:31 because I'm not trying to lose my highlight and stuff.
10:33 There's really not a lot on there
10:34 even though it looks like it.
10:35 It's a very, very thin application.
10:38 So I'm gonna spray.
10:39 I have my Ulta Makeup Setting Spray.
10:43 Love this stuff.
10:44 And it's just gonna help my makeup stay there all day
10:47 without moving around.
10:48 I'm gonna just spray the ends of it right here
10:50 just with a couple spritz very close
10:52 so I'm not wasting the product.
10:54 I'm gonna let it kind of soak it up so it's damp.
10:56 And now I'm just gonna kind of very slowly
11:01 blend all of this.
11:02 I'm gonna start with my highlight.
11:05 And I'm just dabbing it.
11:12 (upbeat music)
11:15 I really like how this feels.
11:37 I think it looks good.
11:40 It was easy to apply, fast shipping.
11:43 This is pretty good.
11:46 I'm gonna stick, I think I'll probably
11:47 order some more of this.
11:49 I mean, look how much there is.
11:51 This is, you know, it's the size of my hand.
11:55 That's a lot.
11:56 I think this would be good for people
11:58 who do like makeup for a living.
12:00 If you're, you know, if you are doing for weddings
12:03 and photos and things like that,
12:04 this is probably a good little investment.
12:07 Definitely very portable.
12:10 Anyway, so that is all I have for today.
12:14 I will be coming back shortly to do a hair tutorial.
12:17 So keep a lookout for that.
12:19 If you have not yet, make sure that you click
12:22 the like button if you found this tutorial helpful.
12:24 Also make sure that you subscribe.
12:26 You can click right here to subscribe to my channel
12:28 so that you can see future videos
12:31 on the hair tutorial channel.
12:33 So that is all I have for today.
12:37 And I will see you in my next video.
12:40 Bye.
12:41 (upbeat music)
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