HOW TO GET CRAZY RED HAIR Makeup japanese,eye,face TRY Watch

  • last year
00:00 Please ignore my lack of makeup and my very sexy hair right now.
00:14 I've received some requests from you guys to show you how I do my hair.
00:19 So I'm going to do this on camera.
00:22 So yes, I do my hair myself.
00:23 I'm not an expert.
00:25 I'm not a hairdresser by any means.
00:28 So things that I say in this video may not be the correct way to do things, but it's
00:32 how I do them and it works.
00:34 So yeah.
00:35 So as you can see, I have an amazing amount of disgusting regrowth.
00:40 I look like a cherry ripe right now.
00:44 A reverse cherry ripe.
00:45 So first thing you have to do is bleach the roots.
00:51 If you have blonde hair, then you're the luckiest person ever because all you have to do is
00:56 add the colour really and then you have this awesome red hair.
01:01 But I have naturally brown hair, therefore I have to bleach first.
01:07 The hair dye I actually use, the red I use, is Special Effects and it's in the colour
01:16 Devilish.
01:17 I'll put a link below of a good site to get it from.
01:22 I also have a whole bunch of different things that I try and experiment with.
01:28 The other ones that I have used are Manic Panic and this one is Rock and Roll Red.
01:37 Yay!
01:38 I did find that this one did fade to orangey brown really quickly, so I kind of prefer
01:45 Special Effects.
01:46 But that's just me.
01:48 And this is the rinse that I put through it every now and again when I start to notice
01:53 it getting orange.
01:54 This is by Rusk.
01:55 It's called Scream and it's in the colour Rage Red.
02:00 So yeah, that's my stuff.
02:03 I haven't washed my hair in like four days because I've been told that the natural oils
02:08 in your hair protect your scalp from the bleach and it's also better to absorb the colour
02:16 or something.
02:18 So I've washed my hair.
02:19 What I'm using is 30 Vol Developer.
02:24 This is powdered bleach.
02:25 Now this is the blue kind.
02:27 Ooh, excitement!
02:28 I don't have a preferred brand or whatever, I just get whatever's cheapest.
02:35 So obviously you're going to need a mixing bowl, applicator brush, some gloves, some
02:42 disposable gloves or reusable ones, whatever you prefer, and some sectioning clippies.
02:49 Wear an old t-shirt.
02:52 Cannot stress this enough.
02:54 This is a t-shirt that my sister wore to the hairdressers when she was getting her hair
02:58 bleached and they got bleach all over it.
03:01 So it's my t-shirt, mind you.
03:04 She borrowed it and ruined it for me.
03:07 And it's from Germany, I can't ever get it back.
03:10 Anyway, so now it's my bleaching t-shirt.
03:12 So my hair is really knotty at the moment, so I'm going to brush it.
03:17 Ow, see, all the way through.
03:19 It's very, very knotty.
03:23 Just give it a good brush.
03:24 It feels nice and smooth.
03:25 I'm going to throw some gloves on.
03:30 Little tip, I have a mirror that I use to see the back of my head.
03:39 So the idea is, you look in this mirror here and you can see the back of your head and
03:46 then you don't miss spots like I have done in the past.
03:50 Not good.
03:51 Most important thing for anyone who has never done this before is to read the instructions
03:59 on your bleach kit.
04:02 Because the ratio of developer to bleaching powder can vary in different products, so
04:08 just make sure you check it.
04:09 This one is a one to one ratio, so it's really easy.
04:13 You just put the same amount of each in your mixing bowl.
04:18 I'm just mixing.
04:20 Ideally you want to get a creamy consistency.
04:23 You don't want powdery chunks and you don't want it to be too watery either.
04:29 Next fun part is dividing your hair into sections.
04:33 It's a pretty sexy look I must admit.
04:40 I look like a 90's pop star.
04:41 I'm going to do a little bit of a bob cut.
05:09 Okay so, bleach is all on and now I just have to wait for it to develop.
05:32 So I'll be back.
05:34 You can put a shower cap over your head to keep the heat in and help it develop better.
05:42 So, I'm going to do that.
05:45 Okay, so it's been about 30 minutes as recommended and if you have a look you can see that it's
05:54 nice and blonde.
05:55 So I'm just going to go ahead and rinse it out and give it a nice shampoo but don't condition
06:01 it because we're going to do the red next and if we condition it then the red won't
06:05 stick as well.
06:07 Okay so I just washed my hair and you can already see that it's amazingly blonde.
06:12 There you have it.
06:15 That's crazy.
06:16 Dry your hair, brush it through, all that sort of thing again and put Vaseline.
06:25 That's a little trick, put Vaseline all the way along your face and ears and neck, everywhere
06:34 that the dye can touch and possibly stain your skin because this stuff stains like crazy.
06:42 I'm not even kidding.
06:43 The thing about this is that it kind of looks pinkish when you first dye it and you freak
06:51 out and think "oh my god I dyed my hair pink".
06:55 But after a couple of washes it settles into a nice bright red and it really really lasts.
07:00 Oh and don't forget to cover the floor and the bench and whatever your working space
07:05 is with newspaper or old towels or something because that'll stain too.
07:11 And I've been yelled at various times by my mummy because I made a mess.
07:18 Okay I'm going to dry my hair now.
07:24 So now that my mane is dry I'm going to put the red in.
07:30 Same thing as the bleach, section my hair off, cover the bleach with the red dye first
07:37 and then go back through and just do all my ends and all that sort of thing with the leftovers.
07:42 [Music]
08:07 Now that it's all coated I just run my fingers through it all to make sure it's all spread
08:15 around and then leave it to set.
08:22 This is also a good time to try and wipe off any bits that have gotten on your face.
08:29 The earlier you get them the better.
08:32 [Music]
08:37 So sexy.
08:39 I've got to rinse it off now.
08:46 Okay so it's just been washed and this is the part where when I first did my hair I
08:53 freaked out because I was like "Oh my god it's pink, ahhh".
09:00 But like I said it becomes red eventually.
09:09 [Blow dryer]
09:13 Okay so now it's pretty much dry and as you can see it is very very red and all the pink
09:23 has gone pretty much.
09:25 With the special effects dye because it's so pink when you first put it in, when you
09:33 wash your hair I recommend you shampoo it maybe once or twice when you're rinsing out
09:40 the dye.
09:42 That gets rid of all the pink and you go straight to the red.
09:45 If you just use water it'll stay pink, have a pinky tinge and you won't get rid of all
09:52 the staining around your scalp and stuff as much as if you shampoo it and I shampooed
09:58 it twice.
10:00 This is what I use, shampoo and conditioner.
10:04 This is for protection for colour treated hair, you can see right there.
10:10 They're actually really really good.
10:12 They smell amazing.
10:14 You can just feel when you put the shampoo in your hair, you can just feel it just melt
10:19 and it just feels beautiful and then put the conditioner in.
10:24 Important thing if you've bleached your hair and dyed it and whatever is to condition because
10:30 it'll dry out so you need a really really good conditioner.
10:33 So I wouldn't say this would be a good moisture conditioner type thing.
10:38 It's amazing.
10:39 My hair feels beautiful right now but I also put in a treatment conditioner as well which
10:46 is by Nashi and I buy this from my hairdresser.
10:51 Anyway, they say wash your hair with cold water.
10:56 I can't stand cold water so I just use warm.
11:00 As cold as you can bear I guess.
11:03 Keep in mind that I only had to do my regrowth today but if your hair is naturally brown
11:10 or naturally another colour, just apply to your whole head.
11:16 Apply these steps to your whole head.
11:18 I think that's everything.
11:19 I hope this is helpful to those of you who asked for the video and I'm sorry that I sound
11:25 like an idiot.
11:26 Bye!
11:27 [Music]
11:28 [Music]
11:30 [Music]
11:32 [Music]
11:33 (upbeat rock music)
11:36 (upbeat rock music)
11:39 (upbeat rock music)
11:42 (dramatic music)
11:45 you
