Fun 5-Minute hairstyle Challenge

  • last year
00:00 Hi guys, for my Lounge Challenge I'm going to show you how to do a braid called Bubble
00:03 Braid.
00:04 I'm going to go ahead and start my timer.
00:06 So first I'm going to start by just brushing my hair, making sure there's no knots or anything.
00:12 And then for texture, I'm going to use my Lounge Hairspray.
00:22 Now if I didn't have straight hair I would use my straightener to go ahead and smooth
00:26 this out because you will be able to see that if you don't decide to put anything with it.
00:29 The first thing you're going to do is go ahead and put half of your hair up in a pigtail
00:35 just to keep it out of the way.
00:40 And then you're going to grab an elastic band and just put your other side up in a pigtail
00:44 as well.
00:45 And you're going to grab another elastic and just put another one underneath it.
00:56 It doesn't matter how far apart, it's really up to you.
01:01 And once you have that in you're going to spread it apart, flip the hair through, and
01:07 pull it.
01:08 Once you pull it you're going to go ahead and grab each side and pull it apart.
01:13 How much you pull it apart really doesn't matter, it's up to you.
01:16 Then you're going to grab another elastic and just redo that step.
01:21 So go ahead and section that off, pull it apart, tighten, and then pull apart.
01:37 Go ahead and add another one.
01:38 It doesn't matter how many of these you add, it's really up to you.
01:44 Pull apart, pull through, tighten, and pull apart.
01:51 So it's extremely simple.
01:54 And then I am going to add my last one right here.
01:59 So pull it apart, pull the hair through, tighten, and pull apart.
02:08 Then you just repeat with the other side.
02:14 Put your first elastic in, then you add another one underneath.
02:33 Pull it apart, pull it through, tighten, and then pull those two apart.
02:47 Section it off again, pull apart, pull through, tighten, and pull apart.
03:03 Two more and I still have about two minutes left.
03:06 So it's extremely simple, very easy to do, especially on second day greasy hair when
03:12 you don't feel like doing anything to it.
03:16 And hide the grease away.
03:18 Alright, and then for me, this is going to be my last one.
03:23 So I'm just going to section it off, pull it apart, pull through, tighten, and pull
03:36 the two sections apart.
03:37 Now at the end, I like to see how big they are and kind of keep it going bigger from
03:43 the top and then going smaller to the bottom.
03:46 I'll just pull it apart a little bit, do it on each side.
03:54 Just keep on pulling it apart and then you can also maybe pair it with a headband if
03:59 you'd like.
04:00 What I enjoy doing most is putting on a hat.
04:05 Yeah, super fun, super simple.
04:08 I have a minute left, so I hope you guys enjoy!
