Rarely, Hyenas Hunt Antelope by Themselves - ATP Earth

  • last year
00:00 Despite their evil reputation as a scavenger and often following to steal other animals'
00:11 prey, hyenas are truly elite warriors and one of Europe's finest hunting machines.
00:19 So let us watch the hyena attack with the antelope to better understand the power of
00:23 this animal.
00:31 The 7 Moments When The Hyenas Attack The Antelope
00:38 In compared with the sly lions, hyenas have small stature and poor fighting power.
00:44 However, hyenas are extremely flexible, as they have sharp teeth and are extremely reckless,
00:50 and they can kill the larger animals such as zebras, deer and wildebeest, or other animals
00:57 much larger than themselves.
01:00 It can be seen that this hyena has caught an antelope, as it is trying to control it
01:06 and call for help from its teammates, and immediately the other hyenas in the herd had
01:11 came and fiercely bit the prey.
01:17 As the hyena's sharp teeth have caused the antelope to tear its flesh apart and suffer
01:22 some extreme pain.
01:26 As even the hyenas tearing the meat and eating the antelope while it is still alive.
01:32 And see this scene does not make people shudder or be frightened by the brutality and the
01:37 cold-bloodedness of the hyenas.
01:45 As it can be said that hyenas possess extremely strong and sharp teeth, as they can tear their
01:50 prey with ease, and usually the successful hunting prey, the hyenas will hunt in groups.
01:58 They will take the advantage of their numbers to attack and defeat the larger prey.
02:05 Taking the chance that a toby was injured, the sly hyena had rushed to attack its prey.
02:11 As the hyena tries to hold its prey and waits for its teammates help.
02:18 And despite the fierce resistance of the enemy, this ill-fated antelope was savagely bitten
02:23 by a pack of hyenas, as they dig out the organs of their prey and eat them by people who have
02:29 been starved for a very long time.
02:32 In a quick hunt that brings great results.
02:42 The toby are the favorite prey of many animals, and hyenas love them too.
02:47 However, the toby is not as gentle and as easy to defeat as we think, as the strong
02:53 haunts can hurt the enemy if neglected.
02:56 And will they be able to successfully resist this time?
03:00 As it can be seen that when attacked by hyenas, the antelope had protested violently and fortunately
03:06 had escaped from the predator.
03:09 As continually sliding the hunting phases of the hyena, the toby's reflexes are extremely
03:14 agile and with bravery and intense vitality, they miraculously resisted and escaped from
03:21 the predators.
03:25 As this hyena hunt was a complete failure.
03:31 And do not think that the little hyena only knows how to steal other people's prey.
03:36 But according to statistics, up to 90% of the food is hunted by them.
03:40 And possessing many advantages and inherent recklessness, the hyenas have caused countless
03:46 larger prey to suffer catastrophic failures.
03:50 As this kudu antelope is a prime example.
03:56 Seeing its prey in the water, the hyena did not hesitate to rush forward and to attack
04:00 the young kudu.
04:02 As they use their powerful bites to seriously injure their prey and then die from exhaustion.
04:07 And it is understandable that the hyena was able to successfully defeat the huge kudu.
04:14 And because the hyena took the advantage, they surrounded and devoured their prey from
04:20 all sides.
04:21 And it didn't take very long for the hyenas to tear the meat and to enjoy their prey to
04:26 the fullest.
04:28 And seeing the blood-stained water makes the viewers feel sorry for the tragic fate of
04:33 the kudu antelope.
04:37 With hyenas, the strength of the collective is the key to success of any hunt.
04:43 It's thanks to the communication through sound, posture and other signs that makes
04:47 the hyenas work very well in groups and all take place in silence when approaching their
04:53 prey.
04:54 So let us see how well they work together.
05:00 As the stray wildebeest had unfortunately fallen into the hyena's enclosure, a leader
05:05 hyena had rushed to attack and bit the butt to prevent the prey from escaping.
05:11 As the other members also quickly arrived, and they attacked their prey from all sides
05:16 and knocked the wildebeest to the ground.
05:18 And with no chance to resist anymore, the wildebeest had to accept its fate.
05:23 As a very successful hunt of three hyenas, with the main reward, a delicious meal.
05:33 Still the hunt of the wildebeest of the predators, but this time the hyena only hunted alone.
05:39 As the wildebeest, although injured, did not give up easily, as it showed aggression and
05:48 fought the hyena till the end.
05:51 As it tried to intimidate and drive the hyena away, but failed.
05:57 As this reckless and cunning animal quickly rushed in to bite the wound of the prey, causing
06:03 the wildebeest to be in extreme pain.
06:06 And the tragic end had happened to the weako, as it was brutally torn by the hyenas and
06:12 eaten.
06:17 As the hyena is inherently the most cold-blooded animal in the whole steppe, they even dare
06:23 to eat their own kind, so there is nothing worse that they dare not do.
06:31 As a wonderful moment appeared before her eyes, the topi had just given birth, as the
06:36 cub is hobbling its first steps and being cared for by the mother.
06:41 But no, the hyenas had found out and had rushed to the baby topi's place to attack it.
06:51 Too brutal, although the topi's mother had tried to protest to save her child, but it
06:56 was too late, as this predator had brutally killed the baby topi.
07:03 The harshness of the grasslands of Africa is not for the weak, and in order to survive
07:08 all species must equip themselves with their own strengths.
07:12 Whether strength, speed and bravery, or fighting, cunningness and intelligence, it is also because
07:19 of the fierceness of the environment that the hyena has to do everything to be able
07:24 to adapt and survive for a very long time in this wild world.
07:36 As today's video ends here, thank you all so much for watching this video and don't
07:40 forget to press the subscribe button, like and share this video to support us.
07:48 Goodbye and see you in the next video.
07:57 (thunder)
