2015 Ali Moda Hair Review Affordable AliExpress Virgin Hair

  • last year
00:00 Oh
00:02 It is so hot up here. Hey guys
00:12 So today I'm here with my first video where I'm standing up when I film YouTube videos
00:18 I just get so excited and I feel like sitting down on a chair or a stool whatever I sit on I really
00:23 Just restricts me. I'm here reviewing. Well, let me calm down today
00:29 I'm here reviewing Alimoda hair and they sent me um
00:34 four bundles of hair and a closure and
00:38 When they first contacted me the lady that I was speaking with was just so friendly like it just move on just talk to her
00:44 All day long. She got right back to my emails
00:46 Let me pick out what I wanted just very very nice. Very this very awesome customer service
00:53 Originally, I only got three bundles in the closure
00:55 I got a 16 inch closure 18 inch 20 inch and 22 inch and this is
01:01 Brazilian body weight here if you can't tell by the texture
01:04 So I figured I was like well since I'm gonna be doing more hair reviews
01:07 I'm going to make my hair into a wig instead of doing a sewing like I usually do
01:12 So this is my first time making a wig and I think it turned out really nice
01:15 So I have some hair like left down in the front with my closure
01:18 I'm kind of able to achieve that look flip over look so that's really awesome
01:23 But as I was sewing on that 18 inch I realized that I was once around the hand that I need an extra bundle
01:28 So I emailed the company and I swear to you guys
01:31 It's like 10 o'clock at night and then she replied to me like 1002
01:34 I was like what I thought she was awesome before but I was like she's even more awesome
01:38 Now that she has a sponsor me at nighttime and this is amazing. So she was like, oh, that's fine
01:44 I'll see you extra bundle. She shipped out in two days and I was like, oh my gosh, I could finish my wig
01:50 So I finished my wig and I did have a little bit of space love
01:53 So I didn't need a little bit more hair, but I think it's because I saw my whips maybe too closely together
01:59 I don't know
02:00 like I said, this is my first time making a wig and
02:02 I feel like it turned out pretty nice and the reason that it really turned out so nice as a wig is
02:07 Because of the quality of this hair it came in like this little package that has like the little ziplock on top
02:14 And then each bundle of hair came in its individual plastic wrap
02:18 It also came with I think this is by Flexi rod. So this is really nice
02:23 The hair initially is extremely soft and I let my mom touch it and she was going crazy
02:30 She was like I need to get me some of that. Let me have the hair
02:33 Let me sell the hair and I'm like mom I have to review hold on back back. So the hair did not have a smell
02:39 I know a lot of people worry about aliexpress companies here having like a smell to it or something
02:43 There was no corn chip smell no ammonia smell. It's not like freshly washed weave to me. It's not really good
02:50 I didn't buy the co-washing it since I was sewing it on so I figured I would co-wash it and cover it after I sewed
02:56 It on I haven't gotten around to doing that yet
02:58 Mother hair is just really nice without even doing those things
03:03 So, um, yeah, this is basically like the natural state of the hair
03:07 It was actually a little bit more wavy than this
03:09 If I did like comb it out like brush it out like a paddle brush
03:13 But you can tell like in the background maybe didn't get like get to it as well that it still has like that texture
03:20 Prison, so it's just like the little it's pattern going on pretty
03:24 I used to know where my hair this be but when I see a few where the hair be I'm like work girl work work
03:29 Work, so now I'm going to be working it across campus and store and wherever I go
03:35 But yeah, I just really really love this hair
03:39 So for this to be
03:41 22 inches it is pretty long, but I've had hair this long before so it's nothing new to me
03:49 So I am about five four and a half
03:52 Well, I don't know how tall I am my driver's license says five three
03:57 But I'm about five four and this comes past like my boobs. So so it comes down like past
04:04 My boob area almost actually comes down past my belly button is about right here
04:09 It comes down to the top like where my pants hit
04:13 So it's pretty long for 22 and then in the back. It's like coming down to the top of my butt. So
04:21 It's pretty long, but it's some gorgeous gorgeous hair
04:25 I've had great with did we before and I feel like this is up there with some of like the top
04:32 Three hair like hair that I've ever had
04:34 So I'm really excited just to see how this holds up and how it styles and everything
04:39 And the most convenient part about it is that I did turn this into a wig
04:44 so
04:46 Even though I'll be switching in between
04:48 Types of hair I will still be wearing this hair periodically
04:52 And so I will also keep you guys updated on me straightening the hair curling the hair wanting the hair whatever I feel like doing
05:00 So I hope this review was helpful. I hope you guys actually order from Alimoda and
05:05 Just stay tuned for my next video. Basically, make sure you guys follow my Instagram
05:11 I don't think you guys are following my Instagram and I told you guys if you follow my Instagram, I will follow you back
05:16 So I guess that just that just doesn't work either but whatever so I hope you guys enjoyed this video
05:23 You can't say I have so much energy. I think it's the coffee I drank
05:28 I don't really know but anyway, I
05:31 Guess peace
