Beauty Favorites March 2014

  • last year
00:00 Coffee break with me.
00:06 Woo!
00:07 Hi guys.
00:08 I'm in such a good mood today.
00:12 Okay, normally I'm in a very good mood, but today I just...
00:17 Maybe it's because it's the end of the month and then April is here and the weather's warming
00:23 up.
00:24 I don't know what it is.
00:25 I really don't care to find out what it is.
00:28 I'm just happy I'm in such a good mood.
00:29 I hope you are too.
00:30 Good morning.
00:31 It is the end of the month or the beginning of the month.
00:35 I don't know when I'll upload this video, but I just want to say happy March is over.
00:41 It's time for April.
00:42 It's time for spring showers.
00:44 It's time for warm, warmer weather and beautiful blossoms.
00:48 I'm very, very excited.
00:51 I'm very excited because you know these are my favorite videos to watch.
00:56 I love watching monthly favorites.
00:59 Let me share my monthly favorites with you guys.
01:01 You guys are going to laugh because this is going to seem like a commercial for Anastasia
01:06 Beverly Hills products.
01:09 You guys have seen my eyebrow...
01:12 Well, you guys noticed my eyebrows in most of my videos.
01:16 I don't have eyebrows, so I've colored them in with the Anastasia Brow Wiz.
01:21 I've said multiple times that the Anastasia Brow Wiz changed my life.
01:27 It makes me feel confident.
01:28 It gives me the brows that I never thought I would have.
01:32 I just love the Brow Wiz.
01:33 But lately, I don't know, now that the season is warming up, I feel like sometimes they
01:38 can look a little bit too harsh.
01:40 I started to kind of play around with different products.
01:42 I've recently fallen in love with the Anastasia Brow Powders.
01:47 This is in the color medium brown.
01:49 If you guys can see in the little pan, there's two different colors.
01:52 There's a really light, almost like a camel, ashy brown, and then a darker ashy brown.
01:59 What I've been doing, and I don't know if you guys have noticed, maybe it's not even
02:03 obvious, is I've just been lining the bottom part of my eyebrows, and then I fill in the
02:11 rest of the brows with the powder and a spoolie and angled brush.
02:19 Basically I'll do the bottom line with my Brow Wiz, and then I'll take the angled brush,
02:24 you guys can see the tiny little angle on the tip, and I'll just jam it into the powder
02:29 and then make little brush strokes going up.
02:32 I think maybe my brows look, they still look bold, which I love bold brows, but they just
02:39 don't look as dark.
02:40 Next Anastasia product, you could probably guess, is the contour kit.
02:45 I didn't think I was going to like this, and I didn't think I was going to need it, because
02:50 like I've told you guys before, I'm a stay at home mom, I love to be home with my tater,
02:54 I love to cook, and I don't love to clean, but I do do it.
02:59 I'm like, "Well, how often am I going to use a contour kit?
03:02 I'm not a pro."
03:03 But it is so awesome.
03:05 Today I'm wearing this almost like orangey brown, and you can't even tell that it's an
03:10 orangey brown.
03:12 This is the right way, all of these colors are really incredible.
03:16 I know a lot of you said, "Hey Dani, I can't find it, it's out of stock."
03:19 I know it will be back in stock probably in April or May, and when it comes back in stock,
03:26 it's also going to, they're also going to release new colors.
03:30 I don't know if it's going to be another six pan set with darker colors, or if they're
03:35 going to be individual pans so you can make your own palette.
03:39 But this is definitely a really cool palette, it's a really good concept that I didn't think
03:44 I would need, and now I feel so happy that I was able to try it and fall in love with
03:49 it.
03:50 I use this one to set my under eye, I use this to kind of set my foundation or any other
03:56 areas of my face, and then I love this as a soft pearly highlight.
04:01 And then of course, you have your pick of browns.
04:03 I've used these two already, and I really like them.
04:07 So use the right way, these powders can be really life changing.
04:14 And the last item from Anastasia Beverly Hills is her concealers.
04:19 Her concealers are new, and when they arrived I was like, "Potted concealers make me a little
04:27 nervous to be honest."
04:28 Because usually potted concealers are really thick and creamy, and they can be a little
04:37 daunting, hard to use, kind of cakey.
04:42 So I had one of those terrible Dani moments where I'm like, "I'm not going to like that,
04:47 don't even want to use it."
04:49 But of course, Coffee Break Research called and I thought, "I'm not doing what I'm supposed
04:57 to be doing," and that is having an open mind about new products.
05:01 So I cracked these puppies open.
05:03 This is in the shade 1.0, and this is in the shade 2.5.
05:07 Her concealer shades are divided into three categories.
05:11 There's cools, warms, and neutrals.
05:14 Follow her on Instagram and you will see each of the models' skin tones and you'll know
05:20 which color to find.
05:21 I'm 2.5 as in under eye concealer, and this is my salmon concealer to conceal the under
05:27 eye circles, the really darkness.
05:30 Or if I have a blemish, this is the one I would use.
05:33 I like 1.0 because it's very yellow and very bright, very white, pale.
05:39 So I use that to highlight my face.
05:41 I'm actually wearing this kind of in the middle parts of my face, and then I just have a little
05:46 bit of this in the under eyes to hide my under eye circles.
05:52 These concealers are so soft and creamy that they can be used as a foundation.
05:58 Now I don't know how you would want to use it as a foundation because it's a really small
06:02 pot, but they can be used as a foundation.
06:05 So they're multifunctional.
06:07 Definitely mixable, so they're soft enough where you could mix them on a palette and
06:12 then make your own color.
06:13 So they definitely have been my favorite this month.
06:17 I have used them more to highlight and define my face.
06:21 As an under eye concealer, I don't hate it.
06:25 I like it, but it's not a life changing concealer.
06:30 I'd rather use my MAC Pro Longwear or my Lancome concealer than this one.
06:35 It feels a little bit heavy.
06:36 It will crease.
06:37 You do have to set it.
06:38 I would say it's more of like a face concealer, a blemish concealer, a concealer that you
06:45 could use to do a cream, highlight, or contour.
06:51 So really good quality.
06:52 Super silky, but under eye, probably not so much.
06:56 But I still like them.
06:57 Next product is nail polish.
07:01 I actually found these at CVS, and I'm not going to lie.
07:04 I basically wanted them because of the colors.
07:06 I was like, "Rimmel, new polishes.
07:09 I have a ton of nail polish already.
07:11 Do I really need nail polish?"
07:13 But the colors just drew me in, especially this blue.
07:16 It is so pretty.
07:17 I don't know how spring appropriate it is, but I really don't care.
07:21 I just had it on my nails the other day.
07:23 I showed you guys on Instagram, I believe.
07:25 And these are the Rimmel Salon Pro with Lycra.
07:31 These polishes are really thick and opaque.
07:34 Two coats and your nails look bomb.
07:37 But they are the kind of polishes that don't chip, rather peel.
07:42 So they'll kind of unstick to your nail, which is a good thing.
07:48 I don't like when nail polishes chip.
07:50 I don't wear nail polish for too long, maybe three days, four days at the most.
07:56 And I'll change it again, so I really don't mind.
07:58 But it doesn't peel.
07:59 It just lifts.
08:00 So it'll get caught in your hair or your clothes, and then you kind of get tempted to peel it
08:05 off.
08:06 And when you peel it, the whole nail comes off.
08:07 Like the whole shape of your nail.
08:10 Wherever you added the nail lacquer, it just comes off.
08:13 So some people think that kind of nail polish is fun.
08:17 And it's very affordable.
08:18 I think these are like $4 each, and there's a coupon.
08:21 You guys know how I feel about my drugstore sales.
08:23 Next products I want to talk to you guys about.
08:26 I'm not a big fan of gimmicky stuff.
08:28 You know, I don't know how to explain it.
08:31 Like stuff that is too, stuff that's too specific for what it does.
08:37 Like this one little tiny baby thing is just to do this one little tiny thing.
08:41 This tiny little baby thing is to do this one little tiny thing.
08:44 It's like, I want something that's more multi-purpose, that's going to be more productive in my life.
08:50 I don't know if you guys understand what I'm trying to say.
08:53 So I kept seeing these LaFresh wipes on Haute Look, that flash sale website.
09:02 And every time they would come out, I was like, do people really buy these wipes?
09:07 Like they're just little individually packaged wipes.
09:10 What a waste of like product.
09:13 Why not get just like a big giant canister of wipes?
09:16 But I was like, okay, you got to give them a chance.
09:19 And I mean, they have insect repeller wipes.
09:23 They have feminine hygiene wipes.
09:25 They have deodorant wipes.
09:26 They have nail wipes, makeup wipes, antibacterial wipes, wipes, wipes, like so many different
09:32 kinds of wipes.
09:33 And each wipe is like a different color.
09:35 So I thought, I just needed to give them a shot.
09:38 Coffee Break Research purposes, obviously.
09:40 And I am so impressed.
09:43 Like yeah, this company, all they do is wipes for good reason, because they are so practical.
09:49 The first one that I want to share with you guys is definitely my favorite of the three,
09:54 and that is the nail polish remover pad.
09:57 This is supposed to be one pad removes all the polish on 10 nails.
10:02 I don't think that's true.
10:03 I have to use two of these pads, one per hand.
10:07 And look at the, I saved, I'm so ghetto, I saved the pad just to show you the size of
10:12 it.
10:13 Oh, see, see the color?
10:14 This is this color.
10:15 I can prove I was wearing it.
10:17 So this is the size of the pad.
10:19 It's almost like a, it feels like a piece of felt.
10:22 And it smells almost like eucalyptus, like vitamin E or aloe.
10:28 And when you remove your nail polish, it is really weird, because it leaves, it leaves
10:36 your cuticles and your nails like glossy, like, like moisturized and glossy, but it
10:43 actually takes off the polish.
10:45 I've tried nail polish wipes from a brand that rhyme with Lozie Curran.
10:54 Her nail polish wipes are so bad.
10:57 These actually work, and your nails do not, they don't feel dried out or they don't look
11:04 white or, you know how when you remove your nail polish with acetone, how it leaves your
11:11 cuticle looking white?
11:12 These don't do that.
11:13 They just leave your nails looking glossy and your cuticle feeling moisturized.
11:16 So they're pretty cool.
11:17 Then the other two that I really enjoy are the lens and screen wipe.
11:22 These are for like your computer, your tablet, cell phones.
11:25 And the facial cleansing.
11:27 Sometimes I'm at home with my son and I'm not wearing any makeup, but my face will feel
11:30 a little grungy, like later in the day, and I'll just grab one of these and wipe my face
11:34 and it feels really, really good.
11:36 Yes, I saved it just to show you guys how big it is.
11:39 So you'll know, I mean, this is, and they're super damp.
11:42 So it covers your entire face.
11:45 The lens and computer wipe, I saved the wipe too, but I'm not even going to show it.
11:50 It's almost the same size as this one.
11:52 I can only clean one monitor at a time because it kind of dries up really fast because it's
11:58 alcohol.
11:59 But it works really good.
12:00 My computer has never looked more clean in its life.
12:03 So the next two products that I want to show you are more like bathroom related.
12:07 Well, not really bathroom.
12:08 I have them in my bathroom, which is probably why I say that.
12:12 That is a hairspray and this is the TRESemme Firm Control, Firm Control Hairspray.
12:20 But even though it says Firm Control, it's a touchable hairspray.
12:25 I was staying at my mom's house like a year ago and I, my hair was just out of control.
12:30 She lives in California, so the Pacific Ocean is there.
12:34 My hair is like an afro the entire time I'm there because of the humidity.
12:38 And I asked her for hairspray and this is the one she uses.
12:40 And I was like, "Oh my goodness, this is like grandma hairspray."
12:44 So I was being a total bee about it and when I used it, I totally fell in love.
12:49 But I forgot which one it was.
12:51 When I was at Target the other day, I bought it and this is the only hairspray that I see
12:55 myself using for like the rest of my life.
12:57 It makes your hair touchable and pliable and movable, but it holds your style.
13:05 So it's almost like an invisible, an invisible, if you guys hear my dogs barking, it's because
13:12 they're outside and they're being obnoxious.
13:14 Sorry.
13:15 It's like an invisible like magnetic force field that just holds your style in place.
13:21 And your hair doesn't feel crunchy.
13:23 It doesn't get flaky, crusty, there's no residue.
13:25 It's really incredible.
13:27 So the next time you're at like Target, check this out.
13:30 It's really cool and it smells so good.
13:32 I really, really like how it smells.
13:34 So for those of you that don't like that crunchy look, this is a really nice hairspray and
13:38 it's so big, it'll last you forever.
13:40 The next product is a lotion and every year I look forward to Victoria's Secret during
13:48 the spring because their pink line has the best body lotion of life.
13:55 I am that woman that stops Victoria's Secret around spring until they launch their spring
14:02 line.
14:03 And I always limited edition scents, which really depressed me.
14:07 So I get like six bottles and they'll last me the whole year.
14:09 And this is the body lotion that I like to use because it smells really good, but it's
14:15 not offensive and it makes your body feel moisturized without feeling greasy.
14:21 This one is called Wild in Pink and it is Caribbean mango and violet.
14:27 I just, I can't describe it except that it, it, it makes you, it makes you smell delicious.
14:33 Like it makes you smell like beachy and sexy and just ready for a bikini and a pina colada.
14:40 You know what I mean?
14:41 So I look forward to the spring break collection at Victoria's Secret every year.
14:47 Get yourself like four or five, maybe six of these little tubs and they'll last you
14:51 all year round and then cry when you run out because it's basically limited edition.
14:56 So the next year they'll come out with a different array of scents.
15:00 So every year I have to find my favorite and I usually always find one that's similar to
15:04 the previous years, but definitely like this.
15:08 And they always have them on promo, some kind of promo where you buy certain amount and
15:11 you get them.
15:12 The more you buy, the cheaper they get and you may even get a free item.
15:16 I got a free lotion so I can't complain.
15:19 And the last product of my monthly favorites, I'm sorry this video is so long.
15:24 For having such little products, I really did talk a lot.
15:27 So I get so excited with monthly favorites, you guys know that.
15:32 A couple, maybe a month ago I posted a video on a new Olay line that I was trying out.
15:40 The Olay Luminous and in that line was an eye cream.
15:44 This is the Hydra Swirl.
15:46 It's like a gel with eye cream mixed in, but it has like little pearly particles that make
15:52 your face or your eye area glow.
15:54 I really liked that glowing factor about it, but I didn't feel that it was moisturizing
16:00 my eye area and I noticed that my inner corner crustiness was coming back.
16:06 You guys know I have like those lizard skin inner corners.
16:10 So I had to go back and it was like the perfect test to see if I had found my holy grail eye
16:18 cream.
16:19 Yes, you heard it here first.
16:22 Dani found her holy grail eye cream.
16:25 I have tried so many eye creams, you guys know I rant about it in so many of my videos
16:29 that no eye cream works.
16:31 They all suck.
16:32 I'm super depressed.
16:33 I found it girls, I found it, I found it.
16:36 It's amazing and it's not super expensive.
16:39 It is the Dermadoctor Rescue and Protect Eye Balm.
16:45 You can tell how much I love this because this one is currently empty.
16:50 This I think is maybe $50 at Sephora.
16:53 It is supposed to be a super intense hydrating eye cream.
17:00 I don't have a dry eye area.
17:03 I just have a crusty inner corner.
17:05 I don't know why.
17:06 Maybe it's a reaction, maybe it's age, maybe it's, I don't know what it is, but I have
17:11 a really dry inner corner.
17:15 And so I was so depressed.
17:18 I walked into Sephora.
17:20 I was about to splurge on the Caudalie eye cream, the really expensive French brand.
17:26 I think it costs like $150 for the eye cream.
17:29 And I just walked in depressed like, okay, I'm ready to give you my money.
17:33 Just give it to me.
17:34 I'm ready to go home.
17:35 Whatever cures this flaky, crusty eyelid.
17:38 And one of the girls at Sephora was like, can I show you something that's cheaper and
17:42 I like better?
17:43 And I was like, yes, girlfriend, you can show me whatever you want as long as it's cheaper.
17:48 And she pointed me to this.
17:49 I've been using it for two months, maybe.
17:52 Yeah, I would say two months.
17:55 And I am so happy.
17:57 It moisturizes your eye area.
18:00 It is created by dermatologists and ophthalmologists, so you could use it all over your eye area
18:06 from your eyebrows all the way down to like your cheekbones.
18:10 So eyelids everywhere.
18:12 It's super moisturizing, but it's not greasy.
18:15 It actually gets absorbed and it removes your crusty lizard inner corners if you guys have
18:21 those.
18:22 Not to mention it also has anti-aging properties and anti-wrinkle goodness.
18:27 So you guys, if you are on the same page as me where you have struggled to find your eye
18:34 cream, go to Sephora, ask them for a sample, try it out.
18:38 And I hope this is also going to be your holy grail eye cream because I never thought the
18:44 day would come where I would say, "I found my holy grail eye cream," and it's definitely
18:49 this one.
18:50 So what I have been doing is I use this one and then I take a little bit of the Olay one
18:55 during the day and I just pat the Olay one on the under eye area on top of my eye cream
19:04 and it still gives me that like glowy look, but I still feel like I'm getting the benefits
19:09 of my derma doctor.
19:10 And that is it for my monthly favorites.
19:12 They will all be listed down below in the description box.
19:16 I am so sorry I took so much of your time, but you guys know if they're my monthly favorites,
19:22 they are my favorites.
19:24 So I have a mouthful to share of every single one of these items with you guys.
19:27 I really hope you guys enjoyed this video.
19:30 Please let me know that you did by giving me a thumbs up or subscribing if you haven't
19:34 already.
19:35 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
19:37 Bye guys.
