Rainbow glitter resin rose tutorial

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, I'm going to show you today how to do a rainbow resin flower.
00:09 These are something new, they're one of my newer creations and people really liked them
00:15 on Facebook and when I asked what I should do a tutorial about next, these were the answers.
00:20 So I'm going to go ahead and do that.
00:24 Just like with any of my other resin projects, I'm going to be using ice resin for this.
00:29 It's very good quality resin, I've been using it for a couple of years now.
00:33 I'm also going to be using these little measuring cups that I've already marked off where they
00:38 need to be filled to because when you get the liquid inside of here, those lines tend
00:43 to go away and it's easy to over pour.
00:45 Okay, right now my resin is heating up so I am going to go ahead and talk about what
00:51 we're going to be using today.
00:53 Working with rainbow is really messy.
00:56 Any project that involves this many colors, it's going to get really messy.
00:59 You want to use gloves.
01:00 I'm going to be using gloves.
01:03 You want to have paper towels on hand.
01:05 You want enough little measuring cups or whatever you want to use.
01:10 You're going to need six different cavities because you're working with six different
01:15 colors.
01:16 This was some mold for something I can't even remember.
01:19 This was the container in some little pastries I got in the freezer section and they came
01:25 in these little cup things so I went ahead and held on to them and they're totally useful.
01:29 So little measuring cups will work.
01:31 Just use whatever you need to use.
01:36 Sticks we're going to need to mix all of the different colors.
01:40 We're going to need a mold as well.
01:42 I made these flower molds and you can see what that actually looks like.
01:48 I made these out of platinum silicone.
01:50 If you have questions about molds, I have another video and it's mold basics so feel
01:55 free to check that out.
01:57 And last but certainly not least, we are going to need glitter.
02:01 I got these, it came in one of these containers.
02:04 I got it at Walmart and it was super cheap.
02:06 It was like three bucks.
02:08 I have my resin all warmed up.
02:11 If you don't understand why you need to warm it and all of that, please check out the first
02:16 tutorial I've made and it really covers all of that.
02:18 Warming it up is going to help with the bubbles.
02:21 And these types of things, it doesn't really matter a lot, but when you're working with
02:24 a bezel and you want a crystal clear pour, you definitely want to heat up the resin and
02:29 that's just something I do regardless.
02:31 It makes it easier to mix.
02:32 It makes the bubbles disperse easier.
02:34 So I just put it in hot water and heat it up.
02:36 So that's done.
02:37 Now we're going to measure.
02:38 I'm going to get my cup.
02:40 I'm going to fill two of these cups because I want to make a good amount, I think.
02:44 I'd like to just knock a bunch of these out right away and then be done with it for a
02:47 bit because they are a task.
02:49 So I'm going to get those.
02:51 I'm going to start with my resin.
02:56 Right there.
02:57 Okay.
02:58 So I'm going to get down eye level with it.
03:03 I want, let me get on the other side.
03:05 Okay.
03:06 All right.
03:07 I want to get down.
03:08 Ah, making a mess.
03:09 Okay.
03:10 I want to get down eye level with it and I want to go very slow and let it catch up
03:18 and I don't want to over pour.
03:20 If you over pour it, your piece isn't going to cure right.
03:24 And that's the last thing you want.
03:26 If you're putting in this time and this effort, you want your piece to cure right.
03:34 Now I'm going to do the hardener.
03:43 You know what?
03:44 I changed my mind.
03:45 I'm going to go ahead and put the second cup aside for now and we're just going to focus
03:48 on the one so we can get through this a little bit quicker.
03:52 So I'm going to go ahead and mix my resin up.
03:57 All right.
04:02 Now for the messy part.
04:04 I'm going to take my resin and I'm going to split it up into all of these little containers
04:09 and get them ready to pour the glitter into.
04:18 If you pour too much into one and didn't really pour enough into the other, I will just straight
04:24 scoop out like this.
04:26 And green and blue are very similar.
04:28 If there was a little bit of green glitter up in here and it made it into this, it's
04:32 not the end of the world.
04:34 They're going to be right next to each other anyways when it's in the rose.
04:40 I'm going to put this aside and I'm going to start to pour in my glitters.
04:50 I don't really have a set amount to suggest.
04:53 I pretty much just pour some in there and when it gets to the thickness and the opacity
04:58 I like, I just run with it.
05:00 I'm going to pour some in here.
05:01 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:02 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:03 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:04 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:05 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:06 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:07 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:08 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:09 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:10 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:11 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:12 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:13 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:14 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:15 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:16 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:17 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:38 I'm going to pour some in the other one.
05:51 Now it's time for the part that can get a little bit hectic, actually making the rainbow
05:57 inside the rose.
05:59 What I'm going to do is start off with a slant.
06:04 I have noticed it really helps make this a little bit easier, so I take a lighter or
06:08 whatever.
06:09 If you work with resin, a lighter is going to help you with bubbles.
06:12 It's a handy thing to have around.
06:13 How I've been doing this is perching it up like that.
06:19 We have that area going on where I can put some of the pink into there and it won't start
06:25 to spread around all crazy.
06:27 Hold on.
06:29 I can use some more color.
06:35 Just start at the bottom and I'm going to just dollop some of this resin into there.
06:44 You're going to have to work fast because this stuff wants to start spreading out and
06:48 you want room for all of these colors.
06:52 Now we're going to start with the orange and I'm going to just glop it into the side and
06:57 try to keep some kind of order and then just move on to the next color.
07:01 I know it's not filled up all the way and I'll show you why it doesn't matter at this
07:06 particular point after I get through this craziness.
07:09 I don't know where my green stick is.
07:11 Ah, that's my green stick.
07:12 Okay.
07:13 All right.
07:14 Now we can go back and do a little bit of damage control.
07:27 How I do that is I'll get some of the resin, I'll drop it and make a huge mess like that
07:36 and then I'll feed it into the side.
07:40 I'll scrape it and let it just kind of fall in there where it may and it helps to guide
07:47 it a little bit to where that pink already is.
07:50 Then we're going to take orange and that was orange's place.
07:55 We're going to just scrape it in like that.
08:10 It's not empty like it was before.
08:12 It's filled all the way to the top.
08:13 We're going to take some of those bubbles out with the lighter and now we wait.
08:20 I'm going to go ahead and do it again to show you what the heck was going on because I know
08:26 that was kind of crazy.
08:27 That's going to get put aside.
08:28 This I noticed could be darker.
08:29 I'll just hold it like that.
08:30 I'm going to go ahead and do it again to show you what the heck was going on because I know
08:31 that was kind of crazy.
08:32 That's going to get put aside.
08:33 This I noticed could be darker.
08:34 I'll just hold it like that.
08:35 I'm going to go ahead and do it again to show you what the heck was going on.
08:36 That's going to get put aside.
08:37 This I noticed could be darker.
08:38 I'll just hold it like that.
08:39 I'm going to go ahead and do it again to show you what the heck was going on.
08:40 That's going to get put aside.
08:41 I'll just hold it like that.
08:42 I'm going to go ahead and do it again to show you what the heck was going on.
09:05 Dang, that was messy.
09:18 Now we're going to put this guy to the side as well.
09:22 I am going to try to do it in a smaller mold.
09:26 I have no idea how this is going to go, so you're going to have to bear with me.
09:34 I'm going to go ahead and leave these to set and cure and all of that.
09:50 Tomorrow we will come back and I will pop them out of the mold and we'll see what happened.
09:54 Maybe they look good, maybe they don't.
09:56 I have no idea.
09:57 I'll see you guys tomorrow.
09:59 Bye.
10:00 Hey guys.
10:02 So it's not the next day yet, but I got a little impatient and I want to see what these
10:07 look like.
10:08 They are definitely hard to the touch.
10:11 They're not cured the whole way, but it's okay if we take them out of the mold.
10:16 I want to see what happened, especially with the earrings.
10:20 No clue.
10:21 Then I took all the extra colored resin and just glopped it all into here so we can take
10:26 a look at that and see what's going on.
10:38 So that one looks alright.
10:41 No complaints there.
10:49 This is our other one.
10:51 That looks alright too.
10:53 I could have put a little bit more glitter.
10:54 I do see that it is kind of translucent and I would prefer it to be more vibrant, but
11:00 that's not the end of the world.
11:01 Now we're going to do the heart.
11:05 This was just feeding the glitter into the sides and letting it get all mixed up and
11:11 all that.
11:12 That's a pretty cool effect.
11:13 I might make something cool with that.
11:15 I don't mind it.
11:19 Now for the earrings.
11:20 Let's see if that went okay.
11:22 I added a post to them.
11:25 I took some resin from another project and figured I would just take care of that real
11:30 quick.
11:31 I was going to make them dangle earrings, but figured I would try and make them post.
11:35 So that's what's going on with that.
11:38 It's alright.
11:44 It's a little sloppy.
11:46 I don't mind it.
11:49 So there's that.
12:03 That one looks a little bit nicer actually.
12:08 So there you have it.
12:10 We made a glitter rose.
12:13 We made this thing just kind of glopping stuff in.
12:17 I encourage you to take your spare resin and do something similar.
12:21 And I made some earrings and I kind of like them.
12:25 So thank you for checking out my video.
12:28 Please like, comment, and subscribe and all that that goes with YouTube.
12:31 Thank you so much and I hope you have a good day.