Ipsy Unboxing January 2014

  • last year
00:00 (drum roll)
00:02 Coffee break with me, woo!
00:07 Hi guys!
00:09 Okay, so today I'm back with my January Ipsy unboxing
00:13 and I do have to say, like every month,
00:16 I did open it, but I haven't tried
00:18 any of the products inside my bag.
00:21 And let me tell you this,
00:24 when I got my email that said,
00:26 "Hey Dani, we're sending your Ipsy bag to you,"
00:29 I got really excited, so of course I'm like stalking,
00:32 tracking it online every five seconds
00:34 to see if it has arrived.
00:35 Finally, when I see it arrived, I run to my mailbox
00:40 and I see this in the mailbox.
00:43 And I was like, "Hmm, this does not look like this."
00:47 So I was a little disappointed.
00:50 I mean, I was disappointed because I thought
00:52 I didn't get my Ipsy bag, but I was happy
00:54 'cause I thought I got another package.
00:57 But it turns out that Ipsy sent my bag in this envelope
01:01 because of a prize that I redeemed.
01:05 And I don't know if you guys remember
01:06 from my December unboxing
01:09 that I redeemed for a beauty blender.
01:13 For those of you not familiar,
01:15 Ipsy gives you points for people that you refer
01:18 or people that sign up using your link.
01:21 And whenever I redeem my points,
01:23 you guys know the prizes are for you.
01:25 So this month, I redeemed for,
01:27 bum-ba-da-dum,
01:31 the Kiss Salon Secrets Nail Art Starter Kit.
01:35 And this is so cute because it reminds me of the one
01:39 that came out at Walgreens,
01:43 like a Disney Villains nail kit.
01:45 And you guys can do so many awesome things with this kit.
01:49 It comes with brushes, decals, tape,
01:54 those, what are those called?
01:57 The things that go on top of your nails?
01:59 Like when you put the whole nail on top of your nail.
02:03 (laughs)
02:04 You know what I'm talking about.
02:06 Glitter, a top coat.
02:08 I mean, this has everything.
02:10 So you can do a ton of really cool designs.
02:12 So I think we should do it like a coffee break tradition
02:16 where I redeem points for a prize.
02:18 The prize is gonna be for you.
02:20 And the only thing you need to do
02:22 to enter to win the prize
02:24 is to leave me a question down below
02:26 of a question that you would like me to answer
02:29 in my next Q&A.
02:31 So it would be like, "Dani, how old are you?"
02:33 "Dani, when's your birthday?"
02:34 "Dani, I don't know, how old is Tater Tot?"
02:39 So leave me a question down below.
02:40 That's all you need to do to enter.
02:41 All the details will be in the description box.
02:43 You know that.
02:45 And let's get ready to unbag my Ipsy.
02:48 So this month's Ipsy comes in a little blue pouch like this
02:52 and it has all these little bottles on it.
02:55 Almost like skincare products and lipsticks.
02:57 It's really cute because it kind of reminds me
03:00 of a skyline, like a major city skyline,
03:04 but with beauty products.
03:06 So that's really cute.
03:07 And I love the color.
03:09 But unfortunately, this month,
03:11 I don't know if your bag had like a weird scent to it.
03:15 It kind of smells a little bit like mothballs.
03:17 But the products inside are fine.
03:22 I checked them right away.
03:23 I wanted to make sure that the integrity
03:26 of the products was still there.
03:28 But it's only the actual bag that smells kind of funky.
03:32 So this month's theme is 19 Reasons 2014 Will Be Amazing.
03:37 So the 19 reasons are the 19 products
03:42 that are collaborating this month.
03:44 And you have brands like Benefit, Yabby,
03:46 Sexy Hair, Proactive.
03:49 So I thought almost like the theme of January
03:52 was more of like a new year, a fresh start,
03:56 take care of your skin type of theme
03:58 because they had the primer and I got an eye cream, I think.
04:01 So it's definitely more centered around
04:04 like face products or skincare products.
04:07 The first item in my bag is by Absolute
04:11 and these are makeup cleansing tissues.
04:13 And they're infused with cucumber.
04:15 I got these before in my glossy box
04:19 and I really, really like them.
04:20 I like them because the wipes themselves
04:23 are smaller than regular wipes.
04:25 So they help me a lot when I'm filming
04:28 and I swatch things or I need to remove something quickly.
04:31 I love the size of these.
04:32 The next product I got is from a brand called Lee Annie.
04:36 And I think Lee Annie, I'm not sure.
04:39 I think Lee Annie is a brand that's kind of like
04:42 one of those all natural, paraben free, sulfate free,
04:46 like really good for you type products.
04:48 This is called the 3-in-1 Revolution.
04:50 Like revolution but revolution.
04:53 And it is a toner, serum, and moisturizer in one.
04:58 So this almost sounds like a lifesaver product
05:03 because it's toner, serum, and moisturizer in one.
05:05 That's three steps in one.
05:07 The next item in my bag is by Sexy Hair
05:12 and this is the Soy Tri-Wheat Leave-In Conditioner.
05:16 When I just had subscribed for Ipsy,
05:18 I kept getting hair products and I was really annoyed
05:21 because I don't like getting hair products at all.
05:23 And then I started to do the reviews on products.
05:27 Go online to your glam room and you review the product
05:29 and you say if you don't want to get these products anymore.
05:32 And I can honestly tell you guys,
05:34 it's been probably a couple months
05:37 that I don't get a hair product.
05:38 So they do listen to your quiz results
05:40 but it might just take them a little time
05:41 to get around to it.
05:43 And I just love Sexy Hair products.
05:45 I love Sexy Hair products
05:47 and I love especially how they smell.
05:49 I've never tried a wheat leave-in conditioner
05:53 so this might be something that I love,
05:55 especially now with short hair.
05:57 I'm not using conditioner so much so this might help.
05:59 The next item in my bag, or the fourth item,
06:02 is by Elizabeth Mott
06:03 and this is a Smooth Shadow Creamy Eye Pencil.
06:06 When I opened this, I haven't swatched it,
06:08 but when I opened this,
06:09 I was expecting like a chubby shadow pencil
06:12 but it kind of looks like a eyeliner
06:15 and it's kind of like a bronzy color.
06:18 Ooh, that's really pretty.
06:21 I hope you guys can see it because it's very light.
06:24 It's a really pretty,
06:26 kind of like a really pale bronze color
06:28 and it's super buttery.
06:31 I really like that.
06:32 It is, like I said, a really small, tiny little pencil.
06:35 You see that?
06:37 But I was expecting like a chubbier pencil.
06:39 And the last product in my bag
06:41 is by the brand Mica Beauty, I think it's pronounced,
06:45 and this is a potted gloss.
06:49 It's like a tinted potted gloss and I haven't tried this.
06:52 Let's see how this is.
06:54 I obviously can't put it on my lips right now,
06:56 but ooh, look how pretty that is.
06:58 It's like a mauve-y pink.
07:00 Wow, oh my God, look you guys, how awesome is that?
07:04 It's literally like a potted lipstick.
07:07 That's exactly what it reminds me of.
07:09 It is very silky and creamy
07:11 and it's literally like a lipstick in a pot.
07:14 And it doesn't smell, it doesn't smell like anything.
07:19 You guys know I smell everything in my bag.
07:21 So that's it for my Ipsy bag this month, guys.
07:24 Remember, the January bag I think was more
07:26 of a New Year's resolution, new start,
07:29 fresh start, fresh face type theme.
07:33 The products you will notice are more skincare-based.
07:37 I'd love to know what you guys got in your Ipsy bag.
07:40 So if you guys tag me on Instagram or Twitter,
07:43 I'd love to see what you guys got in your bag.
07:45 And if you guys are interested in winning
07:48 the Kiss Salon Secret Starter Kit,
07:50 check the description box below
07:52 to see how you guys can enter.
07:54 So remember, Ipsy is a $10 beauty subscription service.
07:57 It is free shipping.
07:58 You go online, you sign up, you take a little quiz,
08:02 they personalize it around you,
08:04 and then every month you will get a cosmetic bag
08:07 or a little makeup bag filled with,
08:09 I think you get four to five or five to six
08:13 sample-sized beauty products.
08:15 And usually I'm really happy with the products I get.
08:17 So don't forget, you guys, the minute you get your bag
08:20 and you try the products, go back online,
08:23 click on your glam room, and take that quiz.
08:26 If you don't like hair products,
08:27 take the quiz and say, "I've tried these products before.
08:31 "I'm not interested in getting hair products,"
08:34 or, "I'm not interested in getting products from Sexy Hair."
08:38 It does take a minute for them
08:39 to kind of update your preferences,
08:41 but they do take those into account.
08:43 These bags are customizable, which is very hard to find
08:47 in some of the beauty subscription services.
08:50 So keep that in mind.
08:51 If you guys are interested in signing up for Ipsy,
08:54 I will have a link down below that you guys can follow.
08:57 And again, it's $10 a month, so it's very affordable.
08:59 But I'm really happy with the items that I got in this bag.
09:02 I'm always happy with the stuff that I get in my Ipsy bag
09:04 because even if it's something that I'm not familiar with,
09:07 it gives me the perfect opportunity
09:08 to learn how to use a new type of product
09:11 or try a new brand that I haven't heard of.
09:14 So I think that's it, guys.
09:15 Please remember to like and subscribe
09:17 if you haven't already.
09:18 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
