• il y a 2 ans


00:00 Issue 3
00:02 There's a laser from a giant portal in the sky, and Evil Morty calls Rick an idiot for not knowing something was happening, and says he saw it was his daughter that paid the price.
00:12 Then why'd he do that? Wouldn't he not care?
00:16 Rick admits Beth was everything to him, and he built all of his life's work around her. I'm guessing this is just something that's being said because it's the movie.
00:24 Because I doubt Rick would admit that to his enemy, especially since this isn't even his original Beth, unless that is the case in the movie.
00:33 And the second text bubble isn't true. He built the fail-safes too, a giant laser destroys the bad guys, and Rick is comforting to Morty and says he'll get his mother back.
00:45 He appreciates the thought instead of complaining that it wouldn't really be her.
00:50 Well after all, he learned to appreciate a new Beth in this show too.
00:54 Still, he wouldn't be that appreciative. Rick admits that family means a lot to him.
01:00 And then we see the credits. So, what? Was that actually the ending, shown in the beginning?
01:06 Why ruin all the tension of the plot by showing the ending first? It would only make sense if we didn't get to see what the movie was like before this.
01:14 It would make the dark stuff easier to deal with if you know it's coming and don't have hope for characters like Beth.
01:20 Is this the ending credits or is it the opening credits? Because movies have opening credits, like the Invader Zim movie. So that's why it's confusing.
01:30 Rick boasts about making a new species and calls himself a god.
01:35 And Morty's already changed his mind about wanting Rick to be original because he's impatient and confused about what they're doing.
01:42 Rick says the escape plan is whatever he says it is. It reminds me of IDW Eggman.
01:48 He says he already spent three days re-engineering the food chain to get the chemicals they need.
01:54 He complains about it spitting on him because he needed that fluid for an experiment.
01:59 So, he just needs to wait a little longer after capturing it again.
02:03 He can't save some of it because he's sweating out too many pharmaceuticals for that stuff to still be pure.
02:09 He ends up hallucinating because it was alien fluid.
02:13 So, he says he'll need 12 hours and a lot of water.
02:16 How does he expect to get water on a planet with nothing but foreign chemicals?
02:21 He's just saying that out of force of habit.
02:24 Then I see a page advertising some of Rick's technology.
02:29 The Glutty Pin's worthless. The X-Ray specs would be illegal to sell and get Glutty in trouble.
02:34 Partly because they cause cancer in the wearer and the one looked at.
02:37 Then there's a remote-controlled flying alien. That would be illegal to sell as well.
02:42 Glutty would have to deal with cops constantly being sent after him.
02:46 Then there's a special program to turn someone muscular in 38 minutes.
02:50 Not surprised it's even that long.
02:53 It only seems like a bad thing because there's a sentence saying the company isn't reliable for side effects.
02:59 Then there's what I assume is a miniaturized clone of Glutty as a pet.
03:04 Well, if it makes a good pet, it'll make people happy.
03:08 So, so far that's the only pure good thing to come out of this.
03:12 Then there's the mystery box which could contain any of the items here or a pet.
03:18 The most abusable invention here is instructions to build a mind-control device.
03:23 Oh, this one they're not legally allowed to sell.
03:26 It's too late to pay attention to logic.
03:28 They wouldn't be allowed to sell most of this stuff.
03:31 The loophole is they're still allowed to sell the blueprints. I doubt it.
03:35 And then there's another dangerous alien Rick had trapped under his house.
03:39 I wish I knew why.
03:41 So most of these products suck. That's a missed opportunity.
03:45 Beth explains that she hates the kind of people who have horses.
03:49 As we see someone being melodramatic over a horse.
03:52 And then getting angry and rude, insisting on seeing the horse.
03:57 But she mostly misses working with qualified people.
04:01 What are the chances only she's qualified?
04:04 How do the new workers be part-time models who don't have time to learn how to be competent?
04:10 I would hope Bluetooth would blur out the faces of the poorly behaved horse owners.
04:14 But I don't trust them.
04:16 It's a shame that this is the only joke they can think of.
04:19 Because they can't just do this over and over again to make a good cable series out of her.
04:26 We see people in obvious Rick and Morty costumes with giant heads.
04:30 Because I guess they thought it would be funny.
04:32 Doing an insurance ad.
04:34 Some pages are clearly wasted on boring dialogue where the plot doesn't progress.
04:39 So anyways, we see a fictional universe where Unity and Summer are being threatened by a bad guy.
04:45 But while it could have been an interesting story to read about.
04:49 It's just an excuse for Rick to advertise fruit pies.
04:52 This kind of stuff makes us think, "We get it."
04:55 "We got it the first time. You don't like advertising and stuff. Move on."
05:00 Eventually, Glutie gets told that the side characters all tested terribly for spin-offs.
05:06 And Glutie wonders if the main cast is too unpleasant.
05:10 And it was a mistake to try to make a cross-media empire out of this.
05:14 If he's able to think this, why doesn't he give up right now?
05:18 He wonders if things with broader appeal are too hard to come by.
05:22 He sees a cute floating alien. And somehow he doesn't decide to take advantage of it.
05:27 And in fact, does the exact opposite.
05:30 He stupidly thinks it's a good idea to flood the market with Rick and Morty insults impossible to get anything else.
05:35 Even though it'd annoy people and it'd never be impossible to buy or watch anything else.
05:40 Even if it was the only thing on TV, people would still have Blu-rays and recorded TV episodes in the internet.
05:46 Again, Glutie's asked why he won't duplicate the portal gun for auction.
05:51 What made the writer think it was a good idea to have him just say he has his own plans for it again instead of explaining himself this time?
05:58 It feels like this issue doesn't have an editor.
06:01 Because you'd think the pacing would be a lot faster then.
06:05 If he has his own plans for it, why hasn't he been doing anything with it?
06:10 He's just too busy? Then he might as well let them try to duplicate it.
06:14 He should say he doesn't think they can.
06:17 Which is true.
06:18 Rick complains about a captured alien not eating and accuses him of not being curious enough.
06:24 And Morty tells him eventually that when bands are so focused on making their new stuff sound different, it can be unpopular.
06:31 Only when it's not the popular music.
06:33 But people are still hyped when they play the hints.
06:36 Despite Rick lecturing him about trying to lower his standards earlier, he seems to get inspired by this.
06:42 He says that's it, waits a page talking too much making it look like he hasn't learned at all apparently,
06:48 and then grabs an alien to get some of it mixed with the chemical formula used to send wavelength signals.
06:54 He says that the surefire way to kill any franchise is deconstruction.
06:59 And this is supposed to be the smartest man in the universe.
07:02 IDW Sonic is deconstructing Sonic by having characters try to kill or arrest Eggman,
07:08 and call out Sonic on not letting them, and having Sonic try to explain away why he's protecting him.
07:14 It won't kill the franchise because it's just a spin-off, but I wouldn't be surprised if it got cancelled soon.
07:19 Issue 4.
07:20 We see a fictional story where Rick and Morty are in court being sentenced to death,
07:25 only to open a convenient giant present containing Santa and his sleigh, which wouldn't fit.
07:30 And Rick says Santa's wife is completely different now.
07:33 But everyone's fine with that apparently.
07:35 Jerry thinks it's sweet and how a Christmas special should be.
07:38 It had forced writing, but it's always better for that to result in good things than misery.
07:43 It's sad when the "what if" scenario, fictional universe stories, are a lot more interesting as plots,
07:51 than the stuff that's really happening in the story, which isn't progressing the plot at all.
07:58 This is an actual story.
08:00 I'd rather see what all of the Rick and Morty movie would have been like.
08:04 A page is wasted on Jerry making suggestions instead,
08:07 where he's used to mock when collector's items are rare and overcharged for.
08:12 Summer wastes more time doing the usual,
08:14 until she somehow is handed this comic and figures out it's so important that she needs to get to Beth in private,
08:21 even though she thinks it's just a fictional comic, so she would have no reason to care enough to do that right away.
08:29 Beth wonders if Summer needs her help, and is immediately nonchalantly trying to offer something to help her.
08:34 For once she has an unusually good mother.
08:37 Summer hands her a cell phone with a video from Rick,
08:39 who tells them this is real and he's trying to get a message to them.
08:43 They waste a whole bunch of panels with really boring dialogue.
08:47 Like, why do they not have their shirts on? Why do they have the stuff on their chests?
08:52 Of course this is just gonna confuse them into thinking it's just fiction.
08:57 I feel like this and the previous issue suck.
09:00 It's like it can't actually be a four-parter with the amount of plot it has, and they've forced it to be.
09:05 I don't know why they're talking like this. Of course it's their Rick and Morty.
09:09 A bunch of panels are wasted on tedium before Rick says he wants Beth to do something.
09:14 It goes without saying that it'd be bad for a writer to literally mean the audience should never analyze anything fictional,
09:21 and that thinking and not going with it is always overthinking it,
09:25 as if it is trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, when the comic just made fun of that.
09:30 So hopefully this is only applying to this exact context where Beth and Summer are being idiots.
09:36 Some idiots try to drink glow sticks they don't believe is portal fluid because it's the Rick and Morty challenge.
09:43 But then Rick and Morty go through a portal to their home dimension because of it,
09:47 and nobody pressed a button to set a portal to spawn, so apparently Rick did it with no button press.
09:55 I hate gore.
09:57 So they get home because of a deus ex machina.
09:59 I guess Rick sent a signal to the glow sticks to make it real portal fluid,
10:03 because electricity can totally shapeshift things.
10:07 At least that was creative instead of boring.
10:09 But it was ruined by people getting hurt.
10:11 They could have easily explained that it actually is portal fluid,
10:15 but we didn't get that impression because nobody thought it was,
10:19 and it was just being sold as pointless glow sticks.
10:22 And more importantly, Glutonny kept saying "No, you can't duplicate the portal gun."
10:27 But people must have gotten real portal fluid to make these glow sticks.
10:32 And four minutes later, we see a building on fire for no reason.
10:36 After all, it's not like either of them have a way to do that to the building.
10:42 Morty complains about having to pay for clothes based on himself,
10:46 and I wonder how he got the money for that.
10:50 And Rick calls the fleeing people out on buying ocean choking garbage based on a villain,
10:55 boasting that he invented new evil deeds because he's a jerk.
10:59 So it's unexpectedly good that even someone evil doesn't want people to buy ocean choking garbage.
11:06 And it's interesting that an egomaniac doesn't appreciate people buying merchandise based on himself
11:13 just because he didn't say it was okay to make it.
11:16 Because if this was Eggman, he definitely would have just been relishing in this.
11:20 Rick assumes it's Beth's car heading up to him.
11:23 He's right, but he could have been wrong.
11:25 I mean, it's a city.
11:27 He was smart enough to anticipate that someone would try to profit off his life
11:30 and would be desperate for ideas based on it.
11:33 He's also right that he's a genius.
11:36 He's a genius because he's the one who invented the first robot.
11:40 He's a genius because he's the one who invented the first robot.
11:43 He's a genius because he's the one who invented the first robot.
11:46 He's a genius because he's the one who invented the first robot.
11:49 He's a genius because he's the one who invented the first robot.
11:52 He's a genius because he's the one who invented the first robot.
11:55 He's a genius because he's the one who invented the first robot.
11:58 He's a genius because he's the one who invented the first robot.
12:01 Not to mention portal golds to him.
12:03 He says his successes are always going to be better than theirs
12:06 because he's only trying to please himself.
12:09 While I get his point that it's a lot easier to just please yourself,
12:13 I hope the writer realizes that's not how you make a good product.
12:16 Sure, there's something to be said in a writer having guts and writing what he wants
12:20 instead of catering to just idiots, but if you want to be actually financially successful,
12:24 you've got to write something most people will like.
12:27 When there's always the chance that the writer only writing for himself might be an idiot
12:31 who doesn't know what good stuff is when he writes it.
12:35 So there's obviously not much of a risk if he's writing for more than just himself.
12:41 Eventually, a force field goes in front of the other employees
12:44 who are standing in front of Rick instead of fleeing for no reason.
12:48 What took so long for that force field to show up?
12:51 Gloddy threatens Rick with people trying to use his own weapons against him.
12:55 Beth stands up for Rick, that he has a bunch of backup plans and hidden stuff.
13:00 And Rick calls her "sweetie" and says she's wrong this time.
13:04 Of course Rick didn't have a plan when antagonizing them.
13:07 Even though he knew they'd do this to Morty, he was too lazy to think that far ahead.
13:12 Some portals show up, and Morty says giant companies always forget when making plans
13:18 that they aren't the ones who decide when something's gonna be big.
13:21 It's the fans.
13:23 So five minutes ago, Morty leaked the comic to a torrent site.
13:27 The comic writer overcompensates for portraying torrenters as the heroes of the story
13:31 by insulting them right away.
13:33 Make good content if you want people to pay for it faster.
13:37 Morty trusted these people to try to do the stuff Rick says to do in the comic,
13:41 like signal other Ricks.
13:43 I think you would still need the stuff to make the stuff to signal other Ricks in the first place.
13:51 So other Ricks come from the portal, looking unique from Rick himself, making for some more gore.
13:57 I don't know why Rick and Morty is obsessed with showing gore instead of just satisfying slapstick
14:01 where the characters I hate get smacked around.
14:05 Glutty says his big plan for the portal gun is to get himself some snacks.
14:10 And Rick gets offended at that, even though I'm sure he's used it for the same thing.
14:15 He says if he doesn't give him the portal gun right now, he'll hunt them down.
14:19 Why is Glutty drawn to smile at this when he immediately gives him back the portal gun
14:23 and is smiling in the next panel?
14:25 I guess he assumes Rick would be able to make a new portal gun,
14:28 so he would be able to follow through on his threats.
14:32 How is he supposed to track him down if he just portals to another dimension
14:36 and then throws the portal gun back through the portal at him,
14:40 just in case Rick can track down anybody who has the portal gun?
14:44 He tells Rick he sold the company.
14:46 He had to sell it at a huge loss, but he somehow got a hundred million bonus for a job well done.
14:53 It's not a good ending if it has him say he sold it to another company.
14:57 That means things aren't really resolved.
15:00 Especially since the story doesn't end with Rick getting any of the stuff that was sold back.
15:06 A whole bunch of panels are wasted after that.
15:09 Rick tells Morty that while it is pandering to some and other Ricks,
15:14 I don't see how.
15:16 It was good that he did something surprising and new along with that.
15:20 Well, duh.
15:21 Sure, just don't act like it should always be like this because original ideas aren't worth it.
15:27 Because it's clearly better to just have an original idea.
15:31 Making fun of a lack of creativity doesn't make a story clever,
15:34 because obviously it's still being uncreative anyways.
15:38 Not that I mind him getting the help of Ricks,
15:40 because it was a logical and smart way of him to resolve the problem.
15:43 So that's all that really matters.
15:45 And I can't think of another way.
15:47 Rick says the people who don't torrent are the real fans, unless they leave bad reviews.
15:51 Even though bad stories obviously deserve bad reviews, because that's how justice works.
15:57 Rick's a villain protagonist, as everyone knows.
16:00 So it'd be embarrassing for the writer to use him as a genuine mouthpiece for a moral lecture.
16:05 He insists bad reviews are only from people not smart enough to get it,
16:09 when obviously bad reviews are from people who are smart enough to get the flaws in something.
16:14 While blind 5 star reviews are just from people who aren't smart enough to see the flaws.
16:19 Sometimes critics don't get what's good about something,
16:22 but they usually do and just see the flaws as overpowering what's good.
16:26 Because it's a matter of tolerance for problems, and not intelligence.
16:30 Basically it's wrong because the idiots are the ones who are 100% positive about fiction instead.
16:36 Because you need to be observant to notice a flaw in the first place, especially a plot hole.
16:41 While liking something has to do with how you're being made to feel, which happens on its own.
16:46 And Rick should know this.
16:48 You need to make it more obvious that Rick's supposed to be seen as wrong here,
16:52 because he's overly proud and defensive by having him get called out on it.
16:56 Because otherwise you might think it's the writer doing an author rant.
17:01 He looks arrogant and self-obsessed here, but sometimes he's so betrayed it's right about random things.
17:07 Most of the panels are wasted after this.
17:10 Jerry tells people at a Megalomedia office that he made creative decisions,
17:15 and he's told that most of those decisions flopped and lost Glamcom billions of dollars,
17:21 because he's an idiot.
17:22 Why is he saying this like he's in a job interview if he's in front of a whole bunch of other different people in an office room?
17:29 Somehow he gets hired, because it's hard to find a candidate with that kind of experience.
17:35 At least I know I'm not alone in hating these last two issues.
17:38 It went overboard on trying to be self-aware when just a few lines about it would have been more than enough.
17:45 This arc by James Asmus was about Mordeciani-Wei's life rights to an app made by Claudy,
17:51 because he didn't read the terms of service,
17:54 and getting kidnapped by aliens and sent to a world to be hunted for sport, for no apparent reason,
18:01 because Claudy's evil and only cares about profit.
18:04 It starts out surprisingly good, because while the family is being stupid by signing up for the app,
18:09 it's always believable that they do because it's in character for them to be manipulated into it the way they are.
18:16 And since Rick can invent anything and upgrade people,
18:20 it's easy to assume they thought the obvious robot was Morde because they thought Rick upgraded him.
18:25 Aside from the obvious that I always hate gore,
18:28 the writing doesn't get bad until Morde somehow throws the portal gun thinking it's a grenade,
18:34 when the portal gun could have ended the story arc right there,
18:38 just to force Claudy to get it and send him and Rick to an alien planet
18:42 where they have to use alien chemicals to eventually send a distress signal to Beth.
18:47 It was interesting to see how the family was being affected by the corporation at first,
18:53 though some are being a shill got boring fast.
18:56 I loved the idea of Rick's inventions being sold to people.
19:00 It's the kind of thing that made the arc seem worth it and overdue for that alone.
19:04 So it really is a shame that barely any were shown to be inventions that people should get to have that don't have consequences.
19:11 There's only once in my recollection that should be sold,
19:14 and it's one that Rick didn't even make.
19:17 It's just Claudy bioengineered a pet based on himself.
19:21 So what's the point?
19:23 And the meat takes would help people, but it won't be worth it if any of them go crazy.
19:27 Not that we ever get to see the consequences of people getting these inventions
19:31 because the story got distracted showing us Summer being a shill for five hours
19:36 and Rick talking our ears off about how he doesn't know how to escape in a creative way
19:40 because Morty was forced to make a complaint for no reason and we just want to go home.
19:45 It's blatantly obvious that while the story about the consequences of these inventions would probably not be something new,
19:51 it'd be far more interesting to look at than the boredom we got in the last two issues,
19:56 which is just characters yammering.
19:59 The problem is the pacing falls off a cliff after the second issue,
20:03 taking forever to get through really boring dialogue
20:06 because the plot is too basic to really be a four-parter arc.
20:10 I have a hard time imagining that most people who read this actually read all the dialogue in the last two issues
20:16 because it's insanely boring with the plot barely progressing.
20:19 Eventually, Rick gets home because of a confusing deus ex machina
20:24 where I have to assume it's distress signal turned fake portal fluid being sold as merchandise
20:28 into real portals with electricity somehow.
20:32 Without explaining that it's actual portal fluid, just saying he found a teleportation crystal on the alien planet
20:38 while cliche would have been believable compared to this nonsense.
20:42 Then Rick expects me to find it satisfying for a climax that he shoots and destroys a bunch of annoying people
20:48 when they're only doing their jobs,
20:50 when Bluetooth is the one who deserves a bunch of slapstick,
20:54 and somehow he was never written to get any,
20:57 and even survives the arc.
20:59 That's an underwhelming ending, though I loved how it was useful for Morty to get the help of other Ricks.
21:05 I loved that he got the idea to do that by himself.
21:08 (upbeat music)
21:10 (upbeat music)
