Top 5 Series Red + Vampy Lipsticks

  • last year
00:39 Hobby Break with me.
00:41 Woo!
00:41 Hi, guys.
00:42 Welcome back to my channel.
00:43 How are you today?
00:45 Today I'm here with my collaboration,
00:49 top five series collaboration with my best friend, Samantha.
00:54 Today we are talking about red and vampy lips.
01:01 When we were talking about this video, I was like, you know what?
01:05 We had originally decided to do pinks and reds,
01:07 and I was like, I don't know, something about that just doesn't vibe.
01:12 And she's like, we need to do reds and vampys because they're sexy.
01:16 A brief synopsis or summary, we're doing this collaboration together
01:20 because our personal taste is different, because our skin types are different,
01:24 our skin tones are different, and we just
01:26 thought that we would give you a really great perspective from two
01:30 different points of views, two different preferences.
01:33 So instead of getting a top five, it's like you're getting a top 10.
01:36 And so when we were preparing for this video,
01:39 my friend Samantha was telling me that red lips make her feel powerful,
01:43 like she could just take over the world.
01:45 And I was like, you know, when I wear red lips,
01:47 I feel really self-conscious because my smile is so big,
01:51 and I have a gummy smile.
01:52 So any time that I wear a really bright colored lipstick,
01:55 it gets all over my teeth, my gums, my tongue, everywhere.
01:59 And I do like the finger trick and the napkin and all that stuff,
02:02 and it just ends up getting everywhere.
02:05 The more I thought about what she said about how
02:07 it makes her feel powerful, I realized that makeup
02:13 is such a powerful tool, just in general.
02:16 It makes us feel more confident.
02:18 It makes us feel more beautiful.
02:21 It could really just change our mindset when we put on a lipstick.
02:24 And I know that when I put on a really dark vampy lip, my husband hates it.
02:30 But it's one of the few times that I actually feel sexy.
02:33 You know, typically I'm goofy, I'm lanky, I'm dorky, I make fun of myself,
02:39 I make cartoon voices, and I'm a dork.
02:43 But when I put on a vampy lip, a dark, dark, almost black lip,
02:49 I feel sexy and mysterious.
02:52 So this video, needless to say, is a video--
02:55 it's probably my favorite of the lipstick one
02:58 to film for you guys because I have some options to share with you.
03:02 If you didn't see it already in the introduction.
03:04 And I have some dupes.
03:06 So some of them are cheaper, some of them are expensive,
03:09 but I have a lot of similarities in my collection.
03:11 So I wanted to share them with you guys in case you already have it,
03:14 or you wanted a high-end alternative or a drop store alternative.
03:19 So we're hooking you up here at Coffee Break headquarters.
03:22 What is this?
03:23 This is my vampy dance.
03:26 See?
03:28 Sexy just doesn't.
03:31 Let me bring you in closer.
03:33 Let's get started with what's on my lips right now.
03:35 And this is out of order from how you saw it in the intro,
03:38 but that's OK because we're rebels.
03:40 YOLO.
03:40 You know how we do here at Coffee Break with Dani.
03:42 The first one that I'm wearing is my favorite red ever in lipstick form.
03:48 Not in long-wearing liquid lipstick.
03:51 No.
03:52 In lipstick form, my favorite red ever is this one.
03:55 And this is Cruella by NARS.
03:58 If you want to feel like you have the whitest teeth on the planet,
04:05 like I'm talking you took some milk, you froze it,
04:08 and you stuck it in your mouth, you wear this red.
04:11 This red gives you the widest smile ever.
04:17 It is just-- oh, look at that.
04:19 Look at my teeth.
04:20 They're really not that white, you guys.
04:22 It's all a trick.
04:23 So that's Cruella by NARS.
04:25 The only other red in this series or in this video
04:28 that I want to share with you are for the comfortable red wearers
04:34 or the I'm kind of scared of red, so I'm not
04:36 sure I'm ready for that commitment.
04:38 And this is As You Want Victoria from Rimmel.
04:43 It's like a raspberry red, but it's so creamy and delicious.
04:47 The formula reminds me of the Lustrous Cream,
04:52 I think it's called, from Bite Beauty.
04:54 It is so silky and soft.
04:57 I mean, one swipe and it's like full pigment.
05:00 It's incredible.
05:01 The formula is to die for.
05:04 So if you're kind of nervous about reds
05:06 and you're not ready for like this red,
05:08 this is a really beautiful raspberry, almost like a strawberry red.
05:12 So it's not pink, it's not red, it's kind of in between,
05:16 so it's a little safe.
05:17 But it's a really, really pretty, very, very, very pretty red.
05:21 Then the look that makes me feel the most vampy, the most sexy,
05:25 the most mysterious, almost like Coffee Break with Ninja Danny status.
05:31 OK, I need to stop.
05:34 It's another one from NARS, and this is called Train Blue.
05:38 And it's like the deepest aubergine color ever.
05:41 I mean, it's so purple, it's black.
05:46 The problem with this, it's a really beautiful color,
05:50 but it is so patchy.
05:53 You have to go over and over and over and over and over
05:58 and swipe it over and over and over and over and over
06:00 to get even application.
06:02 And you definitely have to use a lip primer to facilitate that.
06:05 So it's a matte, deep aubergine, but it's so tricky to apply.
06:12 Like, I'm unwilling.
06:14 I'll put the work in, and I will break my back putting on this color
06:18 because that's how much I love it.
06:20 But it's hard.
06:22 It's hard to get that smooth, even application.
06:24 If you're like, you know what, Dani?
06:25 Ain't nobody got time for that.
06:27 Give me another option.
06:28 A very similar shade is Vamp It Up from Wet n Wild.
06:32 But because this color is so creamy-- so see,
06:35 it's kind of like opposites.
06:37 This one is patchy, so you have to go over and over and over and over again.
06:42 This one is so creamy that it could go downhill real fast.
06:46 Like, it could go bad real quick.
06:49 So you have to be very careful.
06:52 But it's very similar.
06:53 I mean, I would say it's the same color, except it's a lot creamier.
06:58 So it's going to look a little bit more opaque, but it's the same color.
07:02 That's right there.
07:05 You see how pigmented it is?
07:07 So I'm scared.
07:08 With Wet n Wild lipsticks, because the shape of the bullet is so bizarre,
07:13 I make a mess.
07:13 Like, I look like I already had four margaritas
07:16 when I use a Wet n Wild lipstick.
07:19 Even though I really love them, it takes a lip brush, a lip liner,
07:23 or a really steady hand.
07:25 And after like six coffees, I don't got any of those.
07:28 Then another one of my favorites is Fashion Revival from MAC.
07:32 This is a matte finish lipstick.
07:36 I love this color.
07:37 It's like a-- how can I describe it?
07:43 It's right there.
07:44 It's like a berry wine, a winish berry.
07:49 I don't need to describe-- can I just show it to you guys?
07:51 You guys know I'm terrible at those descriptions.
07:53 So that's Fashion Revival.
07:55 It is a matte, but it's actually one of the more comfortable ones.
07:58 I don't know if you guys have tried like matte MAC lipsticks that pull,
08:02 the matte ones.
08:03 They pull a little bit.
08:04 They're kind of dry.
08:05 But this one's surprisingly creamy.
08:07 Is that a nail mark?
08:08 Oh, classy, Dani.
08:10 So that's Fashion Revival.
08:12 And you're like, you know what, Dani?
08:13 I don't want a matte lip.
08:14 I want that color, but I don't want it in matte.
08:16 Do you have an option for me?
08:18 Of course I do.
08:19 And this is a really fancy lipstick.
08:22 This is Tom Ford right here.
08:23 It's $50.
08:26 If you really want a $50 lipstick, I honestly
08:29 would rather get the $16 one and just put a clear gloss over it.
08:33 But if you want a more creamy lipstick, this is Bruised Plum from Tom Ford.
08:40 And it is basically the same color, except it's creamier.
08:45 But because it's creamier, you're not going
08:47 to get that full opacity of the color.
08:50 You see, it's creamier.
08:51 It's a little bit glossier.
08:53 But it's going to sheer out or be almost-- it's not as opaque.
09:02 It's not an even deposit of color because of the finish of the lipstick.
09:06 But that's the option right there.
09:08 So again, this is Fashion Revival from MAC.
09:10 And then over here is Bruised Plum from Tom Ford.
09:13 The last one that I want to share with you guys
09:15 is one of my absolute favorites.
09:16 And this is another Wet n Wild color.
09:19 This is called Cherry Bomb.
09:21 And I was wearing it in a video recently.
09:24 I'm trying to think of which one.
09:26 I'll link it down below if I can remember.
09:29 So this is Cherry Bomb from Wet n Wild.
09:34 And it's going to look a little bit similar to the one I just
09:36 showed you from MAC, Fashion Revival, but it is different.
09:40 So let me see.
09:42 That's Fashion Revival right there.
09:44 And then that is Cherry Bomb from Wet n Wild.
09:46 You see how opaque Wet n Wild lipsticks are?
09:49 I mean, they never-- I wish they would change the shape of the bullet.
09:55 It's so hard to put it on, especially with these vampy colors.
09:58 They're like the kings of vampy colors.
10:01 They make them so beautifully.
10:03 But it's really hard to get in there, especially
10:05 if you have a really defined Cupid's bow.
10:08 But you're like, you know what, Dani?
10:10 I'm not about to deal with the mess of that bullet.
10:12 I want something that looks more of like a real lipstick.
10:16 Black Cherry from Milani is the same color, but it has that scent.
10:22 You know that signature Milani scent?
10:24 So it's very-- it's the same color, you guys.
10:28 It's the same color, same finish, but I do prefer my Wet n Wild one.
10:34 So let me show you.
10:37 At the top, this is Cherry Bomb from Wet n Wild.
10:40 And then at the bottom right here, that is Milani's Black Cherry.
10:44 So they are the same color, but it's the bullet.
10:49 It's the bullet.
10:49 The bullet gets me every time.
10:51 I mean, if I'm in a hurry, there's no way in heck
10:53 I'm going to wear a vampy lip, because I can't get in there.
10:56 I just can't get in there the way I'm supposed to.
10:59 So that might be a selling point for you guys.
11:02 These are the things you need to consider if you're a makeup junkie, right?
11:05 The shape of the bullet.
11:07 Well, that is it for this collaboration video.
11:09 These are my top five favorite reds and vampy lips.
11:13 I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
11:15 Like always, all of these lipsticks, all of them,
11:17 including the dupes or alternatives, will be listed in the description box
11:21 below.
11:21 So please check there first.
11:23 And also, please head over to Samantha's channel
11:25 to see which colors she picked out.
11:27 I'm really, really interested in seeing what she picked out.
11:30 I haven't cheated this time.
11:31 Sometimes I cheat, and I ask her ahead of time.
11:33 I haven't cheated this time.
11:35 I really hope you guys are enjoying this series.
11:37 I will leave Samantha's channel and video,
11:40 along with our playlist of all our other top fives,
11:42 in the description box below.
11:44 Please let us know what your favorite vampy lip
11:46 is in the comments section below.
11:48 And as always, if you found this video useful, entertaining,
11:51 or learned something, please give me a thumbs up or subscribe
11:53 if you haven't already.
11:55 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
11:57 Bye, guys.
11:59 (upbeat music)
