TAG Spring Fling

  • last year
00:00 (drum roll)
00:02 Coffee break with me.
00:06 Woo, hi guys.
00:07 Today I am back with a tag,
00:10 and this is the tag called Spring Fever,
00:13 and I was tagged by L is for Living.
00:15 You guys, she is so sweet.
00:18 She's one of those women that takes time out of her day
00:23 to make sure you're having a good day.
00:26 So she will leave a positive comment
00:29 on every single one of my videos.
00:32 She finds the good in everything.
00:34 She just makes you feel great.
00:36 I aspire to be like her, you know what I mean?
00:41 She's one of those women that empowers other women,
00:45 basically, and so when she tagged me,
00:48 I was like, absolutely, I will do your tag.
00:51 So let's go ahead and get started.
00:53 Basically, it's a tag to kind of find out
00:57 how excited you are about spring,
00:59 if you have any special plans,
01:00 how you celebrate the spring, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
01:03 So I'm gonna look at the questions on my phone
01:06 and then share my answers with you guys.
01:08 The very first question is,
01:10 what eye palette do you or will you use most in the spring?
01:14 This is kind of a toss-up
01:15 because in the spring, I lose my mind.
01:18 I will do neutrals with bright lips and bright cheeks,
01:22 or I will do bright eyes.
01:24 I'm all over the place in spring.
01:26 Spring is kind of like a free-for-all season for me.
01:29 So two palettes that I know for sure
01:31 I'm gonna be using a lot.
01:33 The first one is my Too Faced Love Sephora palette.
01:36 I am obsessed with this palette.
01:38 I don't reach for it enough,
01:39 probably because of the colors,
01:42 but look at how pretty those colors are.
01:44 I already did a couple of tutorials using it,
01:46 and I really, really like it.
01:48 I mean, radiant orchid is in here,
01:49 so I'm totally ready for the season.
01:52 And it's also cool for travel
01:53 because it has a bronzer and a blush
01:55 that are perfect for spring.
01:57 The other palette that I'm probably
01:59 going to be reaching for a lot
02:01 is the Stila In The Moment palette,
02:04 and this is a really pretty neutral browns
02:09 and purples palette.
02:11 And I love my purples, I love my lavenders for spring.
02:16 They're just, I don't know,
02:18 it's like my favorite color for spring
02:19 is this kind of like lavender, pastelly purple color.
02:24 I think it's amazing for that.
02:26 Number two is what blush in your collection
02:29 is a spring must-have, and what about lipstick?
02:34 So I have several options for cheeks.
02:37 The first one is Bobbi Brown's Pale Pink.
02:40 I love this pink blush.
02:42 It's just the perfect amount of brightness
02:47 without making you look like a clown,
02:49 you know what I mean?
02:50 So I was wearing a different blush today,
02:52 and I kind of blended it out and added this on top
02:54 so you can get a little bit of an idea
02:56 of what it looks like.
02:57 It is a cool-toned bright pink, bright baby pink.
03:01 So it's definitely flattering on most skin tones,
03:04 but it is a Bobbi Brown blush,
03:05 so I thought I would give you guys a drugstore alternative.
03:08 And this is the Maybelline Master Highlight blush in coral,
03:13 and I'm wearing this in several of my recent videos.
03:17 Perfect neutral coral shade for spring and summer,
03:22 especially if I'm gonna be doing a pop of color on the eyes.
03:26 I want a more neutral blush,
03:28 and this is a neutral blush that doesn't go understated.
03:32 So it's definitely a must-have in your collection.
03:36 And for lips, it's always so hard for me
03:38 to just pick one thing, you know?
03:40 I can never just pick one thing and commit.
03:42 So I have a couple of options.
03:44 The first one, again, I'm wearing it in several of my videos
03:47 and this is the limited edition Revlon color.
03:52 You guys remember they relaunched, I think, four lipsticks.
03:58 Like, they brought them back.
04:01 We voted and then they brought them back,
04:03 and now they're available at drugstores.
04:05 There's a classic red, there's two peach,
04:08 and I think like a glazed lilac color.
04:11 So I picked up one of them, and this is Jungle Peach.
04:13 I'm wearing it in, which video?
04:18 My Ipsy, my March Ipsy bag.
04:20 And just a, just, I can't think.
04:25 Just a quick swatch.
04:26 That's what Jungle Peach looks like.
04:28 Kinda neutral.
04:29 It probably wouldn't show up on too many skin tones
04:35 because it is pretty sheer.
04:37 You kinda have to build it up.
04:38 My other one is my Revlon Color Burst Matte Balm
04:42 in Audacious, and this is like a hot coral.
04:47 And I'm also swatching that right next to it
04:50 so you guys can see.
04:51 It almost looks like, on camera,
04:56 it's picking up a lot darker.
04:57 It's basically the color of my shirt,
04:59 so you can get an idea.
05:01 And then my absolute favorite,
05:02 which is definitely not for everybody,
05:05 is a Chroma Beauty Joystick.
05:08 This is the Kardashian makeup brand,
05:11 and this is in the color Shocking Pink.
05:14 And it is definitely shocking
05:16 and probably not for everybody,
05:18 but who am I to judge if you like bright colors, right?
05:21 I love this color.
05:23 And it kinda has like a staining effect,
05:25 so it really doesn't go anywhere.
05:27 It stays on for a very long time.
05:29 I really, really like it,
05:30 and I think one of the reasons it's my favorite
05:31 is because of the presentation.
05:34 It is basically a lipstick,
05:35 but it's a lot easier to put it on
05:37 without kinda getting too crazy and outside of the lines.
05:41 The next question, or question number three,
05:44 is what nail polishes do you love to wear in the spring?
05:47 I always like to be season appropriate,
05:51 but I don't ever let that define my style.
05:53 So if I wanna wear, you know,
05:56 a dark berry or a wine color nail polish
05:59 in the middle of May, I will,
06:01 and I don't have a problem with it.
06:03 But if I wanna be on trend or in season,
06:07 a couple of my favorite colors for spring
06:09 are Mod About You, which is a really pale,
06:13 pale, pale, pale pink from OPI.
06:17 My next favorite is Flirt from Revlon,
06:21 and this is basically Radiant Orchid.
06:23 It's a really pretty pinky purple color.
06:27 I found this color on accident at Ulta.
06:31 I didn't know it was one of their number one best sellers,
06:34 and I just fell in love, and it's a really pretty color.
06:38 And then the last one, obviously,
06:40 is Pop Beauty's Mint Magic.
06:43 This is just one of my favorite all-time colors of life,
06:48 but I had to give it a little shout-out
06:49 because in spring, it's the perfect, like, Easter egg color.
06:53 Question number five is what is your spring break agenda?
06:57 You guys, I am so excited because spring, for me,
07:02 is going to be such a busy season.
07:04 My mom is coming to visit.
07:06 Actually, when you guys see this video,
07:08 she'll probably be here visiting me.
07:11 So my mom is coming to visit me for a whole week.
07:13 After that, I'm going to IMADS in New York City,
07:17 and I'll be there for a couple days
07:18 with three of my best friends.
07:20 And then after that, my brother, my sister-in-law,
07:24 my niece and nephew, oh, the cutest little children
07:29 on the planet, besides Tater Tot,
07:32 are coming to stay with me for a week.
07:33 So it's going to be such a happy time, such a busy time.
07:37 So many friends and family are gonna be really close
07:40 in my life, you know, present in my life,
07:44 that I'm just so excited.
07:45 I already, like, painted some rooms in my house
07:49 and kind of made it look more special, you know?
07:53 That's just how excited I am to have guests come over
07:56 because I, living in Dallas, I only have my in-laws.
08:02 My husband's parents are the only ones here.
08:04 We don't have any other friends and family.
08:05 So having people come into town to see us
08:08 is really, really, really, really a big deal.
08:11 First six is what trends are you looking forward
08:13 to the most, fashion, makeup, nail, or polish?
08:16 I always get excited when trends,
08:21 when trends support what I naturally like.
08:26 So I naturally like a really bright lip,
08:29 hot pink, electric orange, neon clothes.
08:33 Like, my personal taste is bright and just,
08:38 you know, bright and busy.
08:43 That's just what I like.
08:44 I love bright colors, I love neons, I love bright lipstick.
08:47 So when the trends support that, I get really excited.
08:51 So I'm just excited that everyone else
08:54 is going to be wearing bright colors like I normally do.
08:57 Number seven is do you have a spring skincare must-have?
09:01 I think a good skincare must-have
09:04 all year round is sunscreen.
09:07 But I have a really hard time finding one
09:09 that I really like.
09:10 So I think that's gonna be my mission,
09:12 to find a really good sunscreen product
09:16 or sunscreen-infused beauty product
09:19 that I could use this spring because I'm getting older
09:22 and I don't wanna get any sunspots or wrinkles
09:25 or, you know, I wanna keep my face
09:27 looking as young as possible.
09:28 Number eight is what is spring like where you live?
09:32 I live in Dallas, really, really north Dallas.
09:36 And spring here is very wet.
09:41 It is warm and it's sunny, but it rains like,
09:45 like I've never seen.
09:47 I'm from Southern California, so when it rains there,
09:51 people freak out over, like, sprinkling.
09:54 And here, it actually, you walk out for two seconds
09:57 and you're drenched.
09:58 So we do have really, really, really severe thunderstorms,
10:03 but I really enjoy them.
10:04 I think they're romantic, I think they're nice,
10:06 I think our plants need it,
10:08 and it's just, it's a good way to just wash the city,
10:12 you know?
10:13 So it is beautiful weather, but it also rains a lot.
10:15 But I enjoy it.
10:17 Number nine is florals.
10:20 Gotta have 'em or make them stop.
10:22 I love florals.
10:23 Who doesn't like flowers?
10:24 Flowers make everything prettier, girly, more delicate.
10:28 So I love florals.
10:29 Big florals, small florals, pastel florals, bright florals,
10:32 all kinds of florals, I'm down for it all the time.
10:35 And number 10 is, what is your favorite thing
10:39 or activity to do in the spring?
10:41 I just love that spring allows us the freedom
10:43 to be outside now.
10:45 And Tater Tot, my son, he's two and a half,
10:48 he just loves to be outside.
10:50 It doesn't matter what we're doing,
10:51 as long as we're outside, he is in heaven.
10:54 So that's going to give us the freedom to go to the park
10:58 and go to those little, you know,
11:02 those little fountain parks where you can get wet.
11:05 He can just play outside with Ernie, sidewalk chalk.
11:09 There's so many activities we can do outside,
11:11 and it's just so much better than to be home
11:13 staring at the TV or, you know, just being indoors.
11:17 So we can get our tan on together.
11:19 (laughs)
11:20 So that is it for this spring fever tag.
11:23 Thank you so much Elle for being in my life,
11:25 for being so positive and for tagging me.
11:28 If you guys get a chance to go check out her channel,
11:31 I'm gonna leave her channel and her video down below
11:33 so that you guys can go support her.
11:35 I really hope you enjoyed this tag video.
11:37 Let me know in the comments section
11:38 if you enjoy these more personal like tags,
11:41 and I'll be sure to keep filming more for you guys.
11:44 And as always, if you guys found this video useful
11:46 or entertaining or learned something,
11:48 give me a thumbs up or subscribe
11:50 if you haven't already.
11:51 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
