What's In My SHOWER

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, it's Jen and obviously today I'm back in my bathroom again because I wanted to share with you what is in my shower.
00:07 I've never actually done a "What's in my shower" video, but I actually really love watching them.
00:12 So I thought it would be really fun to share with you guys what is currently in my space from where I clean myself.
00:19 So let's go ahead and check it out.
00:22 So I'm gonna start off with this one. This is the current body wash I'm using.
00:25 It's the Olay Sensitive Body Wash, which I've been really loving lately.
00:30 I actually talked about this in my sensitive skincare video, so if you haven't seen that, I'll leave an annotation right over there.
00:36 So you can click and watch that.
00:38 But basically, this is just your really amazing, super moisturizing body wash.
00:43 And I really love that it's unscented because I'm quite sensitive to fragrances.
00:48 And this one is just pretty amazing. It actually has an entire jar of moisturizer inside.
00:54 I definitely feel that because you know how some body washes make your skin feel squeaky clean?
01:00 And then as soon as you step out of the shower, you just feel like all the moisturizer is sucked out of your body?
01:06 I really hate that feeling, and this definitely doesn't do that.
01:09 And then the next thing I wanted to show you guys is my shampoo and conditioner.
01:13 And I'm currently using the Pantene Pro-V Repair and Protect Shampoo and Conditioner Set.
01:20 And I like this one because it is a damage-controlling one.
01:25 And because I kind of got my hair colored, I use a curling iron on it sometimes.
01:30 I just want to really make sure that it doesn't have a lot of damage, so I've been using this kind.
01:35 So now we are going to move on to that wall over there.
01:39 Next, I wanted to talk about this little shower console thing that hangs on the shower head.
01:45 And I usually just keep lighter things on this one.
01:48 Like, I'll rotate out my face washes and things like that, but I'll start at the bottom here.
01:52 We have these His and Hers Salix Body Scrubbers.
01:57 If you guys are Asian, you probably already know what this is.
01:59 But they're like really exfoliating body scrubbing things.
02:03 Like, it's kind of rough, but you feel really extra clean when you use these.
02:07 And I use them instead of those like scrubby, squishy, like loofah things that other people use for their body wash.
02:14 I love using these.
02:15 If I travel, I absolutely have to take this with me because I just don't feel clean unless I use it.
02:21 And then right above that, I have my toothbrush.
02:24 It's the Nimbus toothbrush, which is kind of neat because it has these little fibers in it that are extra long.
02:30 So it's kind of like flossing your teeth as you're brushing.
02:34 And then above that, I have my little shower cap.
02:37 This one is by Aqua Lilies for Tarte.
02:40 So it's like really adorable with this little scaling pattern.
02:44 And what I like about shower caps is I don't use it like normal people would to keep their hair dry.
02:51 I actually use this after I will put in a conditioner or deep conditioner in my hair.
02:56 So I'll just put this over my head after I am all conditioned to look really cool.
03:02 But it's just protecting my body from the conditioner because I don't really like it rinsing down my body.
03:07 I like using that as a little extra shower tip.
03:10 So now let's move on to this side.
03:13 On this side, there's a little glass wall.
03:16 It's part of the front of the shower.
03:17 So we like to put things on there that have little suction cups.
03:20 So this is starting with an anti-fog mirror that Ben has.
03:25 He just puts his little razors and stuff in here and then he can shave in the shower.
03:29 And then below that, I have my razor.
03:32 And this is the Schick Intuition.
03:36 I really like this because you don't have to have a separate shaving cream.
03:39 So it just keeps things a little bit less cluttered inside.
03:42 And then below that, we have one of my favorite things in the whole shower, which is my squeegee.
03:48 I don't know if you guys use a squeegee in your shower, but I really, really love using this.
03:55 After every single time my husband and I shower, we literally squeegee all of the walls and the shower
04:02 and the glass and everything so that there isn't extra mold or water spots that grow on everything.
04:08 It's always just really better for you to kind of get rid of all of the excess water as much as possible.
04:13 And it's just really kind of gratifying to squeegee glass surfaces, especially because water just
04:20 slicks off and you feel like it's like being really productive or something.
04:24 So I love having that hang right in here at all times so that it's right then ready to use.
04:30 So one last thing.
04:33 This is the Nature's Miracle Gentle Puppy Puppy Shampoo.
04:39 And this is in here because we kind of recently discovered that Oreo loves to hop into the shower.
04:47 Like he's always interested in what we're doing whenever we're showering.
04:50 So we decided to bring the puppy shampoo in here.
04:53 I literally gave him a bath in the shower because he loves coming into the shower.
04:59 Like he's always really liking to lick the water and I think he just likes it because it's like
05:04 mom or dad is already in the shower.
05:06 So he wants to be close to us and it's just really cute.
05:10 He does not like to take a shower or bath in the sink.
05:14 Like it kind of freaks him out but we discovered like this is the easiest and best way.
05:19 So I guess this is my final shower product is puppy shampoo.
05:22 So I guess that is about it.
05:24 I hope you guys enjoyed looking at what's in my shower.
05:27 And if you guys liked this then don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel.
05:32 This is Jen and I will talk to you guys next time.
05:36 Bye!
05:36 Hey guys, it's Jen and today I wanted to share with you another fashion haul.
05:40 I don't know if it's just me but I've been really obsessed with kind of like
05:44 rib and skeleton and skull imagery.
05:47 All of my other workout pants are just like plain black.
05:50 So I thought this would be really fun to mix it up a little bit.
