• 2 years ago
00:00 (eerie music)
00:02 - Well.
00:06 Gosh.
00:10 I really wanted to keep it.
00:15 That's why I, as you can see, put these in the ground.
00:21 Okay, I'm gonna,
00:23 let's see.
00:24 Shut up.
00:29 (eerie music)
00:32 Gosh.
00:36 That's really, really sharp.
00:40 (eerie music)
00:43 Gosh.
00:54 Look at that.
00:56 (eerie music)
00:59 Oh my gosh.
01:02 This is not easy at all.
01:09 And if this is not gonna work,
01:19 if this is not gonna work,
01:20 then I'm afraid I have to go all the way again,
01:25 but I'm not really scared for,
01:27 scared of doing it, so.
01:30 (eerie music)
01:32 (laughs)
01:40 Gosh, this looks really weird.
01:45 God.
01:49 (eerie music)
01:51 (saw buzzing)
01:54 (upbeat music)
02:00 Yeah, I'm a perfectionist.
02:17 (saw buzzing)
02:19 Ah, gosh.
02:24 You can leave it like this, too.
02:31 Oh no.
02:32 (saw buzzing)
02:36 (upbeat music)
02:45 ♪ Hey, if you're by myself ♪
02:47 ♪ Then I know you listen to my heart ♪
02:52 I'm gonna unplug it now, I loaded it, so it's all right.
02:58 Ha, this is really fun.
03:00 This is really, oh, it's still on.
03:05 Ha, I'm gonna do the other side right now.
03:10 (saw buzzing)
03:14 (upbeat music)
03:16 (scissors snipping)
03:19 (scissors snipping)
03:22 (saw buzzing)
03:49 Finally.
03:49 (upbeat music)
03:57 That stupid thing keeps on switching.
04:07 Ah, that's not cool.
04:12 So then it won't be equal.
04:17 Equal.
04:18 Not that you really can see it,
04:21 because it's really short.
04:23 (upbeat music)
04:29 ♪ You seem to be feeling alive ♪
04:45 ♪ I'm here ♪
04:47 I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep it like this.
04:53 That's all.
04:58 I mean, come on, I look really weird right now.
05:03 Those are my fucking neighbors.
05:12 They're really, really annoying.
05:15 Gosh, look at this.
05:20 I'm all under my hair.
05:22 That's the way they are.
05:27 Got my hair all over me.
05:31 (saw buzzing)
05:35 I'm not sure how to do the back.
05:41 ♪ You're the man, jump, shake, oh ♪
05:45 Look at that.
05:49 How bloody.
05:54 This is really heavy.
05:56 ♪ And we'll burn this whole madhouse down ♪
06:01 ♪ And up the wall, and up the wall ♪
06:04 ♪ And set you on a ♪
06:06 You don't need any of that.
06:09 ♪ See you back ♪
06:14 ♪ Let's hit my toe, no offense, but it's not fair ♪
06:21 ♪ To move yourself around ♪
06:24 ♪ You're a father ♪
06:26 Okay, my hair is all over the place,
06:32 and I need to check the back.
06:38 Look at this.
06:39 (saw buzzing)
06:42 Oh my, I cannot see that, that is crap.
06:45 (saw buzzing)
06:48 (scraping)
06:58 (scraping)
07:00 (scraping)
07:03 (laughing)
07:18 (laughing)
07:20 (laughing)
07:22 (saw buzzing)
07:25 My hair's falling down.
07:52 ♪ Push down to your body ♪
07:55 Oh my gosh.
07:57 All right.
07:59 Look at that.
08:04 It's all falling.
08:10 It's all falling in my sink.
08:13 (scraping)
08:20, that's not fair to do.
08:22 (scraping)
08:24 (saw buzzing)
08:37 Oh, that's not fair to do.
08:40 (saw buzzing)
08:43 Well, I switched off the camera
09:01 because I wasn't sure if I had enough space to film,
09:09 but of course I'm gonna save the big part
09:14 of removing this for the video.
09:18 Yeah, I kinda did it my way too,
09:25 but I'm so not sure if I'm gonna keep this,
09:30 but I just wanted to see,
09:37 yeah, I also wanted to see what I could do.
09:41 This is really, really weird.
09:47 You can tell I'm not a hairdresser.
09:51 Maybe I should get my scissors and go like crazy.
09:56 I don't wanna do that, but I'll have to switch off the camera
10:02 'cause then I won't have space left.
10:04 We'll see.
10:07 Oh, by the way, I just saw the back.
10:10 Not sure if you did.
10:12 So yeah, I started to get a little bit excited
10:16 because the back is kinda even, if you ask me.
10:21 And yeah, maybe I'm getting a little bit excited about,
10:28 so it looks kinda cool too, I guess.
10:36 (laughs)
10:38 With a little bit of wax,
10:41 I can make something really cool of it, I guess.
10:44 Yeah, it looks really crazy, but I am crazy.
10:47 So maybe I might keep it like this for a while
10:52 because I'm actually a little bit pleased with it.
10:57 This is the first time I did something creative
10:59 with my dear buddy,
11:03 and it turned out to be something I actually like.
11:08 So maybe I'm gonna keep it this way for a little,
11:11 well, maybe just a few days and then we'll see.
11:14 Yeah.
11:15 I'm really gonna take a shower
11:19 'cause I look like I have hair on the wrong places.
11:23 So yeah, I'm gonna take a shower
11:26 and I'm gonna see how creative I can be with this.
11:31 Ha!
11:33 Yeah, I think it looks cool, I guess.
11:35 And this is my hair on the ground.
11:39 Little bit darker than I expected.
11:43 Ooh, I'm gonna keep it in a bag.
11:49 Yeah.
11:50 Way better than I ever did it.
12:00 Nothing on the ground, it's all in a bag right now.
12:03 I can save it.
12:05 And this is the way it looks.
12:07 I think it's crazy and cool and it's so me.
12:13 So I'm really, really happy and I'm excited.
12:17 But when I was in the shower,
12:20 I had some hair in my hands.
12:23 Yeah, after putting shampoo and stuff in it,
12:30 but I still think it looks great, crazy, me.
12:35 Just how I wished, how I hoped it would be.
12:42 So yeah.
12:43 Let's see how it's gonna be if it's dry
12:48 and then I'll put some wax in it, I guess.
12:51 So yeah, I'm happy with it.
12:59 So this is how I've been wearing my hair today.
13:04 First day, I went out with my new look.
13:11 And I think this is a really cute way to wear it,
13:17 but you can have any style with it, I guess.
13:26 If you want to be tough for a day,
13:28 you can make it a tough look.
13:31 If you want it to be cute, it can be cute.
13:35 So it's really suitable for every,
13:39 yeah, any kind of look you want for it, I guess.
13:45 This is the back.
13:45 I'm really happy with it.
13:50 Actually, I feel bad that it's gonna grow
13:55 'cause this is really how I would like to have it.
13:58 I didn't really take,
14:01 it didn't really take much time to style it.
14:03 I just put a little wax in it and then it goes like this.
14:07 And I combed it to the front and that's it.
14:12 So I was finished within like six minutes or something.
14:18 So it wasn't really long.
14:25 So this is what it looks like after a day
14:30 doing all the things I had to do.
14:34 And I'm happy with it, so yeah.
14:38 That was a six.
14:41 (upbeat music)
14:43 (upbeat music)
14:46 (upbeat music)
14:48 (upbeat music)