• 2 years ago
00:00 My name is Emily Cremeans and I'm a senior at Republic High School.
00:05 Recently I've been learning a lot about teenage cancer and the devastating effects that it has on kids my age.
00:11 The more I've learned about teenage cancer, the more it's touched my heart and it's developed a passion within me and I want to do something about it.
00:21 These kids go through treatment and chemotherapy that poisons their body and causes them to lose their hair. Their right to hair and their right to a normal childhood is just taken away from them.
00:33 In an effort to support these kids and to honor them, I've decided that I'm going to shave my hair and donate it all to Locks of Love.
00:41 I'm really excited about this because I think that it's the closest that I'll ever get to understanding what it might be like to have cancer
00:48 and to go through the process of changing physically and standing out and not fitting in to the norm.
00:55 I'm really excited about it because you guys have a chance to come alongside of me in my Share Your Hair event through Locks of Love and cut your hair and donate it.
01:05 Your hair will go straight to these kids who have gone through cancer.
01:10 In 2013, over 500,000 people are expected to die from cancer.
01:16 2,000 of those people are teenagers.
01:19 18,000 kids and teenagers will be diagnosed with cancer in 2013.
01:26 The Share Your Hair event is going to be January 27th from 6pm to 9pm held at the Sistem Paul Mitchell School in Springfield.
01:35 This event is free because I want you guys to come out and stand alongside of me and make a difference.
01:42 We have the opportunity to make a difference and change lives and bring beauty back to these children.
01:49 I just really encourage you guys to take a step and together we can really do something huge.
