Le quotidien des bourses - 12/06/2023

  • l’année dernière
MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 12/06/2023
00:00 [Music]
00:04 It's time for the stock market, time to talk about the main African stock markets.
00:11 Hello everyone, we start in Morocco where the Casa stock market recorded a nice increase at the end of the session.
00:16 The Mazi gained +0.52% and closed at 11,060 points.
00:21 The market recorded a global volume of 166 million dirhams, including 20 million on the bond market.
00:26 On the stock market, Adowa in bond form caught 4 million and progressed +5.96%.
00:32 For a second day in a row, the beautiful life is the star of investors.
00:36 The title of the distributor mobilizes 44 million dirhams and closes at an appreciation of +0.67%.
00:43 At the level of the bankers, BCP, Atijari, Wafaa Bank end in highs and each drains 8 million dirhams.
00:51 The Tunisian stock market consolidates with almost unchanged closures. The Tunindex varies slightly from +0.06% to close at 8,784 points.
01:01 The Sotuv title captures almost half of the traded volumes and gains +0.97%.
01:07 Humed supports the increase with a gain of +0.13%.
01:11 But the worst progressions are recorded on the MGR values which gain +3.96%.
01:17 Sotet in increases of +3.57%. Sokna gains +3.48%.
01:23 But its performance is slowed down by values such as UIB in decline of -1.45%.
01:29 TGH in decline of -1.69%.
01:32 Overall, the market was very dynamic, mobilizing nearly 7 million dirhams.
01:39 The regional stock market of Liomoa ends on a nice bounce. The Composite gained +1.47% and closed at 198.94 points.
01:48 The index returns to the conquest of 200 points.
01:51 The market was quite dynamic and recorded 1.232 billion francs.
01:55 We knew it, Palmsy and Sonatel were in the spotlight.
02:00 Sonatel progressed by +2.70% and captured 579 million francs.
02:06 While Palmsy mobilized 103 million francs.
02:09 Orange Cote d'Ivoire gains +4.19%.
02:12 The dividends announced by the company for June 13 have caught the attention of the market.
02:18 For its very first dividend paid to its shareholders after its introduction in the stock market just 6 months ago,
02:24 Orange Cote d'Ivoire promises 752 francs per share held.
02:28 And of course, the share price is still rising given the small buying pressure.
02:32 Same for the Cote d'Ivoire general stock company, which has a 2.90% increase.
02:39 That's it for the most recent news of the African stock markets.
02:43 See you soon to see the indices that carry the African economy in full growth.
02:48 [Music]