MY DUBAI hotel apartment room tour SALONIA MAKEUP

  • last year
00:00 *intro music*
00:13 Hello guys, welcome back to my channel.
00:18 How are you guys doing?
00:20 So right now I am on vacation, I am in Dubai.
00:24 And I will just give you a tour of my apartment hotel.
00:29 Which basically means it is a hotel but it is a mini apartment.
00:33 It has everything included.
00:35 So I will take you around, I will explain everything while I show you around.
00:40 So let's just get started.
00:42 Alright, so this is the entrance of the room.
00:49 I am in Dubai's sports city.
00:54 These are cupboards where you can put your clothes.
00:58 This is the cupboard for your shoes.
01:03 Alright, this is the washroom.
01:07 So just a simple washroom, nothing so fancy.
01:14 That it's convenient, has everything in it.
01:17 These are my suitcases.
01:21 There is a table here, a dining table so people can eat.
01:27 Then here we have a sink.
01:29 They provide all the dishes for you.
01:33 And then we have a garbage bin right there.
01:37 That is the grocery that I've done, that's olive oil.
01:40 I have a washing machine going on right now.
01:44 It is a 2 in 1.
01:46 So it is a washer and a dryer.
01:50 Very convenient.
01:52 You save money because of your laundry.
01:55 There is a microwave here.
01:58 These dishes are already provided by the hotel.
02:05 That's the grocery that I've done.
02:07 And then here we have a stove.
02:12 So on here we have one light and then we have the fan for when you're cooking.
02:21 There's two stoves here.
02:25 And this is the cutlery that's already provided.
02:29 I've made some food.
02:32 There's a button here for the washing machine and for the cooker.
02:37 This is already provided by the hotel for your coffee.
02:41 What else?
02:44 This is a huge fridge.
02:48 And I've done some groceries.
02:52 There's some egg, yogurt and salad.
02:58 And here we have meat, peas and chicken.
03:07 So I will be making my own food here in the apartment hotel.
03:10 By doing this it is very affordable.
03:13 You can travel on budget because if you are eating outside in restaurants
03:17 every single day it can get very expensive.
03:20 So here we have one side table.
03:23 This is my bed.
03:26 I get to hold that to myself.
03:29 We have a TV here.
03:32 We have a desk here.
03:34 I was just doing my makeup.
03:38 Then we have a chair here.
03:41 A small table here and a one piece couch.
03:46 And this is the balcony.
03:49 I'm just going to take you guys outside.
03:52 Let's see what's inside.
03:59 So this is the outside.
04:01 There's construction going on because like I said I'm in Dubai's old city.
04:05 So there's a lot of construction.
04:08 But there is a city centre car ward nearby where you can do your groceries.
04:15 And then you can bring them here and just cook for yourself.
04:18 That way you can also eat healthy.
04:22 There's a lot of construction going on.
04:25 But that's the view from here.
04:36 And that's it. It has this perfect little apartment.
04:50 Alright so I'm just going to sit here and talk to you guys for a moment.
05:19 So I would suggest coming to this apartment hotel only because it is affordable.
05:28 Especially if you want to stay here for a few nights.
05:33 You can cook your own food.
05:35 You can make your own food.
05:36 You can also eat healthy that way.
05:38 I've noticed that the restaurants in Dubai are very expensive.
05:43 For one meal you can easily spend about 50-75 dirhams based on what you eat.
05:54 If you want to go to the cheapest route you can have like chicken fajitas or shawarma.
06:00 But I know a lot of people come here just to try the food.
06:04 But just be prepared that if you are eating out everyday you will be spending a lot of money.
06:10 Apart from your travel which is your ticket, your hotel and your transportation.
06:16 There is a metro here. The metro is very very good.
06:21 It has wifi on the metro as well.
06:24 It takes you to all the stations. It is very easy to access.
06:29 It is very easy to use.
06:31 If I can understand it I'm sure anyone can understand it.
06:35 Because I usually tend to get lost in Canada.
06:40 There are bus facilities here.
06:42 It is very easy to travel.
06:46 But this area where I am currently everything is far away.
06:52 The reason I'm here is because I found it very convenient.
06:59 I don't really go out that much.
07:04 And when I do I leave early and I come back late.
07:08 Yesterday I got back home at 2am.
07:12 So I will be leaving the address to this hotel apartment down below.
07:18 There are many in the city.
07:20 You can search but I like this one.
07:25 The services are good. The staff is good.
07:29 They have good room service.
07:31 They come and clean everything. They come and wash your dishes as well.
07:35 They will provide you with water, coffee.
07:38 They replenish everything for you.
07:40 They have a good reception. It is a 24 hour reception.
07:45 So anytime you call there will always be somebody.
07:48 If you need housekeeping even at 2am or 3am.
07:51 There is housekeeping at that time also.
07:54 So this is my recommendation. I give it 2 thumbs up.
07:59 This is a really amazing hotel.
08:01 I did stay at another hotel before this one.
08:05 I might be staying at a different hotel in 1 or 2 days after this one.
08:10 But I'm not sure because maybe I want to cancel that one.
08:13 Let's see what happens.
08:15 But if I do go to a different hotel I will give you a tour of that one too.
08:21 I will let you guys know what I suggest.
08:24 Because it is very important to travel smart.
08:29 I also have a metro card.
08:32 I got a metro card just like the bus pass in Toronto.
08:36 But you can just load it instead of a monthly pass.
08:41 So I will leave the address below if you guys are interested.
08:45 Do consider this property. It is a very good property.
08:48 It is owned by Maymonds.
08:51 I don't know if you guys are aware of Maymonds.
08:54 Everything is good quality here. Everything is high quality here.
08:59 It looks very luxe.
09:01 So I'm very happy with this place.
09:04 I certainly do recommend it to you guys.
09:06 Alright, so I will see you guys in my next video.
09:09 There will be a lot of tours.
09:11 I will be doing a tour of this hotel. Everything that's included.
09:14 There is a swimming pool. There is a gym.
09:17 There is a spa.
09:21 There is a swimming pool, gym, a spa.
09:28 There is a restaurant. There is a cafe.
09:31 I will be taking you guys around.
09:34 And showing you everything that you can access.
09:38 There are no extra costs.
09:40 You can easily access it with your access card.
09:43 Which is also a good thing.
09:46 The pool is decent size.
09:50 The pool is decent size.
09:56 The gym is decent size.
09:57 There is not a lot of equipment.
09:59 But I will show you guys and you guys can just check it out yourself.
10:03 So do watch out for that video.
10:05 And I will see you guys later.
10:07 Take care. Bye.
10:10 [Music]
